I met a lady today who was lamenting that her sister is forced to wear a Hijab because her husband forces her to & wouldn't talk to her for days at a stretch if she didn't ! Now this lady got around to finding out whether such was the case with other women too & her anecdotal evidence led her to conclude that the 100 or so women, who wear the Hijab, she talked to, a majority were either emotionally blackmailed into wearing one by their husbands, fathers & sometimes brothers whilst a minority were physically bullied into doing it & yet another minority just wore it out of choice !
Now I find it hard to rely on such anecdotal evidence knowing that it may well be either untrue or unrepresentative of the Hijab wearing population, as a whole, but if it is - I was thinking why not ban it for a few years, have stringent women protection laws in place & mandatory classes for us men on 'how to treat women in our society' !