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Naswar Corner

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Jeez, ma se pooch ke piye gah???:hitwall:

No, I didn't have a particular urge to drink Alcohol either. Though, I am curious to the taste and effects it will have. So what about those dark days? How did you come to the conclusion, you say you were a Marxist. So you read Marx and then decided there was no God or did you come to that conclusion much earlier. Irreligious perhaps? Because for me, the conception of God was only possible through religion, once that went, I was alone in the world again. Even before my teens, I couldn't believe it, but then going to mosque etc, convinced me it might be possible, and also, pascals wager, the threat of hell, if you know what I mean.

I read Marx & became a Marxist; I still have a massive soft spot for Socialism but I got disillusioned with it somehow !

How did I conclude there is No God ? Because I thought, at the time, for it to be utterly moronic to think that there is an invisible man up there who loves us but would like to burn some of us in hell, who is anything but fair or logical & above all can't even take care of the mess he created himself ! :lol:

Essentially it was the usual throwing about of these terms 'logic', 'reasoning' etc. & then one day I sat down & thought about it - What the foOk does any of that mean ? And the more I delved into it the more I realize how hollow most of our talks, our idealism & our conception of almost everything is ! Thats when I came across a few philosophers, I think it as Kierksgaard - the Dutch Philosopher...or was it Spinoza ?, khair & they had argued some really out of the box thinking ! And so I think now that for anything to matter, anything we say or do, anything at all, reality, logic - ANYTHING, there must be something that transcends all of the limitations of these terms to define them for us because if it doesn't than nothing matters, nothing has purpose & nothing means anything - One might as well shoot themselves in the head & get it over with ! I would define that 'transcendent thing' as my conceptualization of God !

Lets see where I go from there or whether what I'm talking about is absolute BS or does it have some substance to it ! Lets see...! Its an evolutionary process after all.
Sana da Iyi geceler Dostum! Ankara'da görüşmek üzere. Seni çok süper bir kebapçıya götüreceğim. :cheers:
Though, I am curious to the taste and effects it will have.

Well " Curiosity is no sin " and " No one can be punished for mere intent " :D ... If you want to know how does it taste like , try the Halal Beers like the Cindy '47 or Malt '79 , Alcohol is just a bit more bitter and its available in thousands of different varieties and of course is raging or sympathy inducing depending on your nature and mood ! :lol:

Though Old Testament specifically warns that :D

Wine is a mocker , Strong drink is raging and one who is deceived thereby is not wise - Proverbs

While Muslim God takes a soft approach and mentions :lol:

Oh believers , wine and gambling are handicap of the devil , so do not go near them "

Yara, the date is being set in April. Inshallah!

By the will of the God , we believe in ? :D ... Oh friend what have you done ! That is when you going to sign your own death warrant ? :what:
Well " Curiosity is no sin " and " No one can be punished for mere intent " :D ... If you want to know how does it taste like , try the Halal Beers like the Cindy '47 or Malt '79 , Alcohol is just a bit more bitter and its available in thousands of different varieties and of course raging or sympathy inducing depending on your nature and mood ! :lol:

Though Old Testament specifically warns that :D

Wine is a mocker , Strong drink is raging and one who is deceived thereby is not wise - Mark

While Muslim God takes a soft approach and mentions :lol:

Oh believers , wine and gambling are handicap of the devil , so do not go near them "

I see, I believe in thelema.

Thelema - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My scripture says:

""Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law""
@Secur : Tell us about your beliefs ? :D

I believe in God but not so strongly in religion even though I am a Muslim ... I am just not comfortable with an insecure God who takes offense at things ... :)

""Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law""

A believer in Aleister Crowley , I see :D

Do whatever you want , as long as it doesn't harm others - Simple English
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Of course I believe in Allah. Alhamdulillah. Just not the wretched god of arabized-Wahabis. My Allah is all merciful, the compassionate! :D

By the will of the God , we believe in ? :D ... Oh friend what have you done ! That is when you going to sign your own death warrant ? :what:

Exactly! :cheers:

I believe in God but not so strongly in religion even though I am a Muslim ... I am just not comfortable with an insecure God who takes offense at things ... :)
Of course I believe in Allah. Alhamdulillah. Just not the wretched god of arabized-Wahabis. My Allah is all merciful, the compassionate! :D

I do not for some reason , think , that God is merciful at all , Hyperion ... :) I see too much suffering in the world , until my brief depression episode at the age of 14 , I was a firm believer ...
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