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MythBuster #1 : CM400AKG is No Match for Brahmos !

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bhaijjan don't think i am a false flager its just that i have a habit of speaking against the crowd no matter what:p:

It depends on what target you want to hit. If you are aiming at a stationary target, it is not required to use mid course correction. However if you want to hit a moving target, in this case a ship or air craft carrier, then you must have mid course correction. Because they are moving targets, by the time your missile left, they
are already moving towards somewhere else.

Chinese ASBM Development: Knowns and Unknowns | The Jamestown Foundation
Making an ASBM Work

Chinese schematic diagrams show an ASBM flight trajectory with mid-course and terminal guidance [4]. Second stage control fins would be critical to steering the ASBM through terminal maneuvers to evade countermeasures and home in on a moving target. This makes an ASBM different from most ballistic missiles, which have a fixed trajectory.:cheers::tup:

Oh my .. the diagram is a 2D representation. What if the ship is moving fast perpendicular to the plane of flight path.
Plz Counter FACTS with FACTS. Let it be a Technical Discussion.
with whom ? internet guys whom never fire a mag of AK-47 in life and bla bla abut missiles of countries ? no thanks a shop keeper some jobless guys and few of us low profile office workers talk abut missile tech like experts here :lol: no thanks i am better troll
So is CM400..... It's about 10-15m off the sea. Is that good enough? Not sure.

This thing targets land and ships, how fast could it really be going. Besides, all missiles these days recalculates the target location. In fact one of the reasons given for the height on the sea of the missile is the need to recalculate accurately.

Apparently, being too low to the sea causes sensor not to work as well. I don't understand the exact of it, but it seems to be a universal problem.

It also has a longer range, by about 100-200 km. More or less.

Same point as A, so same argument.

True, it's about half the speed in its initial stage, but at that stage I assume the danger is not as big as when it reaches the end.

So does it really matter? Maybe it does. I'm not sure.

No it's not, but even if it is. China has as many variants of these missiles as the next country, if not more. So not a huge deal.

You call yours Brahmos air version, we give it a different name, same thing as the fighters, J-15, J-11, J-16. Yours is just N-LCA.

I am not an expert, but answer me this, all these defenses, China has it, and more. What makes you think China haven't thought of this.

Is it better or worse than Brahmos. Not sure, but that is never the question, the question is can it be stopped. The fact that you used the phrase, easy to deal with. Even America doesn't underestimate Chinese anti-ship missiles.
brother can u plz help me with this
Soviet and US equivalent are Kh-22/Kh-15 and AGM-69, retired long ago.
CM-400 dont work against running vehicle and boat.
There was no buyers for this system
It has been discussed many times.
That is unfortunate, being an anti-ship missiles and all.
Informative thread for a layman like me. Let this be a pure technical discussion.
both weapons are different class, there are no comparison between them, pakistan is not buying CM400 to compete with Brahmos. CM400 can be carried by JF17 and can be used against indian navy is enough for pak to use it. comparing these weapons is like comparing rafeal to f16. The test would be who uses the weapon effectively, both missile have hit and miss probability. The one making the hit scores the point...
dear sir a ship is a ship not a motor cycle that can go from 0-60 in 5.sec's:azn::rofl:

You clearly have no idea how much time a missile takes to reach its target do you ? And why are u assuming that the ship would be stationery ? It would already be doing 30-40 knots when you would have launched the missile !
I seriously doubt ANY chinese weapon. There is a reason why they never display info and prefers to "leak to the media" it's capabilities and let some 15 year old do the rambling on forums.

I have been hearing china's J-10 and J-11 being best 4+ gen fighter since like 2003.. Till now they have a handful in service. Also, why is it china have WS-10A, WS-10B, WS-15/16/17/18/19/20 projects running ? It's just when one project fails they try to run the same project under a different name :lol:

And last I heard they are still importing the saturn engines and till few months back were crying to Russians to sell them Su-35BM just to get their hands on their 117S engines for their 5th gen fighters.

Similar is the case with their carrier killer dong feng missiles .


The reason they have so many engines being worked on at the same time---they know that building a fighter aircraft engine is one of the most difficult engineering tasks.

Secondly----a lots of their designs have been stolen---as the U S states----so---my analysis is that some of the engine designs are also stolen----.

From where they were stolen from---those people knew that the design would be stolen in due time---so they intentionally sabotaged the material composition of some critical parts---and that is what happened----at first it happened at the 100 hours mark of the engine being tested---a major failure---.

Now this is just an assumption---the chinese did not reralize that it was sabotaged----they went back and remanufactured under similar composition---it failed again----/ That was a massive setback and set them back by many years---.

Then they took upon their own self and came up with the alloy----they did not have the sophisticated cutting tools either--the machinery that is----they got that as well---they overcame the composition of the critical parts as well---.

Now---pretty much they are a couple of years away from taking the big step.

The J10B / C and the J11 are flying with chinese engines now----.

The SU35 is not for the engine----but the chinese are now really concerned about the south china seas---and need something very potent to make the differenc eon a fasttrak.
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