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Nato chief alarmed by construction of new Chinese nuclear missile silos


Nov 4, 2011
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Nato chief alarmed by construction of new Chinese nuclear missile silos
  • China was also expanding its nuclear arsenal with more warheads and a more sophisticated delivery system, said Nato Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg
  • ‘As a global power, China has global responsibilities in arms control,’ said Stoltenberg at a Nato conference on arms control issues in Copenhagen

Published: 2:12am, 7 Sep, 2021

Nato Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has expressed concern about the construction of new missile silos by China that could significantly step up the country's nuclear capabilities.

China was also rapidly expanding its nuclear arsenal with more warheads and a more sophisticated delivery system in an unrestricted manner, Stoltenberg said on Monday at a Nato conference on arms control issues organised in Copenhagen.

“As a global power, China has global responsibilities in arms control,” Stoltenberg said in a message to the economic superpower, which has so far largely refused to engage in talks on the subject.

Beijing would also benefit from mutual limitations, more transparency and predictability, the former Norwegian prime minister said.

At the end of July, the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) published a study on new construction work. With the help of satellite images, FAS discovered a large area near Hami in the northwestern region of
Xinjiang where silos for nuclear missiles were under construction.

Just a few weeks earlier, The Washington Post reported about a similar new site with missile storage or launch facilities near Yumen in Gansu province.

There could be more than 200 new missile silos in total, FAS experts estimated. That would be more than Russia and half as many as the United States has in operation for intercontinental missiles.

According to FAS, China has around 350 nuclear warheads – the US and Russia each have 4000 in their military stockpile.

Gora hypocrisy at its finest. Only the whites have the right to wield destructive power. The “chinaman”, the yellows, “rag heads”, the browns and blacks and sand n*gg*rs, are not evolved enough.

Also the irony of a military alliance chief speaking about Arms controls.
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Psychopathic American hypocrisy and doublespeak is their norm.
They cry foul at their own allegations of China potentially doing a 10th in defense spending they already did while pointing their guns at China and the rest of the world, completely justifying any response even if it was real.
China has refused to enter or negotiate in regards to it's nuclear development
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