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So , its a fair game for them , acceptable to you since well it benefits you , living there but you desire not the same for the rest . They sure know how to treat you nicely , just roam around and talk with the Average Joe in Pakistan some time .
That REALLY is a problem...Malays are not Pakistanis or Indians...they are not creative and do not create a deviant sect...They may be minor differences but NOT one calls himself something new! Not one adds nor deletes from hadith or Quran nor raises some human to a place that it confuses others! A prophet is a prophet, a man as an example...his family is his family...full stop...there is no ahle bayt and extra importance given to Arabs/ descendants of Prophet SAW (though some do pride to be descendants but NO extra izzat or whatnot for them)!

Miserable , Pathetic , Discriminatory - whatever term you prefer . Malaysians are moderates in Muslim world , they aren't even close by the established standards .
They are not liberal, not moderate, they are JUST MUSLIMS! and they do not like to associate other names...Hence, people going shia, ahemdi and whanot....Well, if these groups call themselves Muslims then why are cry loud when Malaysia allows preaching of ISLAM not of a sect but of a religion! Because there is SOO MUCH emphasis on SECTS in South Asia people forget the religion! And hence the confused people are crying while those who are not are supporting!

No , why should the state interfere in another Muslim sect belief whilst handing over the clean chit to all the rest . Explain me .
Prophet himself said DO NOT DIVIDE among yourself....so as per the Prophet's teachings, MALAYSIA is following ISLAM! Do you have a problem following Islam?!
So , you agree that there are other sects besides Shia one .
In South Asia...yes!

Great . Well , the reason is that your blind faith based on infallible Mullah sermons wasn't strong enough , it is that simple . Nothing that sort happened every in the country in question nor there was a danger of it . Malaysia is quite different from Indonesia , maam .
Quick question...ever been there? Nope then I suggest you dont talk about things you do not know nor that you DONT wanna know

So you agree in the previous lines that there are million and one sects and then deny it in the next .
What you fail to see is where I said this! 1 million and 1 sects IN SOUTH ASIA....1 RELIGION in Malaysia so kindly dont twist my words!

:D I told you the criteria of Muslims - the Oneness of God and finality of the Prophethood . There is no one Ummah - these are delusions of one big happy family . Muslims are anything but united and these steps further dim the hope of that happening . Are you not seeing the bigger picture ?
Wow now you are a Mufti above Prophet's hadith? Lovely! When people try to stop division it is people like you who go all crazy and laugh at the efforts of unity! Just because you dont have that concept in you doesnt mean you laugh at those trying to implement it!

This really was disappointing! i thought you were rational...Apparently you are the other side of the Mullah spectrum....Mullahs want to divide the people into sects which ONLY refer to them ...while you want to want to maintain the division without any base! Where in Islam does it say you need to call yourself ANYTHING ELSE? In fact in the Quran it says TODAY I PERFECTED YOUR RELIGION and called it Islam...

The words meants there that until and unless , one calls himself/herself a Muslims , he is . Let the God judge the faith of the people instead of judging them by ' deviants ' and ' out of Islam ' and ' infidel ' .
going all mullah i see...who called them infidel? who called them out of islam? Dont you know sects means divergent forms of a thing?! why else call it sects and not a NEW RELIGION?

If you consider Shias as the same as the rest , why give them the title of ' deviants ' even ?
I am trying to make them 1 by forcefully make them unite under 1 hood called Islam but you people are shia this shia that shia this shia that AND HENCE making them different! If they are the same then THEY SHOULDNT cry as loud as you...IF THEY ARE DIFFERENT then they should know there is a problem why and how everyone else can fit under 1 hood and they cant?

What about the methods and practices , same for all ? No , the faith maybe , rest things are different . Every Muslim profess the same Kalma , are all the sects same then ?
There you go confusing yourself again....

CLARIFY THIS 1ST...In Malaysia...there ARE NO SECTS (few groups with slight differences like should I do rafadain or not...should I read extra nafil or not and so on) but none goes I have 10 more imams then you, I need to bow my head on a black stone, I need to face some other qibla, I need to do naat, I need to wear a pagri...NOPE NOTHING LIKE THIS! THIS IS CALLED UNITY UNDER 1 UMMAH!!

What million and one sects did you just talk about ? Those are the ones , I am talking about . Those are the everybody else , you asked about and then answered it yourself here .
I am not sure why you are hyped up...the million and 1 i talked about was in references TO SOUTH ASIANS IN INDIA AND PAKISTAN....where everyone has open their own dhaba with a new name and label!

Settles it . No tolerance for others , the reason why only ban Shia Islam out of million and one sects you say , that means . Everywhere , people will gladly tell others if they are Shafaii , Hambali , Maliki or Hanafi and then subcaterogize into hundred different sub types . Not to mention the Sufi orders and what-not before telling that they Muslims . That is the reality on ground .
There you go full retarded...You know what...when you comprehend what I just said then quote me! otherwise stop chasing your tail! You dont have 1!!
That's it! You have 3 options:
1. Firing squad :sniper:
2. Beheading for blasphemy against Emma stone's beauty
3. Suicide :suicide:
unless u apologize to Emma stone :flame: and call jenifer ugly

Or none of the above. :pop:
LMFAO.. I'm actually horrible with hints and things with dual meanings.... usually bicker over such stuff with my wife.... she sometimes tells me that she has to tell me all the stuff as I don't understand subtle hints...... :P

me tooo....like just say what you have to say, I am too lazy to figure it out XD
kingmambi .....:laughcry:

Only when I am really hungry I be like


:rofl: :rofl:
I hate that!!! Don't you??? :blink:

I'm like..... hmmmmmmmm....... you know me since the first day you started studying..... been together for all our adult lives...... never stayed apart for more than a week......... and you still don't get me........ and then we make up! :cheesy:

me tooo....like just say what you have to say, I am too lazy to figure it out XD
Sweet dreams babes..... it's almost 5 there..... me off to bed as well..... latest installment of pain meds just kicked in........ lightheaded...... :D

me tooo....like just say what you have to say, I am too lazy to figure it out XD

Good night.... everyone.... shabb-b-khair....... :wave:

Good night.... tomorrow mate! :)

i am off guys-bye
I hate that!!! Don't you??? :blink:

I'm like..... hmmmmmmmm....... you know me since the first day you started studying..... been together for all our adult lives...... never stayed apart for more than a week......... and you still don't get me........ and then we make up! :cheesy:

I know I hate that stuff...like say what you have to say or don't say it at all, but stop with the "implying" LOL

:rofl:Hypeyyyyy is making up your favorite thing to do!:P haha
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