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@ZYXW add DOW to it...Not sure which DOW international or the other one :blink:
@ZYXW I have a couple of friends both from UK and USA doing medicine in Pakistan and other countries....and transferring is not too bad as far as they were concerned...King Edwards, Fatima Jinnah, Dawood medical college, Aga Khan (of course well reputed)

Being a coconut is enough social work in itself LOLOL :D
But do you recommend it?? I hate staying out of the US...but if it is going to save me some time, I might just go for it. But I am concerned about how much value a degree from here would have once I return to the states....
Being a coconut is enough social work in itself LOLOL :D
But do you recommend it?? I hate staying out of the US...but if it is going to save me some time, I might just go for it. But I am concerned about how much value a degree from here would have once I return to the states....
Hmmm...not too sure about the states I know more about UK....In UK even after getting MBBS you have to do this National exam I think it is in 2 sittings and for the life of me I cant recall what it is called...I think you prob have to do a similar thing in USA...but 1 thing for sure Asian docs are best...Not sure if it is all that intense learning, family pressure or the education really is awesome! But yea they are well appreciated at least in UK...and Saudi and other countries...then again American education system is a little different but then again some uncles of my family friends' had Pak degree and are doing very well in USA...
You'll never get in one, trust me !!!!

but you can join a private one.

Gee thanks for the moral support :rofl: nah getting in isn't the problem now that I found out they all look at high school scores, I am just not sure if I can handle staying here for 4-5 years..... i just feel like its riskyyyyy....since I am leaving a college degree for med. school.
Jaysi bhi houn ALLAH ki rehmat and karam hai ;)

I dont need to change it am too proud and honoured for that ;)

Yeah I too dont take shower for weeks and say Jaysi bhi houn ALLAH ki rehmat and karam hai I dont need to change !! :laughcry:
I look like Baloch Freedom Fighters, long hair, considerable dari mouchain...
OMG tussi balochi ho?!

Yeah I too dont take shower for weeks and say Jaysi bhi houn ALLAH ki rehmat and karam hai I dont need to change !! :laughcry:

Good God! Are you equating makeup (which changes how a person looks) to showering which is hygiene care?!

Jaysi bhi houn ALLAH ki rehmat and karam hai ;)

I dont need to change it am too proud and honoured for that ;)

Check this out...I dont have the other list as I have never applied for medical lolzzz
List of medical schools in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I came across this yesterday too, but I wasn't sure which ones would best suit me.... ya noe LOL :P

Hmmm...not too sure about the states I know more about UK....In UK even after getting MBBS you have to do this National exam I think it is in 2 sittings and for the life of me I cant recall what it is called...I think you prob have to do a similar thing in USA...but 1 thing for sure Asian docs are best...Not sure if it is all that intense learning, family pressure or the education really is awesome! But yea they are well appreciated at least in UK...and Saudi and other countries...then again American education system is a little different but then again some uncles of my family friends' had Pak degree and are doing very well in USA...

Yeah it's similar in the US too. But would the US give American educated doctors more preference than foreign educated? Did your uncles have any trouble getting residency back in UK?? :)
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