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Frightened of Narendra Modi, Dawood Ibrahim shifts base

What are you talking about sir? As the PM of India his army is the INDIAN army and they aren't exactly made up of make believe characters.

He does indeed. And he only has the Indian army, not an army of unicorns and fairies. And he is only a PM not some demigod who fell from the skies, landed in Delhi and decided to decimate the enemy.

Don't get me wrong, my little speech isn't as much against Modi and India as it is against a certain crowd of fans who say some very funny things. You know who... ;)
And he is only a PM not some demigod who fell from the skies, landed in Delhi and decided to decimate the enemy.
Indeed, I do try to keep people's expectations of him within reason but I guess like with the Obama craze Indians are just so desperate for change and are pinning all their hopes and dreams on Modi. But I do think, at the same time, people are right to expect more and better from Modi, he certainly has the mandate behind him and, unlike Obama, a proven track record in administration and leadership.

Bhaag Bose DK .... Bhaag
If you check the right History, PAK muslims and ISI and Army is responsible for BD fiasco. If they didn't started killing innocent civilians and large no of civilians do not cross Indian border and force india to respond. If Fact their is Written Order of PAK Army general to kill hindu civilians ( what you say about that)

East Pakistan is a shameful chapter in our history but to really rub salt in the wounds, we get to be bitter at you who intervened.

Now, I could just as easily claim that your people have wronged the Kashmiris in many ways.

But the fact of the earlier debate was, one of your countrymen was on his high horse, galloping towards the high moral standing with the wind running through your ego.

I merely countered by telling him. Like I said, and I will say again, since you haven't quite grasped it, no-one is innocent, it takes two to tango. We have some dark chapters in our history but that feeling of regret won't overshadow our better judgement. East Pakistan and your intervention was to us as bad as Pakistani backed militancy in J&K, only we ended up losing an entire part of our nation. The point is not to be bitter, but to prove to you to get the hell off your high horse.

We all know how holy cow is ISI and Army is in PAK, we can see the result,anyone talking about ISI or army either jailed OR most of them killed be it journalist. they can even ban news if someone point finger to ISI.

You should know, the ISI/Army are loved by it's people for a reason. They are the only credible, strong and relatively clean institution in all the country. But even they are/have backed out of politics.

The Geo fiasco was purely the result of public uproar. Literal uproar, something we've not seen in a very long time. And so far, ban or no ban. The common man's boycott is gutting geo as we speak, not the will of the army or the decision of PEMRA.

The problem of Pak is they look any one else of their own problem .

I agree. Wholeheartedly. Pakistanis are many things I don't like... look up my posts on this forum and see my rants on our people.

and always denial about OBL.

OBL was a different story. Take it to the appropriate thread and I will debunk all of your misguided opinions. Believe me, I've met many Indian folk using OBL to 'expose' us. It never quite worked out for em, come debate time.

When someone ask you about proof of Indian involvement in Balochistan you got " NON", this is typical PAK problem blame anyone else of their own problem

There's no outcry on Balochistan, but it's an issue that has been raised many times. Our side has said that they've handed evidence to the powers that be. Chuck Hagel also seemed to think so, before his voice was hushed. I also have a nice lengthy article by Turkmen journalists with ex-KGB people who were involved in Balochistan, during the 80's. If you'd like, I will PM a link and we'll discuss Balochistan there.

But this, is not the place.

now thats its called the interfere in other country affairs, you want to make afghan salve though taliban, and now trying to do again. Cant you live peaceful with your neighbours why are you always trying to grab your neighbour;s land ?

We have NO reason to mess with Afghanistan, on a good day that is. But currently, we house millions of their refugees, we are their main survival route, I'm not talking about the Mayor of Kabul's so called 'Afghan government', but Afghanistan as a nation and piece of land. We also have a massive porous border, where militants are active and wage war against the state.
We are the frontline in the heroin trade that has damaged us beyond comprehension. Also, our long standing ranting at the US and Afghans about Afghan links with the BLA and TTP, were recently verified by the Americans themselves.

What more reasons do we need? If anyone has a right to involve themselves in Afghanistan, it's us.

Last time someone in PAK told its citizens that One muslims solders equal to 10 hindu soldiers and lost BD ,
Your army running to China and PM to US to save PAK last time in kargil. This time no one can save you;) try it.

Let me tell you something, my naive dear friend...

This is not the past, it's now. This is not BD we're talking about, it's Afghanistan, a land which we've lived with since our creation, a land where superpowers broke like tides against beach rocks. We are not Iraq, and you are not the US.
Mark my words, if your cronies don't flee Afghanistan, we will hit them back in a bad way. The mayor of Kabul will be the first to flee before Afghanistan is purged, you'd be hard pressed if you think you can stay.

Indeed, I do try to keep people's expectations of him within reason but I guess like with the Obama craze Indians are just so desperate for change and are pinning all their hopes and dreams on Modi. But I do think, at the same time, people are right to expect more and better from Modi, he certainly has the mandate behind him and, unlike Obama, a proven track record in administration and leadership.

Matey, I've nothing against his appeal as someone who has sold himself as a reformist, someone who brings much needed change, wants to get the economy booming again, fine.

But the level of things I've heard from some Indians. The worst I've heard is that Modi will lead a nuclear war against us, in which we will be decimated and India will come out unharmed. I've even heard people telling prophecies about him, about how we'll make India a superpower, he'll invade pakistan, new global alliances will form, even heard that then the kalki avatar (or something like that) will be born in India.

My comments are reserved for those kinds of people.


: As Narendra Modi is set to become India’s Prime Minister, country’s most wanted underworld don Dawood Ibrahim has gone hiding to an undisclosed location near Afghanistan-Pakistan border, which is under the control of Taliban. His earlier base was Karachi.

According to a report in DNA, Dawood feared a commando-type operation and is supposed to have relocated his base to a remote corner. Reportedly, don has also got the ISI to upgrade his security.

The report quoted an intelligence report as saying, "With Modi coming to power, he is mortally afraid."

During the election campaign, Modi had given a statement to a Gujarati news channel saying that if he is voted to power, he would bring Dawood Ibrahim to India from Pakistan. Now that Modi is in power, the broad anticipation of the intelligence community is that he will tighten the screws on don.

Indian Intelligence believes that the underworld kingpin lives in Karachi. Although, in an exclusive interview with Mail Today, deserter gangster Chhota Rajan had said Dawood lived in Gulf region.

Frightened of Narendra Modi, Dawood Ibrahim shifts base
This is all good old slogan based politics, Modi is playing politics , let see if he can bring economics reforms , control the rising unemployment but than you never know this war mongering fanatic may push India towards war with his neighbouring country.
Something tells me Modi has bigger problems to tackle first before the terrorist riff raff.
You guys realise this article has no source, no credible informants, no base. It's just allegations and yet you take it up as the truth?

Why dont you care for sources now? Or proof? Apni bari koi tension nahin? :D

Someone sure is running scared!!!


Now even the ISI is after him to blow him up before he gives out state secrets to RAW after he's feathered!!
:lol: :lol:

And you say this with authority on what basis?
lolx... indians are very good in making stories... lagta hai inko har cheez bollywood ki movies ki thara nazar ati hai.... lolx... agar modi ny henki phenki ki to beta pakistan ki total population 18 crore hai... n 25 crore indian muslims ky lye ik naya pakistan ban jaye ga... india will break soon inshallah... new country for muslims will emerge from india. just wait n watch
Ah I see. Well as for RAW, they were the ones behind Jundal being brought back to India along with a lot of the terrorists in the S.Asian region magically finding themselves in Indian custody lately.
SOP is to hold them for a while, "sweat" them , then a few weeks later after they have been completely squeezed of all info , they magically appear to be arrested in some obscure corner.
there is no different between bollywood and indian politicians ..full of gossip

kesay ..?? how..? koi jadoo ka chiraag han uss ke pass...

Narendra Modi is reputed in eliminate his enemies or terrorists by his own method and by his own political power.5 terrorists is gunned down by Gujarat police before they entering in to Gujarat.Even if Congress used it for cheap politics still they cant verify that claim.
Now he is the PM of India.RAW is in his own hands .RAW dont don anything exciting after Indira Gandhi.Now I hope Modi will change that.
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