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Meri jan, he is VERY VERY BRIGHT..... he just has fun that way.... it's his way..... and there are LOADS of girls who like that..... it's all about preferences..... But what do we know???? Some girls might take this particular approach offensive, and rest of them might actually find it attractive...... :D

hyperion....seriously .....i mean i am not expecting this from u.....why you are defending @Armstrong so much ....you did it whole day ....i mean wats the fuss man ... i dun need clarification ......its just watever i say is in lighter mood .....thats wat the purpose of this thread is .....no one takes a word of it seriously ....thats y its called naswar corner .....and its not like i am naive....i know armstrong .....and he is among the bunch i interact with .....armstrong knows that i always tease him....nothing to be so cautious of ....come on pissed yar hypie
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i remember i tried to explain the meaning of the song-- evidence by katatonia to my batch girls and i started by saying that it was a conversation between the departing soul and his materialistic body which would remain in the soil

..... and i got some phone numbers .. suffice to say :nana:


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Yeah, I also had responses ready for all of your supposed responses..... and it would've been fun........ :D


It is when other other option is talking to you :D :D JK JK JK <3
There was another response but, huh pdfff stops me......society and it's restrictions, gasp :P

Dude, I was also having fun...... be even further relaxed..... you are still a little bit tense....... :D

hyperion....seriously .....i mean i am not expecting this from u.....why you are defending @Armstrong so much ....you did it whole day ....i mean wats the fuss man ... i dun need clarification ......its just watever i say is in lighter mood .....thats wat the purpose of this thread is .....no one takes a word of it seriously ....thats y its called naswar corner .....and its not like i am naive....i know armstrong .....and he is among the bunch i interact with .....armstrong knows that i always tease him....nothing to be so cautious of ....come on pissed yar hypie
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Woman.... are you on some sort of medication????? Those people there have nothing better than talk behind ones back....... or maybe you are better person than me (way way way)...... I normally limit my exposure to people that can annoy me later...... :cheesy:

Look babes, you can't blame them! I do get mad and annoyed but then I try to undestand why it is the way it is. They go through a lot and are only a victim of their surroundings.... If the country changes for the better, so will the people and their mentality. I let it slide...I would nver have anyone like that close to me...but I would never ignore someone unless I have a legit reason to ya get me. And no it's a lie, I am not a better person than you, I am just a bit more softer than you :P
hyperion....seriously .....i mean i am not expecting this from u.....why you are defending @Armstrong so much ....you did it whole day ....i mean wats the fuss man ... i dun need clarification ......its just watever i say is in lighter mood .....thats wat the purpose of this thread is .....no one takes a word of it seriously ....thats y its called naswar corner .....and its not like i am naive....i know armstrong .....and he is among the bunch i interact with .....armstrong knows that i always tease him....nothing to be so cautious of ....come on pissed yar hypie

Oh no Mannny..I think Hypey was just playing around with you as well! :P
Having said that trust me, when it comes to armstrong even I get defensive when I don't need to be.....we all adore him to death!
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Not "tense tense"...... in the sense that who cares what happens here...... whatever happens in Naswarville, stays in Naswarville..... :D

lol wat made you think i am tense...y wud i be tensed over a bunch of crazy bulls on an insane thread :P
@Dillinger which is better for MRF role :
Rafale or Eurofighter typhoon
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