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Lala, who ever she is, she is my online-wifey. Besides, she is also the Empress of Naswaristan. No room for anyone to be rude to darling of the empire. :angry:


Dear lord :omghaha: ... You have a hollywood understanding of, the US f.policy.

Let me take you to N.Waziristan or in the mountains of kandahar to collect firewood... A boeing F-15E carrying Reytheon JDAMs, and General Automics Predator carrying hellfire missiles will "Liberate" you....

Maybe you can be an Iraqi kid in the 90's ...one of half a million who were starved to death by the US sanctions and oil for food program...or a young civilian in Iran in early 90's who was killed by Saddam's chemical warheads....supplied by the champion of liberty....

Or maybe you,can be one of the passangers onboard an Iranian civilian air craft which was 'mistakenly' shot down by an American frigate with world's most advance radar and sensor suite able to detect a bird sized UAV 400kms away.

Perhaps you can be a Japanese kid in 1946 in heroshima and Nagasaki.....one of quarter of a million 'collateral damage'....or amongst the ones being born with birth deformities....70 years later...

Maybe you can be one ordinary, viet growing rice and milking goats in the 70's .... One of 2 million killed or injured....while being 'liberated'...... Maybe you can be a school girl in Kabul in Oct 2001 killed during the carpet bombings or by depletef uranium rounds while B-52s flew above spreading 'liberty'.

America does spread liberty......ofcourse they do...it just depends what 'side' of the liberty you are on.

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Dear lord :omghaha: ... You have a hollywood understanding of, the US f.policy.

Let me take you to N.Waziristan or in the mountains of kandahar to collect firewood... A boeing F-15E carrying Reytheon JDAMs, and General Automics Predator carrying hellfire missiles will "Liberate" you....

Maybe you can be an Iraqi kid in the 90's ...one of half a million who were starved to death by the US sanctions and oil for food program...or a young civilian in Iran in early 90's who was killed by Saddam's chemical warheads....supplied by the champion of liberty....

Or maybe you,can be one of the passangers onboard an Iranian civilian air craft which was 'mistakenly' shot down by an American frigate with world's most advance radar and sensor suite able to detect a bird sized UAV 400kms away.

Perhaps you can be a Japanese kid in 1946 in heroshima and Nagasaki.....one of quarter of a million 'collateral damage'....or amongst the ones being born with birth deformities....70 years later...

Maybe you can be one ordinary, viet growing rice and milking goats in the 70's .... One of 2 million killed or injured....while being 'liberated'...... Maybe you can be a school girl in Kabul in Oct 2001 killed during the carpet bombings or by depleted uranium rounds while B-52s flew above spreading 'liberty'.

America does spread liberty......ofcourse they do...it just depends what 'side' of the liberty you are on.


I am aware of all of this! But I like to try and improve the situation, not just criticize it. If we go down to just criticising things, there is a lot to say about every country. Yes, I completely 100% agree with you. Nothing justifies those deaths and there have been a lot, but my job (working with the state dep.) is to get people to look past some of the stupid mistakes our politicians are making and half of our own nation is against and look at the better aspects of the US. Many diplomats and people here don't like the policies, but instead of criticising them we are trying to change them.
I am not just an American. I am a Pakistani first and am perfectly capable of criticising he US...I just choose not to do it, there is already too much negativity about it! :) but yes, I respect your opinion!
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I am aware of all of this! But I like to try and improve the situation, not just criticize it. If we go down to just criticising things, there is a lot to say about every country. Yes, I completely 100% agree with you. Nothing justifies those deaths and there have been a lot, but my job (working with the state dep.) is to get people to look past some of the stupid mistakes our politicians are making and half of our own nation is against and look at the better aspects of the US. Many diplomats and people here don't like the policies, but instead of criticising them we are trying to change them.
I am not just an American. I am a Pakistani first and am perfectly capable of criticising he US...I just choose not to do it, there is already too much negativity about it! :) but yes, I respect your opinion!

You mean you're going to smooth talk us into giving over our sovereignty to you.....again ! :fie:
Babes, you just made me love you even more. Didn't know it was possible. :P

@KingMamba93, khabees, learn something from your sis! :D

I am aware of all of this! But I like to try and improve the situation, not just criticize it. If we go down to just criticising things, there is a lot to say about every country. Yes, I completely 100% agree with you. Nothing justifies those deaths and there have been a lot, but my job (working with the state dep.) is to get people to look past some of the stupid mistakes our politicians are making and half of our own nation is against and look at the better aspects of the US. Many diplomats and people here don't like the policies, but instead of criticising them we are trying to change them.
I am not just an American. I am a Pakistani first and am perfectly capable of criticising he US...I just choose not to do it, there is already too much negativity about it! :) but yes, I respect your opinion!
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