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National Shooter becomes victim of love jihad.

My brother is married to a Muslim. Two of my cousins are married to Muslim men and one of my cousins are married to a Christian. All of these family members who are married to non-Hindus remained Hindus. It was a condition of marriage which they all seemed to have accepted that their children would be raised according to the Muslim/Christian faith. We seem to have no problem with that.
Your's is a True Secular Indian Family...................
When my Muslim nephew speaks to me about the wonders of the Prophet of Islam, it sounds as sweet to my ear as my Hindu nephews or nieces speaking to me about the wonders of Krishna or my Christian nephew speaking to me about the wonders of Christ. Their education is left to private schools. Their morals are shaped by their families. Their love for God is shaped through the religion which their parents choose for them. To me and other members of my family, there is no difference between any of these kids.

I must admit, this would be a living hell for me.

I would probably cry out to god to make this stop :D
I do tend to view these news items with suspicion. But things of this nature has happened in the past.

as I said before, people of this region take religion far too seriously. I mean there stories about Muslim women being killed and Hindu women killed for marrying outside of caste, or religion.

But my stance is clear, if a person asks you to convert to their religion, it should ring alarm bells. As Bang Galore explained before, it not only means a new faith, but a lot of the times the family of the converted is either cut off or attempts are made to convert them too.

if a person loves you for who you are, here's a clue, they will not tell you to supplant your identity.

But either way, my point about religion is proved day in day out.
What if the "person" you talk about is Scarlett Johannsen. I can convert to anything for her :smitten:
calm down bro, @waz belongs to an endangered species called 'rational people' in this forum. His comment stems from possible ignorance of the issue at hand, but he intends no malice, I can assure you.

curious to hear your take on this though.

Fair enough. I just read his other comments on the issue. My bad.
What if the "person" you talk about is Scarlett Johannsen. I can convert to anything for her :smitten:

that being said, all good looking Muslim women are welcome to perform love Jihad on this idolating Pagan.

It will be one hell of a blast. The place will be scorched with the Explosive charisma. She better be the bomb though

Fair enough. I just read his other comments on the issue. My bad.

No problem :-)
maybe she thought the same- poor girl- it turned out from all the other possibilities- he turned out to be a muslim-
by name muslim btw-a muslim cannot marry a hindu- not permitted- the relation will be haram- and sex will be considered sin-

I know that, and I think it's a load of crap, just like everything else from any religious book. It is supremely unfortunate that rubbish like that still rules the hearts and minds of people in the 21st century.
I know that, and I think it's a load of crap, just like everything else from any religious book. It is supremely unfortunate that rubbish like that still rules the hearts and minds of people in the 21st century.

Preach brother! Preach.

Finally someone with some sense.

@Bombaywalla brace for impact btw.

I sense a sh!tstorm headed your way.

Tara Shadeo, who is related to the erstwhile ruling family of the Palkot principality, won the gold medal at a national event, Eastern India Shooting Championship (2011-12).

RANCHI: The Jharkhand police lodged an FIR on the complaint of national-level shooter Tara Shadeo, who alleged she was deceived by one Ranjit Kumar Kohli into marriage, whose real name is Raqibul Hasan Khan. She said in her complaint that she was tortured for over a month to accept her husband's religion.

Confirming this, Ranchi SSP Prabhat Kumar told reporters on Sunday, "Raqibul Hasan Khan was known as Ranjit Kumar Kohli among people in Ranchi. After their marriage, he forced Tara to have a nikaah, which she refused, and was tortured for raising her voice in protest."

Kumar said police have charged Hasan with IPC section 295A which deals with deliberate and malicious act intended to outrage religious feelings of a class by insulting its religious beliefs. Following the August 22 FIR, the police sealed two of Hasan's houses and six cars.

Hindu religious organizations like the VHP called for a Ranchi bandh on Monday against Tara's fraudulent marriage, her torture and confinement. They demanded a CBI probe into Hasan's role, alleging he could be part of jihadi outfit carrying out forcible conversions by luring Hindu girls into marriage.

Tara, who is related to the erstwhile ruling family of the Palkot principality, won the gold medal at a national event, Eastern India Shooting Championship (2011-12).

Tara met Jharkhand Women's Commission chairperson Mahua Manjhi on August 23 and told her about her plight, saying she met Hasan as Ranjit Kohli in May this year during shooting practice at the range at Hotwar sports complex in Ranchi.

Tara Shahdeo, who comes from a royal family, showing her wounds inflicted by Hasan. The VHP demanded a CBI probe alleging Hasan could be part of a jihadi outfit carrying out forcible conversions by luring Hindu girls.

"He was well known as Kohli and connected to high-profile people of the state and a regular visitor at the shooting range," Tara told Manjhi, who quoted her. "Kohli" proposed her though her friends, Tara told the JWC chairperson, and their wedding took place according to Hindu rituals at a five-star hotel in Ranchi on July 20. It was attended by many well-known personalities including former Jharkhand Speaker Inder Singh Namdhari.

Tara's father Lal Ambika Nath Shahdeo said Hasan was well networked as Kohli and many people said positive things about him. "I tried to verify his credentials and most people I spoke to had positive remarks about him," he said.

After Hasan insisted on nikah, Tara also found letters marked in the name of Raqibul Hasan Khan.

"Most guests (visiting home) were Muslims and I came across invitation cards sent to him in the name Raqibul Hasan Khan," she told the JCW chairperson.

She said she was tortured and asked to accept Islam. Tara showed her wounds to the JSWC chairperson Manjhi, including dog bites, forced by her husband.

Hasan, she alleged, had taken away her mobile phone to ensure she couldn't contact her family. He, Tara said, had threatened to kill her father and brother if she spoke out. She then sent a message to her brother through her maid, when Hasan was out of the city.

Hindu activists protest in Ranchi on Sunday

"We raided Hasan's house with over a dozen policemen and rescued her on August 19," said Tara's brother, Dwed Nath Shahdeo. "Tara had injury marks on her body and was admitted to Ranchi Institute of Medical Sciences. Two days later, she was released and we lodged an FIR with the Hindpiri police station," he said.

Meanwhile, Hasan and his mother are said to have escaped from Ranchi in one of their SUVs. "A high alert has been sounded but they are untraced. They seem to have left Jharkhand," said DSP Kotwali Deepak Ambasth.

Inspector Mohammed Farooq, who raided Hasan's houses, said, the seized six cars and motorbike are registered in Ranchi registration in the name of Raqibul Hasan Khan. Special team has been constituted to arrest Hasan.

Girl married Kohli who turned out to be Hasan; faced torture for nikaah - The Times of India
Don't be a moron. Muslims aren't the only circumcised people on the planet.

P.S my previous post had quite a bit of abuse directed at you, but seeing your second post I edited it. So ignore any post that quoted me previously.

Now for the post.

My comment was fair, a bit tongue in cheek, especially in regards to the fact that in India it is Muslims who practice circumcision as a cultural and religious practice. I'm unsure how the rest of the "planet" come into it.It's an Indian specific case. Your comment would have been applicable if we were talking about the US, the Philippines, Africa etc where other groups, aside Muslims have the practice. Someone did mention medical reasons, which I accepted, but then again that would be the exception rather than the norm.
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Ironic you call moron you idiot noob, and my comment was fair, especially in regards to the fact that in India it is Muslims who practice circumcision as a cultural and religious pratice. How does the rest of the "planet" come into it? It's an Indian specific case! Your comment would have been applicable if we were talking about the US, the Philippines, Africa etc where other groups, aside Muslims have the practice. Someone did mention medical reasons, which I accepted, but then again that would be the exception rather than the norm.

waz :D you should know that Indians want to take copy rights of katwa this time .

how dare you called them NOT katwas :P
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I know, it shouldn't concern us sis. We get called morons for asking legitimate questions, although some Indian members have given good replies like bro @Ravi Nair .

Actually saffron walas react without reading properly or without understanding the context in which a comment is posted.

same was the case with your comment
I know, it shouldn't concern us sis. We get called morons for asking legitimate questions, although some Indian members have given good replies like bro @Ravi Nair .

I usually avoid threads like these, because the conversation is always acrid, and when you see posts, it induces rage in me.

I am pretty sure a year here has whittled away at my normal superior South Indian intelligence :D

It's not like a lot of the Indian members here do a good job of not getting trolled. As I said before, this is a Pakistani forum, and i expect Indians to be trolled and vice versa.
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