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Nah nah can't let that nigga have you too, he already stole Aniston and Jolie from me. :angry:

LOL is it weird if I say he stole Jennifer from me too...:whistle: Just kidding! haha

awww, how sweet Mamba......itnah pyaar...tears came into my eyes and I wanted to PUKE :D LOLOLOL
??, mamba this is how you formally greet someone in urdu and in real life it is accompanied by raising your hand towards your forehead, coconut :) .

No that is how you greet non Muslims. Muslims Salamo Alaikum, Walaikum Salam. I know how it is used, you are just using it with the wrong group of people. :no:
hi emrald hw r u?

am good.hows your prep goin??
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