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I support BJP right now but i don't want Modi as PM or Foreign minister .

There will be many BJP voters like me .

Why go to the voter level - Sushma or Advani or Jaitley dont want Modi as PM. They all have their own ambitions.It's as simple as that. That we have to leave it to the intra party democracy and whom the cadre want after elections.
I support BJP right now but i don't want Modi as PM or Foreign minister .

There will be many BJP voters like me .
relax nick, the parliamentary maths will ensure NaMo wont become PM. I am an avid supporter (of NaMo) but i'm just being realistic. jaitley shud be PM candidate for BJP, and NaMo shud get key ministries in his portfolio
relax nick, the parliamentary maths will ensure NaMo wont become PM. I am an avid supporter (of NaMo) but i'm just being realistic. jaitley shud be PM candidate for BJP, and NaMo shud get key ministries in his portfolio

Modi will be better off with finance , home or defence ministry .
Modi will be better off with finance , home or defence ministry .

Chotta Sardar should occupy the post first held by the bada Sardar.

Even I dont prefer Modi for PM, purely because you cant talk in Gujarati or Hindi with the US Prez...:lol:
Same reaction from my side, one should visit Bihar to see the difference Nitish Kumar has done for these years. And WTF has Rahul Gandhi has done so far for the nation? If being from Gandhi family automatically qualifies you to be PM of the nation, then we should feel ashamed of ourselves.

I subscribe to your views, Nitish Kumar is well deserved for the post of PM.

Nitish Kumar is needed to finish the work he started in Bihar. Else are you going to sacrifice Bihar for India? There are other candidates - Jaitley, Modi(if SC clears him) and will not mind even Advani. No Congress or Third front.
Nitish Kumar is needed to finish the work he started in Bihar. Else are you going to sacrifice Bihar for India? There are other candidates - Jaitley, Modi(if SC clears him) and will not mind even Advani. No Congress or Third front.

Or Arvind Khejriwal. He is Mamata on steroids.
No dont vote for Modi/BJP. Keep electing the Congress. Or better yet give Mulayam a chance through third front.

Before decrying those who support Modi, please think of the alternatives in front of us.
How about Kejriwal? Lok Satta? There are small local secular alternatives.
I will consider voting for BJP the day they will get mandir off their agenda. I believe one more term for them out in the cold, they will be led to this realization. The 1990's politics won't work any more. If Modi could get so many twitter fans, imagine how many Indians know about the shadiness of BJP's conduct?
They still think that India loves Hindutva and that political tweaking like Telangana, Vidarbha is enough to get them Delhi. Other than that, what did they do except waiting for the apple to ripe and fall? When a party's fundamentals are so threatening to the concept of India, how can I vote for them? It is not even like there is another Vajpayee in their ranks to hold a moderate coalition.
How about Kejriwal? Lok Satta? There are small local secular alternatives. of India,

Secular secular secular. Seriously I'm fed up with that word. A magic go-to-word to hide behind any administrative failure, corruption, mis-management. You are corrupt, hmm yeah.. but I am secular. You are not doing administration properly..Yes, but I am secular. You are not managing the economy well..I know, but I am secular. You have not maintaining internal security..Ooops..but I am secular. BJP is no more communal than Congress or anyone.

Arvind Khejriwal..? Have you read his vision document ? That is THE most effective recipe for economic disaster yet invented by any Indian. I liken him to Imran Khan. Full of bluster, full of populism yet not knowing what administration truly entails. And while IK is far-right nationalist, AK is a far-left anarchist.

The only viable parties who can give a stable Govt are Cong and BJP. Forget third front, AK, or Lot Sutta. If you dont want to vote for BJP due to your priorities, atleast vote for Congress...Dont waste it on anyone else :hitwall:
Modi will be better off with finance , home or defence ministry .
I am with you on that one. Modi will have to settle for a Cabinet ministry(but not the above three, they are too high octane). May be he should get Commerce and Industry. That is the most probable outcome and a good one.

Secular secular secular. Seriously I'm fed up with that word. A magic go-to-word to hide behind any administrative failure. BJP is no more communal than Congress or anyone.
Ohk Congress overuses the secular card against BJP. But there is enough on BJP's side to not prefer them.

Arvind Khejriwal..? Have you read his vision document ? That is THE most effective recipe for economic disaster yet invented by any Indian. I liken him to Imran Khan. Full of hope, full of populism yet not knowing what administration truly entails. And while IK is far-right nationalist, AK is a far-left anarchist.

The only viable parties who can give a stable Govt are Cong and BJP. Forget third front, AK, or Lot Sutta. If you dont want to vote for BJP due to your priorities, atleast vote for Congress...Dont waste it on anyone else :hitwall:

I know a lot of their 'aims' are immature. But they don't have truck loads of expert people like Congress has to write them a vision document. He has accepted that on a lot of issues their party has no stand at all. As more people and opinions join, he claims a policy will evolve. So I am still hopeful.

Also I am afraid we are dangerously spiralling into a two party system like the USA. Losing vote share is a fear for all political parties. So if small parties gain more share, it will shake the biggies at least a little bit to avoid giving tickets to the super hardcore corrupt as opposed to the harcore corrupt.
I know a lot of their 'aims' are immature. But they don't have truck loads of expert people like Congress has to write them a vision document. He has accepted that on a lot of issues their party has no stand at all. As more people and opinions join, he claims a policy will evolve. So I am still hopeful.

Evolution means small changes, just improvising on the go depending upon situations. But his 'vision' is a 180 degree turaround to the current economic policies..towards the pre-91 era. And with Prashant Bhushan being the no2 in his gang, I'm sorry I cant trust them on internal security either.

So out goes two most important things - economy and internal security. So what else is left.

I humbly think your hope is misplaced. And his only job in the elections would be to split the anti-Congress vote and bring Rahul baba to power. Actually I prefer tat dumb idiot who will atleast let the other somewhat experienced ones to run the show, rather than a far-left, know-it-all.
The BJP will need to rediscover itself as a moderate right party and that will get the votes for them. BJP's focus should be on economy and promise of rediscovery of the old vibrant rich India,promise of a strong defence force and forceful diplomatic power. Basically rekindle the nationalistic feelings. BJP should not go back to the Mandir agenda or puruse extreme right wing hindu agenda. This will get the vote of most youngsters and many moderates who are fed up with Congress and other smaller parties.Congress will be history in a few years when the people below BPL will be a small percentage unless Congress stop pandering to the fundamentalist religious forces.
The BJP will need to rediscover itself as a moderate right party and that will get the votes for them. BJP's focus should be on economy and promise of rediscovery of the old vibrant rich India,promise of a strong defence force and forceful diplomatic power. Basically rekindle the nationalistic feelings. BJP should not go back to the Mandir agenda or puruse extreme right wing hindu agenda. This will get the vote of most youngsters and many moderates who are fed up with Congress and other smaller parties.Congress will be history in a few years when the people below BPL will be a small percentage unless Congress stop pandering to the fundamentalist religious forces.

Mandir agenda is way below the agenda even in their party charter and practically wont find place in the NDA charter. I dont know why people are getting excited over a non-issue especially when the Mandir issue is sub judice and the govt cant pre-empt anything.

Let me add, I support the Ram Mandir movement..but not because the BJP said so. Its because of my own reasons. BJP or no BJP, RSS or no RSS, VHP or no VHP these dont matter. So let us separate the two issues.
Mandir agenda is way below the agenda even in their party charter and practically wont find place in the NDA charter. I dont know why people are getting excited over a non-issue especially when the Mandir issue is sub judice and the govt cant pre-empt anything.

KS - It was not followed by BJP in the previous NDA regime. That is a good thing. But assure Indians as a policy change that BJP will remain the face of moderate right wing - like the Republicans in US. People are afraid of both the extremist forces - Hindu and Islam.
Evolution means small changes, just improvising on the go depending upon situations. But his 'vision' is a 180 degree turaround to the current economic policies..towards the pre-91 era. And with Prashant Bhushan being the no2 in his gang, I'm sorry I cant trust them on internal security either.

So out goes two most important things - economy and internal security. So what else is left.

I humbly think your hope is misplaced. And his only job in the elections would be to split the anti-Congress vote and bring Rahul baba to power. Actually I prefer tat dumb idiot who will atleast let the other somewhat experienced ones to run the show, rather than a far-left, know-it-all.
Please check my earlier post. I have updated it about choosing between BJP and Congress. Instead of resigning for a fate between BJP and Congress, it is atleast better to create some uncertainty and make the parties work hard for majority. So that there is more pressure on them for improvement.
And Kejriwal will not and need not win to make a difference, he just needs some significant percentage points to threaten the duo.
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