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N leagues tortures serving army major

Officers all the way up to the generals are patriots first. You cannot point me to one serving or retired officer who "genuinely" does not love Pakistan.

We need to keep the regard for the military separate from the politics as the military are the bedrock of our country and we should avoid hurling insults at the army. We have a political situation which is still unfolding but attacks on army or army personnel are not helping, they are only hurting our country and its cohesion.
I don't think this was due to the current political climate. This seems to be a private altercation and whoever was strong at that time got the upper hand.
Bastards are high on coming into power again. See how their pet dogs behave to please their masters.
Disappointed with public standing around just watching.... All of them should have been lynched to teach a lesson to the Patwaris.
Is this what the top brass wanted? To slow tear Pakistan apart from within? If so, they have done exceedingly well. I just wish they could have done it to the enemy and not their own country.

Isolated criminal incidents should not be attributed to political developments in the country.

The guards involved are caught and put behind bars. The concerned politician will get the message as well.
Officers all the way up to the generals are patriots first. You cannot point me to one serving or retired officer who "genuinely" does not love Pakistan.

We need to keep the regard for the military separate from the politics as the military are the bedrock of our country and we should avoid hurling insults at the army. We have a political situation which is still unfolding but attacks on army or army personnel are not helping, they are only hurting our country and its cohesion.


I'm pretty sure the establishment already gave the awam a giant middle finger when they overthrew PM and brought these crooks back into power. You reap what you sow.
I don't think this was due to the current political climate. This seems to be a private altercation and whoever was strong at that time got the upper hand.
I was referring to some of the comments of indifference just because the victim is an army officer.

We, all of us, whether PTI supporters or others should be mindful that there is full blown effort ongoing to sow discord between the people and the army. Case in point, 3 different generals including one former CoAS have had their personas hijacked with fake recordings bad mouthing the army. The source is as suspected but people are buying into it and adding to more poison and discord.

If this happened in India not only would the public be outraged but the major's parent regiment or battalion would have lynched them by twilight.

It's the ethos of Naam, Namak, and Nishan in the army.
In the past, we have had incidents where the course-mates, friends of the officers involved in altercations took matters into their own hands. That is also not advisable and was propagated as high-handedness by the wardi. Hopefully the law will take its course and the culprits punished. Also hope the officer in question recovers fully. Given the metal rod used and his appearance in the video, his injuries could be life-altering.
What happened has nothing to do with public frustration towards establishment. Let’s not try to twist things. This is another day in Pakistan where people in power take advantage. I am shocked how the public stood there without intervening.

This incident doesn’t mean people should stop criticizing Generals for there political interferences. If some people have hard time differentiating between this incident and public anger, they need their heads examined .
I am myself extremely stressed about what's going on. Problem is that, when we point our guns towards the entire institution.

Let me remind the posters an incident that happened a few years back.. There was a major or a captain, who covered an "about to be exploded bomb" during an operation so that the damage could be contained. He sacrificed his life to save others.

Who knows this major has also served at Siachin and LoC without fearing for his life, only to get beaten by the goons first and then trolled online.

This is how civil wars start and countries are broken into multiple pieces.
That was captain roohullah shaheed
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