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I was not allowed to use that kinda high speed sh¡t. But I'd go I used to fire at once! :D
neither am I expert, that is why i said I will be a spotter, and i get to fire small arms, because that what i own :D....so we could put a scope on that G-3 and do some damage from a distance
Seriously i dont have problems with interrethnic marraiges with consent of parents. Its in allah hand and upto fate...marraiges between pashtuns and non-pashtuns do take place...but always remember that secret love affairs and datings are not accepted by pashtun parents, they take it as a serious insult and both girl's and boy's life would be in danger. But that is only true for typical pashtuns. Modern pashtun families of upper middle class of islamabad, lahore and karachi are not counted in this as they have already given up on pashtun cultural identity.

Actually you have a terrible habit of lying :azn: How many times have you talked about corruption of Pashtun blood in your posts?
Remember that bit about Islamabadized pashtuns in a post to Abu zolfiqar? Maybe they do but this is Karachi and people are more open minded than you can think ... Whats true for tribal areas isn't true for us ... No issues here about going gangnam for some fake honor, let people decide who they want to marry is the norm here and no jirga is valid and can have really terrible results for the offending party ...
neither am I expert, that is why i said I will be a spotter, and i get to fire small arms, because that what i own :D....so we could put a scope on that G-3 and do some damage from a distance

do you mean H&K.33 ? Fuvck that rifle man. I remember a couple of my fellows hanged with a arm bandage just because of it's backstapping power. I was also near to break my shoulder bone at the first try. Then you get used to it. But it always hurts. That why I always hated shooting classes. So I relied on on-board trainings with some modern firearms :D
@Green Face Do they use morphine auto injectors in your army too like the US army?
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@Ayush, we will consider the offer in all seriousness but if you add butter poulet and all you can eat rice, it will make a done deal. :)
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btw u an army brat too?
@Green Face i would have helped u but i have no expirience with girls!

thx for da back up jefe. I know you'd. Love is completly a different animal. It makes everybody a lone survivor, a soldier on a crusade or a sh¡t else :P
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