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MythBuster #1 : CM400AKG is No Match for Brahmos !

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the cm400 was made SPECIFICALLY for aircraft carrires. whilst the brahmos is made for frigates and destroyers.
you missed that entirely. a normal subsonic asm is only enough to disable navals ships such as firgates and destroyers. whilst the brahmos is designed to sink them. this is quiet pointless as once a ship is useless its no longer a threat. hypothetically the kinetic impact of the cm400 is enough to deal with frigates and destroyers. and a warhead being either penetration or framented will blow it to pieces. but for large targets where sub-sonic and some super sonic asm's wont damage the target enough for it to deviate from its mission but hypersonic [only just at terminal speed not during cruise.] will be enough for it to deviate.

also its worth mentioning the cm400 was made just for indian carriers.
did you notice once the vikrant was floated out in 29th december 2011, the cm400 was shortly introduced at the Zhuhai airshow. the following year.

India will use Brahmos Against All Targets. Plus, It can be fired in Salvo Mode.

the cm400 was made SPECIFICALLY for aircraft carrires. whilst the brahmos is made for frigates and destroyers.
you missed that entirely. a normal subsonic asm is only enough to disable navals ships such as firgates and destroyers. whilst the brahmos is designed to sink them. this is quiet pointless as once a ship is useless its no longer a threat. hypothetically the kinetic impact of the cm400 is enough to deal with frigates and destroyers. and a warhead being either penetration or framented will blow it to pieces. but for large targets where sub-sonic and some super sonic asm's wont damage the target enough for it to deviate from its mission but hypersonic [only just at terminal speed not during cruise.] will be enough for it to deviate.

also its worth mentioning the cm400 was made just for indian carriers.
did you notice once the vikrant was floated out in 29th december 2011, the cm400 was shortly introduced at the Zhuhai airshow. the following year.

India will use Brahmos Against All Targets. Plus, It can be fired in Salvo Mode.
mamoo akelle nahee yahee kuch @JonAsad @LoveIcon aur @Windjammer ke ssath bhee ho raha hai :sarcastic: :omghaha:

Guru bahi, aap ko kia pata, aaj kal main breakfast mein bi hunter beef khata houn.....

@ topic, elsewhere the OP was claiming that Agni V flies at Mach 30....well i remember when he was a sane poster.... but as they say, whatever floats your boat. :rolleyes:
Well CM400 AKG isn't a cruise missile but a quasi hypersonic rocket missile, though IN's current CBG can counter it, still not a missile to be taken lightly. Lot of smaller frigates can be vulnerable but again, any fighter taking off near the shoreline and coming anywhere around 400 km to any IN ship during war-time should be swatted out of the air. Hence the Mig-29K and its role as an air defense interceptor is critical.
So is CM400..... It's about 10-15m off the sea. Is that good enough? Not sure.

Any links out there?

This thing targets land and ships, how fast could it really be going. Besides, all missiles these days recalculates the target location. In fact one of the reasons given for the height on the sea of the missile is the need to recalculate accurately.

Apparently, being too low to the sea causes sensor not to work as well. I don't understand the exact of it, but it seems to be a universal problem.

It also has a longer range, by about 100-200 km. More or less.

Actually, most modern sea skimming missiles have increased and are still increasing their computational capacity to forego the disadvantage of flying high.
But yes, things like uneven weather conditions and waves can hurt target acquisition and further research is still a WIP.

True, it's about half the speed in its initial stage, but at that stage I assume the danger is not as big as when it reaches the end.

So does it really matter? Maybe it does. I'm not sure.

Yes actually, it is better to fly supersonic consistently than not.
Flying at high speeds decreases the detection time by enemy sensors(infrared or/and radar) hence also decreasing response time of the ship's defences.

I am not an expert, but answer me this, all these defenses, China has it, and more. What makes you think China haven't thought of this.

Is it better or worse than Brahmos. Not sure, but that is never the question, the question is can it be stopped. The fact that you used the phrase, easy to deal with. Even America doesn't underestimate Chinese anti-ship missiles.

I'm sure every missile volley comes with challenges for the defending party, and CM-400 may not be easy but it is still easier than most missiles to defend against. I am sure China has better, sophisticated and more maneuverable missiles, however by the info we have come across CM-400 is certainly not one of them.
As for BrahMos, I doubt US has a system similar to it. And as for Chinese defences, on paper BrahMos does look good, but we won't know until PLAN and/or IN challenge each other at sea and, if the Chinese searams and other CIWS can handle the maneuverability, sea skimming ability and speed of BrahMos.........
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waise jammer bhiyya beer ko "liquid bread" bhee kehte hain .... to goya apke yahan "hunter " naam ki bread aatee hai kya :azn: :omghaha:
Wah Guru bahi, kan nai dekha aur bahgna shuru kar diya....read again slowly...it's not bread. !!!:D
It also has a longer range, by about 100-200 km. More or less.

Source: MythBuster #1 : CM400AKG is No Match for Brahmos !
Actually Brahmos range is 700 km or the same as onix. \only advertised as 290 km as to avoid mtcr complaints.
The air launched which is 50% lighter at 1.5 tons is 290 km and more as well.
Question is how do you use a weapon 700 km away.
CM400 is ONLY and ONLY for SLOW / Fixed Targets

Due to its Ballistic Trajectory, Its not possible to Target Highspeed Targets.

I have doubt on this. CM400 is a subsonic missile which is fired from aircraft. So this missile could change its course more easily, and its only during its terminal phrase , this will rise to the high altitude to get the proper picture of the target, and from their the missile will comes at the Supersonic or hypersonic speed(this is dubious too)
Food for thought ....any Indians who from now on think China is a friend....should slap themselves silly.....China is doing everything it can to create trouble. Our media has to play a better role in painting the correct picture of what is really going on here....no more fluff puff bollywood bs...
India's best strategy is to conduct offensive Fighter Sweep operations
using Mig 29 and Su 30 to shoot down the JF 17 before they can launch their missiles
CM 400 AKG's trajectory is similar to Shaurya missile,it seems

kaan se yaad aya

villeger 1/pakistani to villager 2/indian : dekh kawwa tera kaan le gaya

villeger2 starts running and when dint find starts crying

villeger 1 to villeger2 : abbe meraa kaan chorr dekh tera kaan bhee le gaya

villeger 2: when count firnd kawwa with his kaan first says its yahood o hanud saazish and starts abusing villeger1 & villeger3/yamrican

villeger2 : when gets embarressed & to flatter his ego cuts his other kaan and shows it to villeger3 & villeger1

now wonder jammer bhiyya what is the moral of the story :azn: :sarcastic:

Food for thought ....any Indians who from now on think China is a friend....should slap themselves silly.....China is doing everything it can to create trouble. Our media has to play a better role in painting the correct picture of what is really going on here....no more fluff puff bollywood bs...
there are no friends in international diplomacy we were always alone even russia helped us all this while as they needed us same way USA & west supported pakistan and now china is doing its not friendship but mutually beneficial relations those who think its friendship are fools

Indians favor brahmos. Pakistan and china favor CM 400AKG

Let me say it straight both are great. Dont be cry babies lets face the truth which is both countries are now equipped greatly in terms of overall india being the better in terms of size and technology. But in case of war both will do excessive damage to each other which in the end wont matter whether the jf17 was better than tejas or brahmos was better than babur or cm 400 akg because we all know there will be success and failures for both missiles in case of war.
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