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Narendra Modi free to apply for visa: US

Doesn't matter what people think about Modi, he will never be the PM of Republic of India. A man with blood on his hands can't be elected to PM's house. He better stick to gujarat.

does not matter what you think ? we people are living in democracy and it is the voice of people who decide the fate of the govt. Majority says it's time for PM. How can be someone from congress be a PM when their hands are full of blood of innocent sikhs ? Hail Namo.
See, its the quality of leadership that counts. If need be translators can be hired. What good did it do to have nincompoop like Nehru, despite all his highfalutin English?

Mate - personal interractions and personal diplomacy with world leaders can go a long way to achieve political gains. As for Nehru and his convoluted ideas did not fetch him anything. Beyond that, having done enough Nehru bashing in other threads for the night, I will take a rain check. :lol:
Hey I'm a tamilian who did not know much Hindi. But I had no difficulty identifying myself with India. :angel:

There is a basic difference between not knowing hindi and knowing little hindi - I think you belong to the latter category as I have seen some of your postings. I am in the latter category as well and picked up my hindi only after coming to US (imagine an embarrasing situation having to sit in a class with 8 year olds and one of the kid's mom asking me whether I was a teacher and I responded that I was a student - :lol: - I could only think of Kaakha Kaakha situation and dialogue in reverse)
US Prez was just an example. Anyway it is not mandatory but generally expected that PM be fluent in the global language so that he can express himself. Actually come to think of it, with the problems facing India today the three portfolios that urgently need Modification are Home Ministry or Surface transport and shipping or commerce and industry.

PMs are not made by his/her language skills but his/her leadership skills, we all know how fluent MMS is in English but ask urself does he have the leadership qualities of a PM (like AB Vajpayee, like Indira Gandhi)?? Anyways why we see our own language (be it, Hindi, Gujarati or Tamil or any other) inferior to English?? I have nothing against English, i know it's the global language of 21st century, but we should not forget that it is a foreign language & it's preference is not higher than our native language.
That's why they say:

जब शेर दहाड़ता है, तब चील, हिरण और सारस भी मिलकर बोलते हैं, "सिघम की जय हो!"

(translation: When The Lion roars, even the Eagle (US), the Buck (Britain) and the Crane (Japan) say in unison "All hail the Singham"!

This is the foundation stone of:


what were you guys saying about "Thank God British India got partitioned" ?
Seems like your countrymen still have wet dreams of British India.

And Modi will do it all by 2019 as well
It must be due to that magic hat he is wearing :rofl:

I can't even say anything else, I am laughing too much. Good one guys :tup:
That awkward moment when KS is arguing against Modi for PM ship and people are opposing him, supporting Modi...:lol:
PMs are not made by his/her language skills but his/her leadership skills, we all know how fluent MMS is in English but ask urself does he have the leadership qualities of a PM (like AB Vajpayee, like Indira Gandhi)?? Anyways why we see our own language (be it, Hindi, Gujarati or Tamil or any other) inferior to English?? I have nothing against English, i know it's the global language of 21st century, but we should not forget that it is a foreign language & it's preference is not higher than our native language.

I would not compromise learning a language for that matter. I understand the importance of each language - need Hindi when I am in India outside of TN, need Tamil when I am in TN, need Spanish I travel to some Caribbean countries or Central or South America. I need German as well for my own work.
I would not compromise learning a language for that matter. I understand the importance of each language - need Hindi when I am in India outside of TN, need Tamil when I am in TN, need Spanish I travel to some Caribbean countries or Central or South America. I need German as well for my own work.
its not a bad thing knowing more language.Thats why PVNR was such a good manipulative PM.More that north indian i always had this impression of a south indian doing justice to the PM's post(unless its not a dev gowda).Reason being south indian PM candidates are not mired by negative and positive prejudice and biases towards pakistan as north indians are.There should not be any PM from UP,punjab,Bihar J&K for some time period of 50-60 yrs.
its not a bad thing knowing more language.Thats why PVNR was such a good manipulative PM.More that north indian i always had this impression of a south indian doing justice to the PM's post(unless its not a dev gowda).Reason being south indian PM candidates are not mired by negative and positive prejudice and biases towards pakistan as north indians are.There should not be any PM from UP,punjab,Bihar J&K for some time period of 50-60 yrs.

I think North Indians were the ones who were affected by the partition. South Indians were largely untouched by it. Having stated that, I firmly believe that peace can't be achieved with Pakistan permanently unless Kashmir issue is resolved. Neither India nor Pakistan is going to concede 1 inch from their positions as the brainwash in both the countries will not allow either one of the people to make a compromise. So it does not matter whether there is a biased or unbiased PM.
I think North Indians were the ones who were affected by the partition. South Indians were largely untouched by it. Having stated that, I firmly believe that peace can't be achieved with Pakistan permanently unless Kashmir issue is resolved. Neither India nor Pakistan is going to concede 1 inch from their positions as the brainwash in both the countries will not allow either one of the people to make a compromise. So it does not matter whether there is a biased or unbiased PM.

Actually South Indians would not have cared if Pakistan took Kashmir in '47 itself but now its a national issue with almost every state in India contributing blood and material for keeping Kashmir in India.
I think North Indians were the ones who were affected by the partition. South Indians were largely untouched by it.

Northies have a strange love-hate relationship with Pakistanis due to the language similarities. South is free from that emotional atyachar.
I think North Indians were the ones who were affected by the partition. South Indians were largely untouched by it. Having stated that, I firmly believe that peace can't be achieved with Pakistan permanently unless Kashmir issue is resolved. Neither India nor Pakistan is going to concede 1 inch from their positions as the brainwash in both the countries will not allow either one of the people to make a compromise. So it does not matter whether there is a biased or unbiased PM.
well north indian PM tends to spoil india 's cas mostly due to the influence on their minds of pre-partion days thus you have example of morarji desai,gujral doctrine, S-e-S,One south indian PM PVNR...bam........... he immediately passed that famous resolution on J&K in parliament which no govt dare to nullify till today without having 2/3rd majority.
Actually South Indians would not have cared if Pakistan took Kashmir in '47 itself but now its a national issue with almost every state in India contributing blood and material for keeping Kashmir in India.

+1 - Exactly. Now the stakes are significant. My take is this same analogy can be extended for uniform civil laws or Ayodhya Ram temple as well. These could have been achieved in 1947. Now it is extremely difficult.
Actually South Indians would not have cared if Pakistan took Kashmir in '47 itself but now its a national issue with almost every state in India contributing blood and material for keeping Kashmir in India.
PVNR's term suggests opposite what you are claiming .
+1 - Exactly. Now the stakes are significant. My take is this same analogy can be extended for uniform civil laws or Ayodhya Ram temple as well. These could have been achieved in 1947. Now it is extremely difficult.

Bro a Ram Mandir is already there. Issue is whether to expand it or not. The issue subjudice, for all intents and purposes is basically for that. Because even the Muslims know that removing the existing temple from its place even if the verdict goes in their favor would generate a tremendous social backlash from Hindus. Honestly I am expecting a Shah Bano type act if the judgement is not in favor of Hindus with appropriate remedial measures for the Muslims.

But yes, I agree, it should have been much easier in '47 when the Muslims would not have had much opposition.

But then again the great chacha came into play. Even Somnath could be built only in the face of grave opposition of Nehru because it was in Sardar's region and the president Dr.Prasad also strongly supported it.

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