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N leagues tortures serving army major

soldiers big mistake always have hand the door lock button and always have one hand on gear stick ready to go in gear and rev high n go. always look left n right and be very wary. here in England if you dont you be car jacked. when i park i park where their is space to get out if i am boxed in.

Maybe it was you or some other moderator who deleted my post of one word "neutral". I realize it was insensitive of me to write that but emotions got hold of me. Should have controlled the emotions and shown empathy.

This is what Bajwa and his cronies have done. Immense hate & repulsion created in the public against the whole institution. This never happened in 75 years. Not to this extent at least.

Public is furious not only because Imran khan was ousted but also because same people who cursed the institution day and night were supported to come in power.

The public who kept defending the institution from these very traitors have suddenly realized that they have been made to look like a damn fool.
My thinking in this current scenario is (you can disagree ofcourse)
Bajwas of the world come and go but institutions stay - that's why we respect the it
Not to mention as a whole its heavily pro-PTI so why pick a beef with people who already are your ideological brothers

Maybe it was you or some other moderator who deleted my post of one word "neutral". I realize it was insensitive of me to write that but emotions got hold of me. Should have controlled the emotions and shown empathy.

This is what Bajwa and his cronies have done. Immense hate & repulsion created in the public against the whole institution. This never happened in 75 years. Not to this extent at least.

Public is furious not only because Imran khan was ousted but also because same people who cursed the institution day and night were supported to come in power.

The public who kept defending the institution from these very traitors have suddenly realized that they have been made to look like a damn fool.
I am myself extremely stressed about what's going on. Problem is that, when we point our guns towards the entire institution.

Let me remind the posters an incident that happened a few years back.. There was a major or a captain, who covered an "about to be exploded bomb" during an operation so that the damage could be contained. He sacrificed his life to save others.

Who knows this major has also served at Siachin and LoC without fearing for his life, only to get beaten by the goons first and then trolled online.

This is how civil wars start and countries are broken into multiple pieces.
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Feel sorry for the young guy...Hope the thugs receive steel rods up their @ss..

But when some people who are abusing institutions day and night and at the end, the same people are awarded with reigns of power, then its natural for them to embolden into such actions...
More of this has to happen unfortunately if this nation is going to revolt against this mafia ruling elite. Services men, just like common man, have to get crushed equally for change to come.
I am myself extremely stressed about what's going on. Problem is that, when we point our guns towards the entire institution.

Let me remind the posters an incident that happened a few years back.. There was a major or a captain, who covered an "about to be exploded bomb" during an operation so that the damage could be contained. He sacrificed his life to save others.

Who knows this major has also served in Siachin and on LoC without fearing for his life, only to get beaten by the goons first and then trolled online.

This is how civil wars start and countries are broken into multiple pieces.

Yes, I agree with you sentiments need to calm down.
But in this cause it was a Noora League ambush who were just put in power sadly.
Officers all the way up to the generals are patriots first. You cannot point me to one serving or retired officer who "genuinely" does not love Pakistan.

We need to keep the regard for the military separate from the politics as the military are the bedrock of our country and we should avoid hurling insults at the army. We have a political situation which is still unfolding but attacks on army or army personnel are not helping, they are only hurting our country and its cohesion.
Essentially it's the thugs that came to power. All institutions are okay with it, people are not.

I honestly would like to have a real discussion with a current PMLN supporter and dig into his brain that is full of cow shit.
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