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Narendra Modi kite to fly high, read what 400 yr old prediction says!


Jan 10, 2011
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PS: Came across this article and found it funny so thought of sharing it in PDF. Dunno why you people are getting boners!! :rolleyes:

New Delhi, May 21: Michel de Nostredame, born 400 years ago in France, was a prophet and a well-known seer. Back in India, in 2014 Narendra Modi, a man belonging to a backward class in India is appointed the PM.

No, these two incidents are completely different incidents, not linked to each other at all...unless...we tell you that the man born 400 years ago had predicted that Narendra Modi will become the Prime Minister in 2014 and that he will make teh country a superpower.

An old trunk hiding the secret

An official blog by Francois Gautier, a well known columnist, tells the entire story. It is said that a French scholar Bamprelle de la Rochefoucault uncovered in an old trunk which had been sold for two francs in 1876 to an antics dealer of Bordeaux, a document written in Latin which he has attributed to Nostradamus.

Interestingly, there are 2 full pages of rhymed quatrains (4 liners) grouped into sets of 100, called Centuries. A part of his book 'Les Propheties', he is also said to have predicted the French Revolution, the atom bombs, rise of Adolf Hitler and the September 11 attacks.

What's inside

It is pretty difficult to believe how a seer 400 years ago could predict India in 2014; not just that, he knows the name of the people and the political party that will take India to the top.

Quoting from the blog:

1. Politicus Bharatus Janatus Indicus veni grandus est vingtus unus centurus - Congressus oublium est ... Politicus Bharatus Janatus Indicus veni grandus est para Indus cognisant Indica tum est..." The Bharatiya Janata Party will come to dominate India in the 21st century, as the Congress, will slowly sink. The BJP will represent the aspirations of the Hindus, the overwhelming majority of India.

2. Explaining 'Who are Hindus': Indus terrum nostrum grandus homo manus onum unus familium planetum est. Indicus pax pacis terra est ferrum tempus...

They will be the most tolerant people, even in the Age of Iron, because they will still accept that God may manifest Himself at different times under different names, using different scriptures. Hence all persecuted people throughout the ages, will always found refuge in India, where they will practice their religion in peace.


1. Politicus Bharatus Janatus Indicus tri pillarus est, Vajpayum, Advanum persistum est et Narendrum Modum. Vajpayum emergum est..." The BJP will have three pillars: AB Vajpayee, LK Advani and Narendra Modi. Eventually, Vajpayee will no longer have an active life, Advani will persist and Narendra Modi will be emerging.
2. Narendrum Modum supremus chefum, ironus manus est et economicum grandum est Narendra Modi will raise himself as a national figure, not only because he is an iron man, but also because he has made of his state a model of economic efficiency.

Not only this, the seer has also predicted the stance of Narendra Modi toward Pakistan, China and Tibet and how well he will Manage the foreign affairs. He also prophecies the destiny of the Hindus and how they will re-instate Dharma in their land.

While the Gautier's blog is one unconfirmed source of the prophecy, there are others like the eternalcadence.wordpress.com , which cite the same things.

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Prophecy? :disagree::disagree::angry::angry:

The standards of topics being posted on PDF is at an all time low.
Politicus Bharatus Janatus Indicus veni grandus est vingtus unus centurus - Congressus oublium est ... Politicus Bharatus Janatus Indicus veni grandus est para Indus cognisant Indica tum est.

^^ sounds like some sanskrit poem

to the OP ""Pleases stopus thisto bullshitium..makus vos lookus stoopidum"...meaning please stop this BS...makes you look stupid :agree:

Politicus Bharatus Janatus Indicus veni grandus est vingtus unus centurus - Congressus oublium est ... Politicus Bharatus Janatus Indicus veni grandus est para Indus cognisant Indica tum est.

^^ sounds like some sanskrit poem

to the OP ""Pleases stopus thisto bullshitium..makus vos lookus stoopidum"...meaning please stop this BS...makes you look stupid :agree:
What makes you look like if you reply to a thread which you think is stupid.
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