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well north indian PM tends to spoil india 's cas mostly due to the influence on their minds of pre-partion days thus you have example of morarji desai,gujral doctrine, S-e-S,One south indian PM PVNR...bam........... he immediately passed that famous resolution on J&K in parliament which no govt dare to nullify till today without having 2/3rd majority.

But Ajtr - there were only 2 PMs from South India to pass a judgement - PVNR and the other useless one. But I agree that many of the previous PMs are influenced by the partition.
But Ajtr - there were only 2 PMs from South India to pass a judgement - PVNR and the other useless one. But I agree that many of the previous PMs are influenced by the partition.
That 5 yrs of PVNR changed india over 45yrs of north indians' mis-rule.

I ve two cantdate in mind from south Jaya and Chandrababu naidu.
Bro a Ram Mandir is already there. Issue is whether to expand it or not. The issue subjudice, for all intents and purposes is basically for that. Because even the Muslims know that removing the existing temple from its place even if the verdict goes in their favor would generate a tremendous social backlash from Hindus. Honestly I am expecting a Shah Bano type act if the judgement is not in favor of Hindus with appropriate remedial measures for the Muslims.

But yes, I agree, it should have been much easier in '47 when the Muslims would not have had much opposition.

But then again the great chacha came into play. Even Somnath could be built only in the face of grave opposition of Nehru because it was in Sardar's region and the president Dr.Prasad also strongly supported it.

Both Hindus as well as Muslims will not compromise now. Indian Muslims have left the guilt of the partition behind since 1990s and will want their own pound of flesh. With a population of 1.3 billion, I shudder to think the impact of India level communal riots(I have thought about it couple of times - call me paranoid - the thoughts of Rwanda struck my mind).

And for Ayodhya, I was thinking of exactly Somnath. It was so easy with Somnath, it would have been the same for Ayodhya.

As for uniform civil laws, Nehru was too much involved he was afraid to take on muslims at that time.
That 5 yrs of PVNR changed india over 45yrs of north indians' mis-rule.

I ve two cantdate in mind from south Jaya and Chandrababu naidu.

PVNR is not even remebered by Congress. They have selective Amnesia when it comes to him.
That 5 yrs of PVNR changed india over 45yrs of north indians' mis-rule.

I ve two cantdate in mind from south Jaya and Chandrababu naidu.

PVNR was one of the best PMs India had. He had the best intentions for India and did not sell off critical cabinet positions to politicans unlike other congress PMs. He brought in MMS and Chiddu to turn around the economy. Also he was the one who formulated the Look East policy. Jaya - I agree would be a choice but I am still sceptical about her mental stability - I would want a stable PM while she can be a defence minister or some powerful cabinet position. Chandrababu Naidu was good during his days but now he is not a force even in AP anymore.
Both Hindus as well as Muslims will not compromise now. Indian Muslims have left the guilt of the partition behind since 1990s and will want their own pound of flesh. With a population of 1.3 billion, I shudder to think the impact of India level communal riots(I have thought about it couple of times - call me paranoid - the thoughts of Rwanda struck my mind).

Another reason I hate Nehru. Agreeing to Partition, but not completing it.

And for Ayodhya, I was thinking of exactly Somnath. It was so easy with Somnath, it would have been the same for Ayodhya.

True. The iron was hot that time. It could have been shaped in any way we wanted.

But the blacksmith was not willing to shape it.

As for uniform civil laws, Nehru was too much involved he was afraid to take on muslims at that time.

I dont think he was afraid. There was nothing to be afraid of Muslims at that time. He did it out of a genuine benevolence to make them feel wanted in India and to make them feel secure. That was a good in '47. But it should have been with a time constraint and not indefinite.
Another reason I hate Nehru. Agreeing to Partition, but not completing it.

True. The iron was hot that time. It could have been shaped in any way we wanted.

I dont think he was afraid. There was nothing to be afraid of Muslims at that time. He did it out of a genuine benevolence to make them feel wanted in India and to make them feel insecure. That was a good ploy in '47. But it should have been with a time constraint and not indefinite.

You mean secure?

As for the second highlighted portion, similar to how they screwed up with reservation system.
You mean secure?

As for the second highlighted portion, similar to how they screwed up with reservation system.

Yes. A typo.

Ok GN bro. Gotto hit bed.
PVNR is not even remebered by Congress. They have selective Amnesia when it comes to him.

This part from Wikipedia speaks of a person - According to a vernacular source, despite holding many lucrative posts he faced many financial troubles. One of his sons was educated with the assistance of his son-in-law. He also faced trouble in paying fees for a daughter of his who was then studying medicine.[63] According to PVRK Prasad, an IAS officer who was Narasimha Rao's media advisor when the latter was Prime Minister, Rao asked his friends to sell away his house at Banajara hills to clear the dues of advocates.[64] Rao was afraid of dying before clearing his dues to the lawyers.

Yes. A typo.

Ok GN bro. Gotto hit bed.

Same here. GN.
Muslim population is now 14 percentage...let it reach 20 percentage and voila we have another partition.
Muslim population is now 14 percentage...let it reach 20 percentage and voila we have another partition.

I have some thoughts to share regarding that. But not here. If you understand my native tongue I can say. The one good thing in all this madness :angel:
It's amazing how you guys are flirting with Genocidal fantasies about Muslims, but have you ever thought that the problem is you?
It is well documented that Muslims are treated as 3rd class human being in India, so instead of having wet dreams of murdering them all, why not bring them into the mainstream?

Personally I think a lot of the right wing Hindus are still butt hurt about the 800 year Muslim rule and want to exact some sort of vengeance. Of course India can never move forward with such barbaric ideals, and it will be better for everyone involved to look to the future and not the past.
That 5 yrs of PVNR changed india over 45yrs of north indians' mis-rule.

I ve two cantdate in mind from south Jaya and Chandrababu naidu.

True...PVNR did his job fine when compared to others.

TN people are fools so they elected an actress as CM but rest of Indians aren't that stupid to elect that bitc$h as PM. She is an egoist and worth for nothing. Naidu can't able to prove himself as powerful leader in AP so both options are invalid.

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