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National Mourning Day today

Abir, I am still waiting for you response about Jatiyo Rakkhi Bahini being an imaginary militia!
I don't know how come I have never heard that things went that way :confused:

I'd like to also ask, where were the Jatiyo Rakkhi Bahini? Mujib's personal militia at the time?

@ At that time the strenght of army was 35 thousand including the re-patriated troops and the strenght of Rakkhi Bahini was about 25 thousand. The HQ of Rakkhi Bahina was at second capital that is Shere Bangla Nahar(Sansad Bhaban). The DG of Rakkhi Bahini was on tour at USSR to get the tanks. Major portion of the Bahini was at Savar Cantonment. All other Battalions of Rakkhi Bahini were scattered all around Bnagldesh. At that time there was no army at Savar, Momenshai or Ghatail. We had only 5 Brigrades and all the Commanders were Freedom Fighters.

@ Colonel Farouk an armoured officer was a very talent officer. In 1970, he was posted to Jordan to train the Jordan army. Once the liberation started he was not feeling comfortable there so he fled away from there and joined the Liberation war. So, it was he who neutralize the Rakkhi Bahini at Shere Bangla Nagar. He along with few tanks dash through the old airport breaking the airport wall went straight to the Rakkhi Bihini camp while they all were standing for morning PT and drove in front of their nose and threatened them to remain like that otherwise he would fired them. But the fact was he did not had any tank ammunition. All were cowards and they did not had any battle experience ealier. All the officers and leaders were trained at India. Some Indian instructer used to remain with them. In this way he neutralised them and all of this forces were closed arrested.

@ Infact all these facts are there in a book, "The Legacy of Blood".
Why I have to see him in my every note from now (taka). Are not there any other leader? What about 4 other leaders, or Bashani or else?

Respect by force, impossible. People were relieved in 75, and it's true. I asked my grand dad today, he said he supported Mujeeb in 71 but felt happy in 75 in his death news.

Have you ever heard good people to express happiness in any good man's death? So they were happy cos they were so angry on him.
Why I have to see him in my every note from now (taka). Are not there any other leader? What about 4 other leaders, or Bashani or else?

Bhai, if Awami stay another term then they will make it mandatory to hang his picture in your living room. These bloody munafiq tried to hang his picture in Madrasas as well. If it's up to Awami then they will not hesitate to hang his picture in Masjid.

Laanat on the people who support this party.
Somehow one fruit did somehow still survive and look where we are now.

Our forefather must have committed some sin otherwise why this one and other had to live. President Zia made another mistake be letting this curse in Bd. He could have finished it at once. But no, he had to be nice guy. Now we have to deal with it's descendant after it's journey to hell. :cry:
Why I have to see him in my every note from now (taka). Are not there any other leader? What about 4 other leaders, or Bashani or else?

Respect by force, impossible. People were relieved in 75, and it's true. I asked my grand dad today, he said he supported Mujeeb in 71 but felt happy in 75 in his death news.

Have you ever heard good people to express happiness in any good man's death? So they were happy cos they were so angry on him.

@ In the general election of 1970 on 7 Dcember 1970 I was at Rawalpindi, my whole family including all the Bengalees stationed there voted for AL. On 15 December 1970 I came to East Pakistan and saw the election and found all my relatives except few voted for AL. After the election result then what we saw mass killing of Bihares, looting, raping. Finally before they went to India looted all the banks of East Pakistan. And I tell you not a single penny was deposited in the central/common/welfare fund. Those who looted the money and golds remained in the luxury hotels of Calcutta. These people never came to field and fought with Pakistan Army. It was common people, the fugitive armies, police, EPR, students who joined in the "mukti fouz".

@ Now, after liberation we again saw the ugly faces of AL leaders. Now, they started killing, looting and raping on the colloborators properties. See at Adamjee Nagar, how they looted the properties. It is said that in each big industries the non-Bnegalee mill owners had lot of money and gold locked in lockers. They did not got time to open it and either killed or went to Pakistan. All these were looted by the AL leaders and no money was deposited in the govt treasory. It is said that around 19,000 muslim oriented political leaders and followers were killed. Many Pir, Fakir-Masheks were also killed. Many islamic schoolers were also killed in the name of collobarator. Even some ML MPs were killed in broad day light and kept their bodies hanged at the light post for several days. I give you one inccident, Munem khan was a long time Governor of Ayub Khan. He had lot of contribution for the development of East Pakistan. The Medical and Agricultural Univercity of Mymensigh was his contribution. He has served as a minister at Hussain Shaheed Shurwardy's Cabinet at Culcatta in 1946. After the resignation of Ayub he was leading a retired life. During the liberation movement the "Mukti Fouz" killed him at his house. Later on he was burried. After 16 December 1971, again his rotten body was taken out and hanged on the light post and fired upon. See, the brutality of AL leaders. These hooligon continued in front of Indian forces. Had Indian forces not been there, brutallity had been much more. There are evidences even Indian armies also carried out massacre in Noakhali areas. Many muslim scholars were killed in a planned manner. Actually they also systematically killed the religious people so that in future no body dared to raise their head against Indian with Islamic flavour. Many muslims intellectuals were tortured and subsequently killed in Dacca itself.
Bihari or no bihari. I could be a descendant of African Muslim it that what you mean but I as Muslim can not be same race as Hindus. We Bangladeshi nationalist follow what's called 'Two nation theory". Meaning Muslim and Hindus are two diffrent race. You as west Bengali Hindu can agree or disagree but this has no significance to my believe.

Some time I wonder, why the hell west bengali hindus hang around in BD section like beggar.

Do you not have any shame raising the same canard again and again even after getting told off by the moderators many times. Seems the rajakar inside you knows of no shame! Buy off pdf you ritchie rich and make it an exclusive bangladesh only forum!

I'd rather die before claiming to have same race as you lot!
Do you not have any shame raising the same canard again and again even after getting told off by the moderators many times. Seems the rajakar inside you knows of no shame! Buy off pdf you ritchie rich and make it an exclusive bangladesh only forum!

It seem you are the one without shame otherwise how can you be post in Bd section although you know it very well that we Bangladeshi dislike you. I mean how many time do you see us hang out in our section. Very seldom. ;)

As a matter fact, I probably post once in your section. Now you tell me, who is shame less. You or me. :undecided:

I'd rather die before claiming to have same race as you lot!

You people attraction toward us prove otherwise. :coffee:
It seem you are the one without shame otherwise how can you be post in Bd section although you know it very well that we Bangladeshi dislike you. I mean how many time do you see us hang out in our section. Very seldom. ;)

As a matter fact, I probably post once in your section. Now you tell me, who is shame less. You or me. :undecided:

You people attraction toward us prove otherwise. :coffee:

@ You two are always fighting. Al-zaker, I respect you a lot why you always hit "Hindu, Hindu". You know that "Kana ke kana boleo na, Khora ke khora bolia na", all these I read in "Shisu Shikkha or Ballu Shikkha" .

@ Abir, is always in Bangladeshi Section, it is good for us , so that atleast he should understand our attitude towards India and Hasina. Otherwise he will also give a false jump with Hasina Bibi. Moreso, Abir and his Gong are planning to invest lot of money. Now, he is in a deliama, what to do ?????
Why did they kill Bangabandhu?| Bangladesh | bdnews24.com




@ You two are always fighting. Al-zaker, I respect you a lot why you always hit "Hindu, Hindu". You know that "Kana ke kana boleo na, Khora ke khora bolia na", all these I read in "Shisu Shikkha or Ballu Shikkha" .

@ Abir, is always in Bangladeshi Section, it is good for us , so that atleast he should understand our attitude towards India and Hasina. Otherwise he will also give a false jump with Hasina Bibi. Moreso, Abir and his Gong are planning to invest lot of money. Now, he is in a deliama, what to do ?????

I like you too but I disagree. I hope you are not short sighted. Unlike you, I can not forget how Hindus treated poor Muslims in Bengal. Enemy of past can not be friend of today. At least I am not seeing it. I also believe that they are our direct enemy. So why should I hold back on enemy. I like direct approach. If I don't like some one they I will tell that to his face instead of wearing fake smile. I do not like back stabber.

By the way, my name spell as ZAKIR. I notice you spell as Zaker.
I like you too but I disagree. I hope you are not short sighted. Unlike you, I can not forget how Hindus treated poor Muslims in Bengal. Enemy of past can not be friend of today. At least I am not seeing it. I also believe that they are our direct enemy. So why should I hold back on enemy. I like direct approach. If I don't like some one they I will tell that to his face instead of wearing fake smile. I do not like back stabber.

By the way, my name spell as ZAKIR. I notice you spell as Zaker.

If you ask Indians that whether they think us as enemy then they will say NO. So technically it is bad idea to say them enemy directly, however, we know their policy is really harmful for Bangladesh. But do not stop in exposing them.
It seem you are the one without shame otherwise how can you be post in Bd section although you know it very well that we Bangladeshi dislike you. I mean how many time do you see us hang out in our section. Very seldom. ;)

As a matter fact, I probably post once in your section. Now you tell me, who is shame less. You or me. :undecided:

You people attraction toward us prove otherwise. :coffee:

zakira it's not your section until you buy off pdf. And 90% of threads here are related to india anyway. It should be named rant_against_india section!

I do try to understand the psyche of bengali people of bangladesh though, but for rootless rajakars like you I only have contempt!
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