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Myanmar president says Rohingyas not welcome

I got nothing to say,Bangladesh should just open the border for Rohingyas.

so should Pakistan by sending PIA planes but i know its not gonna happen cz of zooordari
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china is not a premier naval power and isn't a global power (that title we humbly endow upon the mighty india). so we take care of business closer to home: we militarily and diplomatically support pakistan and build up infrastructure there and maintain a military posture in xinjiang vis-a-vis the indian oppressors; we selectively arm ethnic minorities in burma whose homeland is on chinese border. as one of the five powers with a seat on UNSC, we spoke against south africa and israel for decades, but the geographic distance between china and west asia and africa means our military support has always been limited by our inability to confront anglo-american naval power, but that doesn't stop us from pointing out the fact that anglo-american military power is what propped up evil regimes everywhere on this planet

Good good more lip service and look two Bangladeshis actually thanked you.

You don't need to provide military service, you just need to stop helping Burmese govt. Stop doling out billions of dollars at Burma which is used at killing those Rohingyas. :)

At least you could officially condemn the incident!

BD can be made more important to china if the two just behead india at its chichen neck. then trade and commerce will prosper between the two sides, and most importantly, land border with china would have provided extremely sound and extremely valuable security to BD.

Why would you want to have good trade relation with Indian colony of former Bangladesh at the cost of making Sanghai and Beijing nuclear wasteland in process!
what brother.....?pakistan....?senting PIA hahahahaha so you thing what are doing two asian giants (INDIA&CHINA) first ask to prodect your border from NATO and agcan forces
Naved Hritom's hindi urdu Bangla Enlish mixed post was better than this, i have to admit!!
the words from my heart - india best secular country even they take care bangladeshi migrants they don't harm them,equal rights to everyone,i travel all over india i can see real secular,
Jamatis will be ashamed if they see your dalali post! Even they didn't support Pakistan during war so nakedly, their excuse was indiaphobia and islam! Have you finished your Chandabazi Gundabazi today as Chatra league or Juba league for funding Padma bridge?? Why are you wasting time on a forum?
BTW why is Ummah silent about this? Where is OIC? Oh yeah blame the West.

It was because of Bangladesh. Bangladesh itself gave a clean chit to Myanmar action on Rohingiya. Ummah will be there if Bangladesh wants.
It was because of Bangladesh. Bangladesh itself gave a clean chit to Myanmar action on Rohingiya. Ummah will be there if Bangladesh wants.

Why do Ummah need Indian dalal administrated Bangladeshi govt consent?
historically china was heavily interventionist, reserving to itself the right to arbitrate dispute between subject peoples and to send armed forces to impose its verdict. modern china clothed itself as a nation-state and withdrew from that confucian interventionism drastically, but eventually chinese power will define chinese sphere of interest and that interventionism may well return. for the moment, geographic convenience and fiscal restraint confine us only to kashmir and northern burma (and silly indians: don't speak of burma as a small country: put it on a map next to china and it may look small, but it is about 800 or 900 thousand sq km, and if we match it against india's small frame, which is probably no more than three, four times in size, burma isn't small at all). but once chinese power can be projected further, particularly after we establish land border with bangladesh, then chinese will happily submit their benevolent confusian interventionism to the strictest moral scrunity of the world community.

Hey look you got a few thanks from the Bangladeshis for the establishing border bit. You are getting good at point scoring, Bravo!!

Save me your BS and reply to the specific questions that I asked. I don't give a flying fook about what China has been doing historically. You blamed the west initially but at the same time you are equally as indifferent, if not more. If anything you are actually guilty of complicity. Again the questions are--

Secondly am I asking you to get involve militarily in Burma? No. But what's stopping you from trying to pass a resolution at UNSC to deploy UN peacekeepers in Burma if you care so much about the Rohingya Muslims? Has any of the Chinese leaders even bothered to read out a statement about the so called genocide yet?
given aung san tofu chicken's callous tolerance of your pogrom against muslims, china clearly made a right choice in propping up the junta a quarter century ago: at the time, it was the only way to stop a demagogue from seizing power in a country that was (and is) yet to learn to live at peace with its own ethnic mix. americans now ruined all this by promisinig economic investment in the country in exchange for bringing tofu chicken back into the political scene to prosecute the minorities, out of typical anglo-american selfishness and cynicism
like i said, you are now in american tutelage, so genocide is your right and reward of this american friendship. go ahead, slaughter your own kind; china will not stand in your way now that you have shielded yourself with american diplomatic armor.

That is the most confused/retarded thing I have seen written here. You have even surpassed the natives with your confusion/retardation.
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