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Myanmar president says Rohingyas not welcome

Idiot Bengali strikes again.

Yet I'm sure all you people here are salivating at the thought of being connected to that backwater Chinese province of Yunnan.

Oh, is it? Such an idiot Bangali I am. Let's take a deeper look:

From Wikipedia:


GDP (2011) US$ 138.9 billion (24rd)
per captia US$ 2,327 (30th)

GDP $82.72 billion (2011 est.)
GDP per capita $1,300 (2011 est.)

Let alone NE, even your grand empire's economy pales in comparison to Yunnan's!

Idiot Bangali just pwned ya! :woot::D:woot::D:woot::D:woot::D
From the looks of it, it seems Bangladesh and India are not destined to be friendly countries. There's too much bad blood between us.

The general Indian reaction to this conflict was mixed in this forum, but in all the news sites I've visited so far, Indian commenters are relentlessly spitting venom against Rohyingas. I have never witnessed such harsh language against such an extremely persecuted minority community.

To get indian peoples' mindset back in human there's now only one solution....pieces of india as many as possible. We are here criticizing Burma but think that almost all indian members support the border killing. All the best wishes for Maoists and NE rebel groups, also thanks to great Charu Majumdar..he started a noble movement Naxal which has become the biggest internal security threat for india and there's no need of foreign invasion, it'll collapse like World Trade Center once by the hit of its own people.
To get indian peoples' mindset back in human there's now only one solution....pieces of india as many as possible. We are here criticizing Burma but think that almost all indian members support the border killing. All the best wishes for Maoists and NE rebel groups, also thanks to great Charu Majumdar..he started a noble movement Naxal which has become the biggest internal security threat for india and there's no need of foreign invasion, it'll collapse like World Trade Center once by the hit of its own people.

First of all, world trade centre analogy was very close to your upbringing, so all credit to your folks.

Secondly, and you don't have to tell this to your folks, but there is better stuff to jerk off to, right on the internet. How often will you keep using the maoist and WTC collapse video?
Oh, is it? Such an idiot Bangali I am. Let's take a deeper look:

From Wikipedia:


GDP (2011) US$ 138.9 billion (24rd)
per captia US$ 2,327 (30th)

GDP $82.72 billion (2011 est.)
GDP per capita $1,300 (2011 est.)

Let alone NE, even your grand empire's economy pales in comparison to Yunnan's!

Idiot Bangali just pwned ya! :woot::D:woot::D:woot::D:woot::D

Hey idiot Bengali, Yunnan is a backwater compared to the other Chinese provinces. Much like how the NE is India's backwater. Better put the champagne, or non-alcoholic sparkling grape juice if you will, on ice.

Upon closer inspection, China's backwater even beats Bangladesh in comparison.


Thein Sein knows very well US/West will not take any step against Burma for the sake of Rohingya because they smelled huge money in Burma and they don't want to lose a penny..so he dared uttering such animal words with UNHCR.

Money makes the world go round my simple friend.
And if we just leave aside our strategic advantage linking through Myanmar, we can always go through India to China. And India will happily give us that route.

Except that a land route between China and India has been historically impossible thanks to something called the Himalayas.
I see some Indians saying that it is justifiable to kill unarmed Rohingya men and women, but children should be spared. Also I see some Bangladeshi's worrying about land connection to Kunming, China, via Burma or via India and I see other Bangladeshi's even willing to take all Rohingya's in as our citizen. To such people I inform that:

- there is something called a UN declaration of human rights
- Bangladesh land connectivity via Burma to anywhere is not feasible for the foreseeable future, till this Rohingya issue is resolved with satisfaction of all parties, Rohingya themselves, Bangladesh and Burma
- Bangladesh land connectivity via India to anywhere is not feasible for the foreseeable future, since we are not going to give them corridor to North East states and may even stop the river transit or any other form of existing transit arrangement

Sea trade is cheaper than land route, so what we rather need is the Sonadia deep sea port, which should be a national priority, to avoid using feeder vessel runs to Singapore.
Ooooh I hit where it hurts. :D I'll let you have some time to recover buddy! ;p

I have no problem with the truth. The truth is Myanmar is smaller economically than China's backwater provinces. See? Wasn't so bad. You made the point that India's NE is worthless so I contended that you are desperate to link up with China's backwater. Shouting and screaming won't hide the truth. Ofcourse, an idiot Bengali would think otherwise.
Indonesian Islamic hardliners vow jihad for Rohingyas


JAKARTA, July 13 (AFP): Hundreds of Islamic hardliners protested outside the Myanmar embassy in the Indonesian capital Jakarta on Friday to "stop the genocide" of Rohingya Muslims in the wake of deadly communal unrest. Around 300 hardliners from organisations, including the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) and Jemaah Anshorut Tauhid (JAT), threatened to storm the Myanmar embassy in Jakarta as some 50 police officers guarded the building.

"If embassy officials refuse to talk with us, I demand all of you break into the building and turn it upside down," a leader on a loudspeaker told protesters, who shouted "Allahu Akbar" (God is Greatest).

"Every drop of blood that is shed from a Muslim must be paid back. Nothing is free in this world," the man shouted, as protesters carried banners that read "FPI is ready to wage jihad".

"Go to Myanmar and carry out jihad for your Muslim brothers," the man said.

The hardliners left without entering the embassy and proceeded to a UN building to protest. Communal violence between ethnic Buddhist Rakhine and local Muslims, including the Rohingya, swept Myanmar's Rakhine state in June, leaving dozens dead and tens of thousands homeless.

Around 800,000 Rohingyas live in Myanmar and are considered to be some of the world's most persecuted minorities.

Myanmar President Thein Sein told the UN on Thursday it was "impossible to accept the illegally entered Rohingyas, who are not our ethnicity", saying they should be sent to refugee camps or be deported.

Decades of discrimination have left the Rohingya stateless, with Myanmar implementing restrictions on their movement and withholding land rights, education and public services, the UN says


Bangladeshis will be thrown out, sooner or later. Your threats would not work.

LMAO! How long have I been hearing that from Assamese. I admit there are illegal Bangladeshis in India, no doubt about it. But when India funds Awami League, and releases heavy water to Bangladesh during the monsoon season and doing other things to impede the development of the country...the poor and unfortunate Bangladeshis will migrate else where to gain a better standard of living. How long do you think India can do this? India is surrounded by two Muslim countries. Bangladesh may not be as strong as Pakistan militarily but Bangladesh has numbers, a factor that West Pakistani elites underestimated before they started the genocide, but there is more to Pakistan's involvement in this genocide than what people think, I'm not gonna get into that on this thread.

As for Myanmar's retarded policies, the Rohingya migrated to Myanmar before Myanmar was independent. I feel bad for the Burmese people because Muslims feel for one another, We feel for our brethrens in Chechnya, Palestine, Somalia, so Myanmar will get a payback for what they've done. Muslims are weak now but nothing lasts forever, not even the Muslim weakness. Bangladesh only pushed back the Rohingyas bcz Awami League is in power, the AL are already loosing ground on BD so they don't want any refugee influx to destabilize the Chittagong area.

I mean no disrespect to my fellow Indians on this forum as I have Hindu, Muslim, and Christian friends from India and they are nice people; and they are far respectful than majority of my Pakistani and Bangladeshi friends. But my Indian friends don't represent the Indian government or their perverted policies so I'll say the truth about India without considering anyone's patriotic feelings.
Thein Sein knows very well US/West will not take any step against Burma for the sake of Rohingya because they smelled huge money in Burma and they don't want to lose a penny..so he dared uttering such animal words with UNHCR.

He's safe from US/West but he's not safe from rougue Muslim fighters; there are 57 Muslim nations and the rogue Muslim fighters from those countries will use the genocide as an excuse to come after him. Burma made a big mistake by inducing the atrocities because Indonesian and Malaysians are Muslim-majority ASEAN nations and they will not take the genocide lightly especially Malaysia since they are a Sharia based Muslim country on moal grounds unlike other Muslim countries.
First of all, world trade centre analogy was very close to your upbringing, so all credit to your folks.

Secondly, and you don't have to tell this to your folks, but there is better stuff to jerk off to, right on the internet. How often will you keep using the maoist and WTC collapse video?

Lol...you honestly think Muslims committed 9/11...hahahahahaha...engineers all agree that there is No WAy two planes can can make those buildings collapsed at the position they hit...the physics behind the collapse is impossible....you're so gullible...think logically...how can a bunch of backward minded Arabs commit a coordinated attack..they can't...and why were US fighter planes called off and why did Israel's minister talked about the attack 30 minutes before the attack on a London Tv channel...I live in the US and we are a day behind UK time.
Indonesian Islamic hardliners vow jihad for Rohingyas


JAKARTA, July 13 (AFP): Hundreds of Islamic hardliners protested outside the Myanmar embassy in the Indonesian capital Jakarta on Friday to "stop the genocide" of Rohingya Muslims in the wake of deadly communal unrest. Around 300 hardliners from organisations, including the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) and Jemaah Anshorut Tauhid (JAT), threatened to storm the Myanmar embassy in Jakarta as some 50 police officers guarded the building.

"If embassy officials refuse to talk with us, I demand all of you break into the building and turn it upside down," a leader on a loudspeaker told protesters, who shouted "Allahu Akbar" (God is Greatest).

"Every drop of blood that is shed from a Muslim must be paid back. Nothing is free in this world," the man shouted, as protesters carried banners that read "FPI is ready to wage jihad".

"Go to Myanmar and carry out jihad for your Muslim brothers," the man said.

The hardliners left without entering the embassy and proceeded to a UN building to protest. Communal violence between ethnic Buddhist Rakhine and local Muslims, including the Rohingya, swept Myanmar's Rakhine state in June, leaving dozens dead and tens of thousands homeless.

Around 800,000 Rohingyas live in Myanmar and are considered to be some of the world's most persecuted minorities.

Myanmar President Thein Sein told the UN on Thursday it was "impossible to accept the illegally entered Rohingyas, who are not our ethnicity", saying they should be sent to refugee camps or be deported.

Decades of discrimination have left the Rohingya stateless, with Myanmar implementing restrictions on their movement and withholding land rights, education and public services, the UN says



That ain't good :sick:
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