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As if a mother doesn't know her son.... LOL.... she visits me here, and knows exactly who her son is.... :woot:

yes its a nice one,havnt seen it all in Isl/Pindi.....plz choose da same one cuz if ever i c dis car n aunty drivin it,i wudnt wait for a moment n go to her n tell everything u been sayin abt Marriage n all here hhahaa:rofl:

all ur secrets frm here hehehe! lol jk

Chalako. Chupp. You need sister treatment. Just like I give to my own little sister... :P

no but she may get more angry by hearin it in da middle of road in blue area by som unknown girl :rofl:
As if a mother doesn't know her son.... LOL.... she visits me here, and knows exactly who her son is.... :woot:

Chalako. Chupp. You need sister treatment. Just like I give to my own little sister... :P

it wont work trust me...my parents hav tried all treatments on me:coffee:

hey ppl ill cum afta an hour....my mom is calling....bye laters :wave:
@mastaan : So when you visit the Allianz Arena next time can you please kiss its Holy Walls & say a prayer for me so that I may rest in peace ? :undecided:

Why say a prayer from your side, why not do it yourself mate. It's these dreams that keep one awake... Want to work in Germany???

When I was a kid, I always wanted to see 'wall street' and 'the bull' there, it was a passion... I went to US first time in 2010 (3 years ago) to South-Central US. You know what I did... booked a bloody 8 hour flight to Big apple, just to get that one touch of that 'wall street', reached there, went to the bull, touched it and came back.. I lived a dream.. Next one is Antarctica and Ice Hotel in Iceland... But, that's a story for another day... Point is, if 'Allianz Arena' is a passion, then, make sure that you make it there in the next 3 years to watch a game (München vs another Champions Leaguer)... THAT, is what I pray, you do one day!

Why not? I'll be September to your August! :D

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Lala, you are mixing something here. Most Pashtuns also speak Farsi. Though it's not our language, yet we know it, as we have to communicate with other morons living there. (I don't speak Farsi)

It's like a Punjabi knowing Urdu.... get it?

Oh bhai I don't have anything against speaking Farsi, nay I love that language - I think its a must for anyone to learn more about the different Islamic paradigms of the past as so much of the works of great Muslim polymaths & poets are preserved in that language.

I was alluding to the Farsi speaking Pukhtoons & how the Bar Pukhtoons now & in the past found themselves in a subservient position to them or that even when they - the Bars - were ruling the country they didn't have much to show for it & now they think 'only if we had the Lar Pukhtoons with us' we'd sweep the polls through sheer numbers & make a minority out of the Non-Pukhtoons.

Urdu/hindi is langauge of U.P and delhi. Native langauges of pakistan are pashto, punjabi, sindhi, balochi etc...pashtuns of afghanistan are traditional hierchical rulers, they will always b majority. While pakhtuns will always b minority in pakistan.

Sorry I was away !

By that logic Pashto too is a derived language from some earlier Iranic language as is every other language a derivation of what came before; similar is the case of Urdu - We adopted it as our language either consciously or subconsciously but for all intents & purposes its as native to Pakistan as Pashto, Punjabi or any other language is for languages are after all derivatives of languages that precede them. Indo-Aryan, Iranic, Dardic etc. for most of our languages.

Similarly Urdu, even if one were to ignore the above argument, which would be fairly difficult to ignore for someone with even a semblance of appreciation of anthropology, if being born here is what makes one a native then we've got millions of Urdu speakers who've been born & bred here in Pakistan. The time-frame is hardly material & only a subconscious association of more 'time spent' here as somehow equating to 'more nativity' which is ludicrous otherwise the Pukhtoons should be seen as an invasive species the first time around the race that preceded them came to what we now call as the Pukhtoon belt; the same is the case with Punjabis, Sindhis, Baloch - for all of us !

Onto the Majority-Minority thing !

Ruling Afghanistan for the better part of a few centuries didn't work out so well for the Pukhtoons ! Lets face it - Afghanistan was an ailing state long before the Soviets invaded - No exports to speak off & a once proud race who couldn't even oust a few Bajauri Tribals despite trying once & despite all the rhetoric that came with it. They couldn't even do it when they had Soviet Union's backing despite Najibullah whipping up the Pukhtoonistan issue once more during those times. Being a majority hasn't really worked out for them that well. And now things are even worse - For the past many years & even during the before the rise of the Taliban supported by Pakistan, the Pukhtoons of Afghanistan were utterly powerless against the Farsiwans from up North - That doesn't really do well in terms of building credibility for the 'traditionally in power' thing that much.

And do you know why that is so ? Because the Lar Pukhtoons were the ones who didn't sign away their freedom & continued fighting despite being thrown to the British & reaffirmed numerous times by their beloved Bars from across the Durand Line. The Lar Pukhtoons are the ones who are the true inheritors of Ahmed Shah Baba's fierce warrior spirit, of Khushal Khan Khattak's fierce independence & Rehman Baba's tempered inclusive culture. Too bad some of the last bit was lost when we opened the flood gates & let the Bars in.

So my friend this Minority, as you call them, are exponentially better than the Majority from across the border ! Similarly this Majority - We - are exponentially better than the Minority from across the border; we've been proud to have Pukhtoons leading us in bureaucracy, the armed forces or even the Government.

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You Naswaristanis do know there is a big forum out of this thread too?

Show us what you got in the political debates too.

Try out National Politics forum - I know everyone has a lot to say about politics!
@Hyperion Is my respected aunt into racing? ---why are you gifting her one of the most fastest cars in the world in its weight class with one of the shortest turn radius in the world [It will turn 360 degrees in half a second if spun around 60kms/hr] :blink:
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@Armstrong, what is @Monkey D Luffy 's problem with Urdu, I thought it was the official langue of Pakistan as far as communication goes or do pakistanis want to change it? :undecided:

I presume he thinks that Urdu as our National Language is okay but he perceives Urdu being everywhere as a form of linguistic or cultural imperialism by the Urdu speaking & Punjabi Elite; that Urdu should have a place but not at the cost of our regional languages.

I agree with him that our regional languages should be cherished & nurtured but I don't think theres any kind of linguistic or cultural imperialism at play over here; Urdu is our lingua franca & so naturally we attach importance to it. Now if there are those of us who've given up their regional languages in favor of learning Urdu - I think thats entirely their choice - Nothing imperialistic or malicious about that ! Its certainly not as if the Government is forcing them to not teach their language to their children...if they do - its their call...if they don't - its still their call.

Take my example ! I'm an ethnic Kashmiri & yet I don't know a word of my ancestral tongue (Koshur) but I can speak Urdu & rudimentary Punjabi with ease; my parents never taught me Koshur nor did their parents in turn. Whats more theres everything from Certificate courses to a Doctorate (PhD) degree offered in Kashmiri at the University of Punjab which is less than 15 minutes from my place - I could get my self enrolled & learn it, my father & grandfather could have done the same if they wanted to ! So if we didn't...who is to blame ? The Government ? The Civil Society ? Whom.....? Just us - We don't attach much importance to an overly romantic notion of having a glorious past, a civilization, an ancestral language & the sort - We're Kashmiris alright but we're not uptight about that - We've got bigger issues to deal with then living in the past & learning Koshur & other stuff ! Maybe if I get the chance I'd much rather learn Arabic & Persian than Kashmiri because I'd have an exponentially greater utility of them then I ever could of Kashmiri.
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@Armstrong, what is @Monkey D Luffy 's problem with Urdu, I thought it was the official langue of Pakistan as far as communication goes or do pakistanis want to change it? :undecided:

Nothing wrong with urdu....just petty fights for people who have no other priorities.
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You Naswaristanis do know there is a big forum out of this thread too?

Show us what you got in the political debates too.

Try out National Politics forum - I know everyone has a lot to say about politics!

What to do Sir......

When i get outside of here, its all about Rape, Rape, & Rape.

Doesn't look a DEFENSE forum of late :hang2:
You Naswaristanis do know there is a big forum out of this thread too?

Show us what you got in the political debates too.

Try out National Politics forum - I know everyone has a lot to say about politics!

Learned that its not really worth it in the first few months on PDF !

You'd write a novella, blowing away half an evening in research & the write-up, only to realize that another guy pops up the very next day repeating the same thing you just spent so much time refuting aur woh bhii muuunh pakaaa kar keeeh - So why bother ?
What to do Sir......

When i get outside of here, its all about Rape, Rape, & Rape.

Doesn't look a DEFENSE forum of late :hang2:

That's good. Political discussions and two sides engaging on topic is a good sign.

Let the process go on, the more you interrupt it the more extreme would the proponents take it to. Freedom of speech can never be curtailed.

Hence we support all sorts of freedoms here, except to be impolite or off topic.
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