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oh you are from the port city, i have a special place for folks from there :) (family reasons). Sorry for the awkward intro, whats up!!!! also do not worry, i can also communicate in roman urdu though I am working on my tenses so bare with me

Yep im from the port city!
Saying adab is good but looks too old way!! like people of 1900 in sub cont. used to say like that! its actually our good way of saying hello but looks like our newer generation have forgotten that like @KingMamba93!
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No that is how you greet non Muslims. Muslims Salamo Alaikum, Walaikum Salam. I know how it is used, you are just using it with the wrong group of people. :no:

First of all the arabic phrase that you mentioned refers to peace be upon you and I have only seen few people in congregation used that, i am talking about urdu not arabic langue.
First of all the arabic phrase that you mentioned refers to peace be upon you and I have only seen few people in congregation used that, i am talking about urdu not arabic langue.

I am talking about how to greet Muslims, you are not Muslim yaar?
Yep im from the port city!
Saying adab is good but looks too old way!! like people of 1900 in sub cont. used to say like that! its actually our good way of saying hello but looks like our newer generation have forgotten that like @KingMamba93!

He might be right but I only have few people in real life to speak with and lessons wise th t is what i was taught, but he could be right as the teachers tend to be from inde like Luck now or other cities so there dialect may be different.
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Trip was good - And after 5 years of PPP, asking about halat of Pakistan is not a good Idea but good thing is people are becoming aware of their voting power - that's only good thing PPP has done.

I figured it was bad. :coffee: Good good people need to be empowered.

Yep im from the port city!
Saying adab is good but looks too old way!! like people of 1900 in sub cont. used to say like that! its actually our good way of saying hello but looks like our newer generation have forgotten that like @KingMamba93!

I am older than you beta. :omghaha:
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