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Narendra Modi: UK high commissioner meets Gujarat chief

well whether modi is good or bad thats a debatable issue but he is definitely a dynamic leader and there is no doubt that india's growth rises exponentially..how ever i'm afraid that the relations between india and pakistan will not move forward in his regime..

When are Indian elections??
The difference is the Pakistani government is consistently criticized for this and their ineptness is recognized while you Indians turn a blind eye to this criminal.

You say 25%, BJP below you says 75% so which is it??

Figure it yourself. It is 82 % from respected media houses in India
Narendra Modi: People's choice as PM of India? - Economic Times

Again Its only Pakistanis who criticize their govt publicly. Stop criticizing your govt. it will also look like saint :P
In my mind he is a mass murderer and needs jail before the PM's chair. I would be dishgeartened the day he becomes the PM. Only bastard who didn't even come out to say sorry. Just say sorry once to muslims. He won't and we all know why.

When does a person say sorry?? when he knows that he has done something wrong & feels regret for the same, & i ask u what did he do wrong, & if he did anything wrong than do u have the proof of the same?? or u r just following a media trial, where a person is found guilty even before his FIR is launched. If Indian media accuse him of something, does that mean he has really done that thing?? i think it's time we should avoid accusing someone of something just because media is accusing him, courts in India are responsible for any trial, media trials cannot go in parallel.

Just look at this - Congress is in power at center since 8 years, many cases of Godhra have been moved out of Gujarat, if he really did something wrong, than entire central govt. machinery is in the hands of the opposition of BJP, which they can use against him, but there is not a single case against him in 8 years, what does it signals??
When does a person say sorry?? when he knows that he has done something wrong & feels regret for the same, & i ask u what did he do wrong, & if he did anything wrong than do u have the proof of the same?? or u r just following a media trial, where a person is found guilty even before his FIR is launched. If Indian media accuse him of something, does that mean he has really done that thing?? i think it's time we should avoid accusing someone of something just because media is accusing him, courts in India are responsible for any trial, media trials cannot go in parallel.

Just look at this - Congress is in power at center since 8 years, many cases of Godhra have been moved out of Gujarat, if he really did something wrong, than entire central govt. machinery is in the hands of the opposition of BJP, which they can use against him, but there is not a single case against him in 8 years, what does it signals??

Ahh leave it man. I don't wann argue on this. If people like him then choose him. He is good leader no doubt, but has committed a sin he can't remove from his life.

The UK's high commissioner in India has met Narendra Modi, the chief minister of Gujarat state, ending a 10-year boycott of the controversial leader.

The UK and other Western governments suspended ties with Narendra Modi, after religious riots in 2002.

An estimated 1,000 people were killed, most of them Muslim, three of them British citizens.

Mr Modi was accused of not doing anything to stop the violence, but he has always denied any wrongdoing.

One of India's most prominent politicians, he has been exonerated by several inquiries.

The British government this month changed its policy and said High Commissioner James Bevan would travel to Gujarat.

Close Gujarat ties

Mr Modi has been tipped as a potential future prime minister, partly because of his record of turning his state into one of India's economic powerhouses.

The UK has had no official contact with him since the communal riots in Gujarat because of his alleged complicity in the violence against Muslims, which saw hundreds killed by Hindu nationalists.

Many Britons of Indian descent trace their origins to Gujarat, and London says British interests, such as boosting investment ties, are better served by engagement, not continuing isolation.

Gujarat is one of India's most economically advanced states and many British companies are already investing in it, while others are waiting to, correspondents say.

But human rights groups and relatives of three Britons who were killed in the riots have criticised the meeting.

BBC News - Narendra Modi: UK high commissioner meets Gujarat chief

Reminds me of this:

He has done wonders for Gujrat no doubt. But does that mean he should be made PM of one of the most diverse nations on earth? IMHO- NO! What he has been accused of is unjustifiable and utterly sickening. I am neither Hindu nor Muslim but I am a human and what he supposedly did is inexcusable. Inaction is complicity in my book and the law's. Just because there is a lack of evidence to prosecute him means little to me. It is a real shame too because if he wasn't accused of such crimes I'd be such a huge fan of him and he would be my first choice for 2014 elections. If a man like this is elected to PM of India it will tarnish the reputation of India all over the world and make India look like a fundamentalist nation which it simply is not.
Every time Modi is mentioned by the media it is almost immediately followed by the Gujrat riots and this is not something that needs to be continuously dragged up. Rightly or wrongly these accusations simply have not gone away and in many nations that would have made his current position as CM untenable and a potential position as PM absurd but Indian Politics and politicians are so dirty it hasn't which is sickening in itself. As far as I'm concerned there's no smoke without fire and the fact use accusations haven't faded means his candidacy for PM should never be considered.
Every time Modi is mentioned by the media it is almost immediately followed by the Gujrat riots and this is not something that needs to be continuously dragged up. Rightly or wrongly these accusations simply have not gone away and in many nations that would have made his current position as CM untenable and a potential position as PM absurd but Indian Politics and politicians are so dirty it hasn't which is sickening in itself. As far as I'm concerned there's no smoke without fire and the fact use accusations haven't faded means his candidacy for PM should never be considered.
for good or bad, election mathematics won't allow BJP to nominate him as PM. expect arun jaitley or Sushma swaraj to fill that role. one must also keep nitish in mind.
NaMo cannot be PM due to parliamentary maths.
for good or bad, election mathematics won't allow BJP to nominate him as PM. expect arun jaitley or Sushma swaraj to fill that role. one must also keep nitish in mind.
NaMo cannot be PM due to parliamentary maths.

if not him then BJP should forget winning in 2014.............
if not him then BJP should forget winning in 2014.............
i admire NaMo as much as many here. but we also need coalition partners to form a stable govt. in the center.
the best strategy would be to appoint a non-controversial figure as pm ( i prefer jaitley) and let NaMo handle some key ministries. win win me thinks
I wouldn't object too much to Modi being FM, in fact that might be ideal because this is where his strengths lay and not necsercarily as a statesman.
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