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Leave that to me , friend but that is only temporary , anxiolytics stop working properly after a while and the long term effects are more harmful than we ever imagined for starters the memory loss ...

@Secur so far biology has not been able to make us immortal... :rofl:

Our body our cells undergo senescence...they have PROGRAMMED death apoptosis...and what not...it is all still a mystery...

Yea drugs are only temporary...they do not cure the root cause they just cure the symptoms...

hi @Marshmallow

Right on the money , my dear !
@Secur then you will also know how its cells divide? :D

they do not divide like ours :P
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BB @Hyperion @Talon sista @Armstrong @Secur

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naswaris ,i am former khad agent and i am going to destroy naswaristan

You cant....because we are trying the same from the date of its creation......and still just trying but It is growing with the passage of every single minute......so....you have visited here......soon you will also get infected......and become the citizen of of HOLY & PURE LAND OF NASWARITAN............ :angel: :whistle:
@Secur so far biology has not been able to make us immortal... :rofl:

Our body our cells undergo senescence...they have PROGRAMMED death apoptosis...and what not...it is all still a mystery...

Yea drugs are only temporary...they do not cure the root cause they just cure the symptoms...

hi @Marshmallow

@Secur then you will also know how its cells divide? :D

they do not divide like ours :P

I personally do not even want them to :) I just want them to find a cure for diseases which torment us most , improve the quality of life and maybe even enhance our capabilities ...

I know of the set limit in the cells , but its not established what factors affect it and why ...

True ...

I do , the Hayflick's limit you are referring to here ?

Why ?
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I personally do not even want them to :) I just want them to find a cure for diseases which torment us most , improve the quality of life and maybe even enhance our capabilities ...

I know of the set limit in the cells , but its not established what factors affect it and why ...

True ...

I do , the Hayflick's limit you are referring to here ?

Why ?
@Secur it has something to do with the telomeres of the DNA which decrease with each replication process...I am not sure...need to reread some stuff up as to the exact stuff...but people are still studying it and so far ONLY THEORIES can explain as to why....

During cell division, enzymes that duplicate DNA cannot continue their duplication all the way to the end of chromosomes. If cells divided without telomeres, they would lose the ends of their chromosomes, and the necessary information they contain. The telomeres are disposable buffers blocking the ends of the chromosomes, are consumed during cell division, and are replenished by an enzyme, telomerase reverse transcriptase.
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