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MythBuster #1 : CM400AKG is No Match for Brahmos !

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Jan 17, 2009
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Dear Friends,

I have been reading, Time and again, in the recent threads we have seen that most of the Pakistani Members ( incorrrectly ) believe that the new weapon of JF17 , the CM400AKG a Standoff Missile , Dubbed as Carrier Killer can be a counterbalance for Indian Brahmos.

FACTS must be Countered with FACTS.

Its NOT. This Thread is Dedicated for Healthy Info and Discussion over Busting the same Myth and Prove that CM400 is merely an Air KLaunched BM with Much Inferior Qualities.

First Lets See what is CM400AKG :

The CM-400AKG is a smaller and lighter version of the YJ-12 anti-ship missile intended for use by tactical fighter aircraft such as the FC-1, J-10 and Su-30MKK/J-11. The supersonic CM-400AKG missile weighs 400 kg and has a maximum range of up to 100/250 kilometers and can fly at a top speed of Mach 4 carrying a 150/200 kg warhead. The missile is fitted with either a blast fragmentation or a penetration warhead to engage surface ships or fixed-position ground targets respectively. The missile can be fitted with an active radar seeker or an imaging infrared (IIR) seeker. The propulsion system uses a solid fuel rocket motor. The CM-400AKG anti-ship missile has been ordered by the Air Forces of Pakistan and China.

The range of the CM-400AKG is estimated to be in the 180-250 km class. It is designed for use against fixed or what were described as "slow moving" targets. CASIC data indicates that after launch the CM-400AKG climbs to high altitude and terminates with a high-speed dive on the target. The PAF describes the missile's impact velocity as "hypersonic" (> Mach 5).

A list of system features appears to confirm an unusual characteristic associated with the CM-400. Unlike most high-speed cruise missiles, which fly at low altitude to avoid detection, the CM-400 uses “high [altitude] launching” to achieve “higher aircraft survivability”, according to the video.

Data Indicates That CASIC launch after the CM-400AKG climbs to high altitude and Terminates with a high-speed dive on the target. The PAF describe the missile’s impact velocity as “hypersonic”.

Sources :
China supersonic CM-400 AKG long range anti-ship and land attack missile | Exploring the World

China Develops CM-400AKG Pakistan's Hypersonic Carrier Killer Missile For JF-17 - ASIAN DEFENCE NEWS

DUBAI: China details performance of 'carrier killer' missile for JF-17 - Missile ThreatMissile Threat

The Above facts can be also verfied From Janes :


So Clearly CM400 is a MUCH MUCH Inferior Missile ( as compared to Brahmos ) when we consider the points as follows :

A. CM400 Follows a BALLISTIC Trajectory

This makes the missile predicatble and since the missile can ONLY be launched from High Altitudes, its Detections is Much Much Earlier.

Brahmos is a TRUE Sea Skimming Missile and will not even appear on the radar EXCEPT for the last few seconds before impact !

B. CM400 is ONLY and ONLY for SLOW / Fixed Targets

Due to its Ballistic Trajectory, Its not possible to Target Highspeed Targets.

Brahmos, is a Weapon to Fear.. It can make Unique S manuevers and take any turn within its Range to Lock and Destroy the Target.

C. CM400 is NOT a Terrain Hugging / Sea Skimming Missile

Since CM400 is a High Altitude Air Launched Missile. Hence, its NOT a Terrain Hugging Missile as believed by many.

D. Its Speed ( Like ALL the BMs ) is at Max, 4 Mach ONLY and ONLY in the Terminal Phase, Just before it Reaches its Max Range.

Contrary to what Pakistani's Try to believe ist NOT a Mach 4+ Missile. Just like their Shaheen and Gauri this Missile is a BM used in Naval role.

Hence Just like NAsr or Shaheen its Terminal / Impact Speed is in the range of Mach 4.

Brahmos, is Supersonic THROUGHOUT its Course.

E. Is ONLY Air Launched ( With Minimum Payload for JF17 )

Its ONLY Air Launched and Paksitan DOES NOT have a Carrier. So it Limits the usage of the Missile to ONLY within a close range to the Shores.

Brahmos, OTOH , is Air , Submarine , Ship and Land Launched Missile.

F. Almost No Manuverability and Defence against SAMs

As per the Available The Worst part of CM400. It CANNOT change its Course , Thats the reason why its SPECIFIALLY mentioned to be applicable for FIXED and SLOW Targets ONLY !

Plus, This also means that the best Naval SAM, Barak 8 will have an Easy Target to deal with.

Additionally CM400 will Face Indian CMD Defences with Includes :

1. First point of defense is Patroling aircraft (F18/Rafael/MiG29K)
2. second layer of defence is Air defense ships (usually frigates) with 3 layer of security, LRSAM, MR-SAM, SR-SAM
3. 3rd layer of security is Carrier itself, the SAM on carrier
4. 4th layer of security is gatelling gun, it create a wall of bullets in front of invader...

Courtesy : @Beerbal

Conclusion : A Vintage Missile CM400AKG has NO MATCH for the Next Generation Brahmos !
I seriously doubt ANY chinese weapon. There is a reason why they never display info and prefers to "leak to the media" it's capabilities and let some 15 year old do the rambling on forums.

I have been hearing china's J-10 and J-11 being best 4+ gen fighter since like 2003.. Till now they have a handful in service. Also, why is it china have WS-10A, WS-10B, WS-15/16/17/18/19/20 projects running ? It's just when one project fails they try to run the same project under a different name :lol:

And last I heard they are still importing the saturn engines and till few months back were crying to Russians to sell them Su-35BM just to get their hands on their 117S engines for their 5th gen fighters.

Similar is the case with their carrier killer dong feng missiles .
. CM400 is ONLY and ONLY for SLOW / Fixed Targets
bhaijjan don't think i am a false flager its just that i have a habit of speaking against the crowd no matter what:p:

It depends on what target you want to hit. If you are aiming at a stationary target, it is not required to use mid course correction. However if you want to hit a moving target, in this case a ship or air craft carrier, then you must have mid course correction. Because they are moving targets, by the time your missile left, they
are already moving towards somewhere else.

Chinese ASBM Development: Knowns and Unknowns | The Jamestown Foundation
Making an ASBM Work

Chinese schematic diagrams show an ASBM flight trajectory with mid-course and terminal guidance [4]. Second stage control fins would be critical to steering the ASBM through terminal maneuvers to evade countermeasures and home in on a moving target. This makes an ASBM different from most ballistic missiles, which have a fixed trajectory.:cheers::tup:
bhaijjan don't think i am a false flager its just that i have a habit of speaking against the crowd no matter what:p:

It depends on what target you want to hit. If you are aiming at a stationary target, it is not required to use mid course correction. However if you want to hit a moving target, in this case a ship or air craft carrier, then you must have mid course correction. Because they are moving targets, by the time your missile left, they
are already moving towards somewhere else.

Chinese ASBM Development: Knowns and Unknowns | The Jamestown Foundation
Making an ASBM Work

Chinese schematic diagrams show an ASBM flight trajectory with mid-course and terminal guidance [4]. Second stage control fins would be critical to steering the ASBM through terminal maneuvers to evade countermeasures and home in on a moving target. This makes an ASBM different from most ballistic missiles, which have a fixed trajectory.:cheers::tup:

You Missed it Entirely.

My Focus is NOT to project "Slow" as a Demerit. I know the Weapon works in the given the Domain for which its Designed and I have No doubt about the performance of the Chinese Weapon within that Domain.

The Point is, ITS NOT Superior to Brahmos with Endless Domains.
you guys are total blinds in patriotism . for example if barahmos was chipak missile from china-pak and CM-400 was russian-indo project you guys sure will say cm-400 is best missile ever and slow speed chipak missile is scrap :lol::lol::lol: and you guys filled hundreds of pages to mapping CM-400 anything not belong to your forces is garbage simply :partay:
A. CM400 Follows a BALLISTIC Trajectory

This makes the missile predicatble and since the missile can ONLY be launched from High Altitudes, its Detections is Much Much Earlier.

Brahmos is a TRUE Sea Skimming Missile and will not even appear on the radar EXCEPT for the last few seconds before impact !

So is CM400..... It's about 10-15m off the sea. Is that good enough? Not sure.

B. CM400 is ONLY and ONLY for SLOW / Fixed Targets

Due to its Ballistic Trajectory, Its not possible to Target Highspeed Targets.

Brahmos, is a Weapon to Fear.. It can make Unique S manuevers and take any turn within its Range to Lock and Destroy the Target.

This thing targets land and ships, how fast could it really be going. Besides, all missiles these days recalculates the target location. In fact one of the reasons given for the height on the sea of the missile is the need to recalculate accurately.

Apparently, being too low to the sea causes sensor not to work as well. I don't understand the exact of it, but it seems to be a universal problem.

It also has a longer range, by about 100-200 km. More or less.

C. CM400 is NOT a Terrain Hugging / Sea Skimming Missile

Since CM400 is a High Altitude Air Launched Missile. Hence, its NOT a Terrain Hugging Missile as believed by many.

Same point as A, so same argument.

D. Its Speed ( Like ALL the BMs ) is at Max, 4 Mach ONLY and ONLY in the Terminal Phase, Just before it Reaches its Max Range.

Contrary to what Pakistani's Try to believe ist NOT a Mach 4+ Missile. Just like their Shaheen and Gauri this Missile is a BM used in Naval role.

Hence Just like NAsr or Shaheen its Terminal / Impact Speed is in the range of Mach 4.

Brahmos, is Supersonic THROUGHOUT its Course.

True, it's about half the speed in its initial stage, but at that stage I assume the danger is not as big as when it reaches the end.

So does it really matter? Maybe it does. I'm not sure.

E. Is ONLY Air Launched ( With Minimum Payload for JF17 )

Its ONLY Air Launched and Paksitan DOES NOT have a Carrier. So it Limits the usage of the Missile to ONLY within a close range to the Shores.

Brahmos, OTOH , is Air , Submarine , Ship and Land Launched Missile.

No it's not, but even if it is. China has as many variants of these missiles as the next country, if not more. So not a huge deal.

You call yours Brahmos air version, we give it a different name, same thing as the fighters, J-15, J-11, J-16. Yours is just N-LCA.

F. Almost No Manuverability and Defence against SAMs

As per the Available The Worst part of CM400. It CANNOT change its Course , Thats the reason why its SPECIFIALLY mentioned to be applicable for FIXED and SLOW Targets ONLY !

Plus, This also means that the best Naval SAM, Barak 8 will have an Easy Target to deal with.

Additionally CM400 will Face Indian CMD Defences with Includes :

1. First point of defense is Patroling aircraft (F18/Rafael/MiG29K)
2. second layer of defence is Air defense ships (usually frigates) with 3 layer of security, LRSAM, MR-SAM, SR-SAM
3. 3rd layer of security is Carrier itself, the SAM on carrier
4. 4th layer of security is gatelling gun, it create a wall of bullets in front of invader...

Courtesy : @Beerbal

Conclusion : A Vintage Missile CM400AKG has NO MATCH for the Next Generation Brahmos !

I am not an expert, but answer me this, all these defenses, China has it, and more. What makes you think China haven't thought of this.

Is it better or worse than Brahmos. Not sure, but that is never the question, the question is can it be stopped. The fact that you used the phrase, easy to deal with. Even America doesn't underestimate Chinese anti-ship missiles.
CM-400 dont work against running vehicle and boat.
There was no buyers for this system
It has been discussed many times.
Since CM400 is a High Altitude Air Launched Missile. Hence, its NOT a Terrain Hugging Missile as believed by many.

During an interview with an Engineer Zhang, who is one of the engineers on the project team that developed the CM-400AKG.

Key Missile stats:
-Range: 100-240km
-Speed: Up to 5.5M
-Diameter: 400mm
-Length: 5.2m
-Weight: 900kg (approx)
-Guidance: Inertia + Terminal, Terminal guidance methods include: Passive Radar, IR or TV guidance.

This is not an air launched ballistic missile because he keeps emphasis that the missile's entire flight is within the atmosphere.

He also listed potensial targets like land based high value fixed targets, like command centers, bridges, air defense radar.

It could be an anti-radiation missile. And a 240km M5.5 anti-radiation missile, isnt that interesting.:p
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