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Nato caused ‘Rs110bn damage to roads’

wat wrong in that??:lol:
u take military aid...why not this one??:what:

Pakistan doesn't need aid, but yes NATO countries should be charged because their supply convoys are causing troubles, terrorists who attack convoys kill many people around these convoys, kill the drivers, destroy source of income of vehicle/truck owner & destroy the roads & bridges on whom these convoys are travelling. NATO doesn't bother to compensate for these huge losses & instead all their West channals start showing about the damage of their supply which also raises anti-Pakistan sentiments on innocent western civilions who are not aware of ground realities.
Also aid had never helped Pakistan but all this aid money is for corrupt rulers or to provide more security of NATO convoys.
Last i checked NATO wasn't holding a gun to Pakistans head and FORCING them to take these goods.

Pakistan VOLUNTEERED to assist and likewise AGREED to transport these goods for a FEE.

Trying to bill the USA seems like another poor attempt to squeeze more money out the USA.

Anger should be towards those milking the USA to line their own pockets.
Last i checked NATO wasn't holding a gun to Pakistans head and FORCING them to take these goods.

Pakistan VOLUNTEERED to assist and likewise AGREED to transport these goods for a FEE.

Trying to bill the USA seems like another poor attempt to squeeze more money out the USA.

Anger should be towards those milking the USA to line their own pockets.

If Pakistanis don't do it.... this job may be taken over by western trigger happy heavily armed "civilian contractors"... :angry:
Last i checked NATO wasn't holding a gun to Pakistans head and FORCING them to take these goods.

Pakistan VOLUNTEERED to assist and likewise AGREED to transport these goods.

Trying to bill the USA seems like another poor attempt to squeeze more money out the USA.

If they were so clean they would've never give aid to govt but had spend that money for development in Pakistan, for instance they could ve build industries for Pakistan(like Russians build Steel Mill) helped Pakistan get rid of it's enery/electricity crises, build schools with full facilities in poor areas & run them with their own funds,open their markets for Pakistani products & give these products tax free status, etc. If they had done so Pakistanis would today looking them like China, also Pakistan would not be in these crises. Aid given by them is bribe in reality for govt corrupt leaders in the name of Pakistan, why don't people understand this.:hitwall:
And how exactly did you come to this conclusion Sherlock, used the some advanced Intel collection methods which were used to detect the WMD's in Iraq ? Would you like to corroborate the assertion that the contracting company is owned by the Pak Military ?

The Pakistan Shipping company are the ones contracting with the drivers. Nato is paying the shipping company. The shipping company is Pakistan military owned.

There are a variety of sources you can research yourself. some are copyrighted paid services or books. I recommend Jane.s defense as being the best.

** ehh, I can't seem to write the title of a certian defense news website and have the page save it. youwill have to buy a subscription to view the whole report.
If we had charged them since past 10 years then we wouldn't need any aid, plus aid doesn't reach to common man anyways.
The transporters are paying taxes but the roads were not meant for such heavy frequent movement. Also ,the transporters overload their trucks to meet the demand of NATO which is causing serious damages to the roads network. These roads were built to run our economy and not a clueless war.

Err.. If Pakistani Contractors are overloading trucks to make more money, and that results in more wear and tear, how come that's NATO problem. Also while road tax is not proportional to the amount of usage, the income tax for transporters certainly is. If a transporter is using the roads excessively ferrying NATO stuff, it then means that contractor is making that much more money and hence should be paying that much more income tax. Thats an added revenue for the Govt which wouldnt have been other wise. A part of the same should be used to fix the roads..
Yes Amber you are very smart but tell me, would a road deteriorate at the same rate if before the WoT it only saw 100 trucks per day but now is seeing 500 trucks per day ? Would the wear and tear be the same Amber ? Scratch your genius head and tell me Amber, is it all the same ?

Thanks for the complements dude (however sarcastic), but you miss the point mate. If the road is seeing 500 instead of 100 trucks, then there is that much more wear and tear of trucks as well .. Hence that much more churn in the vehicles. A truck which now makes 300 runs in an year instead of 60 before WOT will get worn out that much faster and the transporter will need to replace the truck that much earlier.. Hence the road tax will go up. Also as I said earlier, more runs mean more income for the transporters and more income tax for the govt. and I am not even counting the indirect benefit to the economy in terms of support industries required to keep these runs going like Truck maintenance, fuel and so on..

Enough Genius for you or are you looking for more ;) ??
Is it really that difficult to charge 'Toll Tax' in Pakistan per entry based on Truckload,Distance to travel etc,that we have to find US/NATO conspiracy everywhere ? :what:
You really are one ungrateful SOB, aren't you ? Who are those contractors working for Einstein, are they supplying the daily groceries to the White House or making sure that your troops don't starve to death in Afghanistan ? From Oil to the tuna Sandwich that your soldiers eat, it all passes through Pakistan. You should bend over and shine our shoes but since you got no civility and can't do that, the least you can do is say Thank you and get the F**k out.

Whoa careful with the harsh language just cause I'm right. You can blame on the drivers who are using the roads and insurgents who are blowing up the roads. Has nothing to do with NATO driving or destroying the roads. I'm not that grateful to sympathize with the drivers who don't follow the road regulations. And the insurgents seem to agree with me. Perhaps they are pissed with them for messing up the roads as well.

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