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N. Waziristan Taliban revoke peace accord; tell locals to leave

The biggest problem is not the capability but some of the officer in PA having soft heart for talibans
Nope, faujis follow orders without question. Only after retirement they express their disagreements.
Many faujis might not personally agree with raheel shareef's approach but they will follow his orders without moment hesitation. They are killing machines, not debators or senators.
This is not a matter of lols. He has given 'command' to wazirs, not to take refuge in governament's camps but take refuge in Afghanistan. Do you have any idea what does it mean?. Utmanzai wazirs have no tribal links with khost, their tribal links are with bannu (FR bannu and Domail tehsil are waziri areas). They would take refuge in Afghanistan as protest , tribal elders of utmanzai wazirs have already hinted that this time they would take a tangent approach and would seek refuge from kabul. Now study the history of wazirs , they have a history with kabul. Gul bahadur's grandfather was 'president' of azad pashtunistan, centred in north waziristan. That mini pashtunistan was supported at that time by wazirs, dawars, bhittani, bannuchi and marwat tribes. No military action was taken against them and the pashtunistan slowly died as these tribes were geared for wars, not peace.
@Aeronaut @mafiya, @pakdefender @Secur

Left you alone for the most and better time of the history , it didn't do much good even to the tribal people . Its time we take matters in our hand and govern the tribal territories as the rest of the country . I mean , the F.A.T.A. is more autonomous than any other territory of this country , even the mighty Azad Kashmir for the love of all that is holy and still see its state and condition . Gul Bahadur should have known better to not continue sheltering foreign terrorists on Pakistani soil , a state doesn't wish to see treason committed against itself . If something like this is taking place , the Kabul will not be able to help the rebels , there's no way really .

He has basically declared war against Pakistan. In a straight forward fashion, he is telling his tribesmen that you wont take refuge in "enemy's camps" otherwise you will be percieved as enemies. This is not taliban thing, but it is the influence of FCR, political agents issue commands like this. And gul bahadur has established a parrallel governament.

and I am sure , we all know what happens next , right ? .
Just kill 200 fighters of his or something and then make sign a peace deal again. Kill 200 for the revenge of 44 soldiers he ambushed years ago.
Taimi Bhai what do you make of this move ? Do you think the Army should go for it or is it really as wrong a move as Imran Khan makes it out to be - One that has drawn parallels with East-Pakistan & possible secession of Waziristan from Pakistan ?
As if rest of FATA is not flattened to the ground. Imran khan is recieving feedback from wazirs. Now you people in karachi and lahore are unaware of this, wazirs of N.waziristan are openely expressing their rebellious thoughts, e.g calling names to army, talks of 1971 episode, pakhtun genocide etc. Is it a temperory boiling? I dont know, this is not the first time i have heard of such "blasphemous" thoughts from FATA.
Taimi Bhai what do you make of this move ? Do you think the Army should go for it or is it really as wrong a move as Imran Khan makes it out to be - One that has drawn parallels with East-Pakistan & possible secession of Waziristan from Pakistan ?

What does Imran Khan even understand of erstwhile East Pakistan's secession to draw a parallel with Waziristan ? I mean seriously , these aren't apples and oranges , kiwi would be a better word in place of either of them . There's no similarity in the condition , scenario , public opinion , geography and whatever I can think of , in this sleep-deprived state .
What does Imran Khan even understand of erstwhile East Pakistan's secession to draw a parallel with Waziristan ? I mean seriously , these aren't apples and oranges , kiwi would be a better word in place of either of them . There's no similarity in the condition , scenario , public opinion , geography and whatever I can think of , in this sleep-deprived state .

Its just scare tactics.

There is a media blackout in the whole region. Moral cause has been lost a long time ago when they played football with our solders heads and bombed markets across Pak.

Trying to scare us away from their precious North Waziristan occupied land. These Afghans who think they can control Pak territory.
He has basically declared war against Pakistan. In a straight forward fashion, he is telling his tribesmen that you wont take refuge in "enemy's camps" otherwise you will be percieved as enemies. This is not taliban thing, but it is the influence of FCR, political agents issue commands like this. And gul bahadur has established a parrallel governament.
Mehsuds of TTP, gained control of their tribe through assassinations of malaks and other opponents, through badmashi. Gul bahadur, on the other hand, has backing of whole utmanzai tribe, through respect and charisma. If you go against them, it means war against whole utmanzai wazir tribe. You are not dealing with just a taliban, gul bahadur is essentially a tribal warlord. He is contributing to the cause of Afghan taliban since 2007,so you are also offending afghan taliban. As well as waziri taliban of late maulvi nazir. Raheel surely thinks on black and white lines, a sign of a paka fauji.

He has declared war and i'm not sure how many will back him. A commander doesn't need to issue threats to common tribesman to not receive help. Victors have their men follow them through hell and back. This doesn't seem the case here. Wazir's tribesman have remained focused on the Afghan region and there is no official word of their stance. The Afghan Taliban have remained silent as well. This seems like a unilateral decision from him and a very bad one at that.

He broke the pact first and has done so for many years since the deal was signed. It's on his head.

The last thing I want to see is war, especially in the tribal regions. I love our kin. However his actions remind of a saying of Amir Al Mumineen, regarding the fool who looks for war and will meet his end.
Left you alone for the most and better time of the history , it didn't do much good even to the tribal people . Its time we take matters in our hand and govern the tribal territories as the rest of the country . I mean , the F.A.T.A. is more autonomous than any other territory of this country , even the mighty Azad Kashmir for the love of all that is holy and still see its state and condition . Gul Bahadur should have known better to not continue sheltering foreign terrorists on Pakistani soil , a state doesn't wish to see treason committed against itself . If something like this is taking place , the Kabul will not be able to help the rebels , there's no way really .

and I am sure , we all know what happens next , right ? .
Pak army has resources to "conquer" and "clear" North waziristan within few months. But as pointed out by our mashar @taimi khan, whole villages will be flattened with huge collateral damages, just like previous operations.
But if gul bahadur is able to inflict heavy casaulties on pak army,... then army might go for treaty, just like in the past when pak army signed treaty with baitullah mehsud after operation against him failed. Though this time army might not entertain it and proceed on despite of casaulties.
Any outcome is possible, military defeat of gul bahadur is certain but it is the consequences, aftermath which should be kept in mind.

The whole area will be flattened. These are the unfortunate consequences of war. And a war which can be avoided if these people just lay down the arms and pledge allegiance to the state.

There is a lot of money set aside for development of NW and I hope you will see work starting this year. You will be a lot happier Pak-one when people have nice clean schools and hospitals to go to and water and shelter. Everyone will benefit.
Get US to resume drone strikes. Buzdil Khan use to talk so much shit about drones but now his own Rustam Mohmand is missing drone strikes.
Evac the people (give them proper facilities,residence etc)... seal the border... send in the UCAVs,UAVs,Arty,tanks,mortars n infantry.. talibastard genocide...

REBUILD the area and settle FATA (cancel its autonomous status) once and for all..
He has declared war and i'm not sure how many will back him. A commander doesn't need to issue threats to common tribesman to not receive help. Victors have their men follow them through hell and back. This doesn't seem the case here. Wazir's tribesman have remained focused on the Afghan region and there is no official word of their stance. The Afghan Taliban have remained silent as well. This seems like a unilateral decision from him and a very bad one at that.

He broke the pact first and has done so for many years since the deal was signed. It's on his head.

The last thing I want to see is war, especially in the tribal regions. I love our kin. However his actions remind of a saying of Amir Al Mumineen, regarding the fool who looks for war and will meet his end.
Then you have no idea about pashtun/Afghan society. They are not candidates of assemblies, begging votes. They are warlords, commanders who earn followers and respect through their commanding personalities and firmness. Strong ones within tribes are respected if they prove themeselves. In the past such people used to become chief of tribe after voting in jirga. During british times, malaks and khans became hereditory like nawabs and started recieving money from british.
Pashtunforums? let me guess, bunch of afghans/confused pashton souls living abroad talkin mad sh*t about Pakistan.

I feel one of the posters on pashtunforums is this pak-one guy. I was just guessing maybe he is the that "smarty" figure because his rants resemble to that of pak-one. And yes you are right there are lot of nationalist psycho comic characters on that forum. The whole pashtunforums consists of 10 members or so who post the same anti-pakistan remarks under every thread.
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