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1.Engagement doesn't mean that your mother will leave you alone ...

2.Marriage doesn't mean that your wife will leave you alone & if your wife is aggressive you better think about consequence of flings ( She can beat you) best of luck :tup:

@RazPaK congratzz :P

I want to be that one guy on Dunya news that gets beat up by 3 women for marrying fourth girl.

My biggest dream. :smitten:
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Well, actually I really admire that quality to bits..... i really do, no jokes....... no I'm not like that either..... I just change my path and don't use the natural ability I have to bash them....... then I calm down in a few minutes as logic prevails.........

I know you aren't like that! :P
See, it's whatever.....but yeah not going to lie, it does hurt yo how people can think like that, but as long as its no one close to you, it's all good...LOL :D
i am a rajput however never let it get to my head

Do you think in real life, I let anyone call me Chaudhry? I dont even allow my farm hands to call me that.

My Chaudhry title is for online rohp shohp.
Hey... have a safe trip..... get re-acclimatized back home...... and provided you've time..... we shall continue our chit chats.... :D

I know you aren't like that! :P
See, it's whatever.....but yeah not going to lie, it does hurt yo how people can think like that, but as long as its no one close to you, it's all good...LOL :D
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