jaibi I meant the post on the previous page.
"I have this deep and abiding attraction towards Kabul, Chitral, Tajik, Gilgit- the pamirs. Like I said, its this feeling- bone deep- of being called, of having left something there. They keep telling me to pick up AKs and a chador. You live there, have seen these places (not all) but many- what do you think is the reason. This isn't a recent thing either- its been an ongoing thing for a LONG time."
AND this bit- "Here is the thing, I didn't know jack about the Pamirs, about Tajik (Afghanistan and FATA and Chitral, yes) but not a pip about the tajiks before I started indulging this urge to go there- perhaps it is so. But you need to know this thing, even with Delhi- I have this odd thing- I can't stay too far from it. I don't even have any particular liking for the people and most definitely no sentimental family thing- its just in Delhi once I get away from the suburbs- its like standing on a beating heart, as if something is pulsing underneath my feet- an inexorable pull, something old- VERY old, which has been there for a very long time- alive and sentient. That's the same way I feel about the places in question."