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Myanmar president says Rohingyas not welcome

Egypt activists to protest at Myanmar embassy over Rohingya attacks

Egypt activists to protest at Myanmar embassy over Rohingya attacks
Manar Ammar | 28 June 2012 | 7 Comments

Western Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslims face food shortages and ethnic violence.
CAIRO: Egyptian rights activists announced their solidarity with the under attack Muslim Rohingya community in Arakan, Myanmar, and plan to protest outside the Myanmar embassy later on Thursday.

“We are against exterminating peoples for their religion or beliefs,” said the invitation to action.

“The Arakan region has seen some serious human rights violations since the beginning of June where Muslims were attacked by Buddhists.”

The activists plan to gather in the upscale Cairo neighborhood of Zamalek at 5 PM to protest the ethnic violence outside of the embassy.

Some 30 Rohingya have been killed in violent clashes in Myanmar as a result of ethnic violence with Buddhists in the Western area.

The stateless community has struggled to find a positive way of life as many fled violence in Myanmar in the early 1980s.

The Rohingyas said the flare up of violence in Myanmar has claimed the lives of more than 1,000 people in the past three decades and they want an end to the alleged atrocities.

They want a UN peacekeeping force as well as a medical team to be sent there immediately.

Many fear that thousands of Rohingyas may be heading towards a crisis situation without food, shelter and medication.



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Dwatt Rafi • 18 days ago −
Thanks the Egyptians brothers and sisters for solidarity and helping to solve the human rights situation and helping to put a Stop on the killings in Arakan State based on human rights.

Swe Zin seems the rubbish, is trying to lie even on this website with baseless and groundless statement. Rohingyas are the ethnic people of Arakan State before Islam arrived there and unto now and ever will based on historical and geographical factors. Those devils also known anti-Muslims and anti-Rohingyas are trying all options for killing the ethnic Rohingyas, but the fact that there are several humane and powerful governments of our world to protect ethnic minorities of Burma and to bring the killers to face justices however possible!

Zwe Zin, if you want any information regarding Burmese ethnic Rohingyas, you can reach me at burmademocracynetwork@gmail.com
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Myo Thant kant • 8 days ago
who are the culprits in the massacre, in Sittwe, these culprits be found first and the supporters too to be brought to the international criminal courts for crime against humanity
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Hussain • 19 days ago
Egyptian brothers and sisters,
Jazak Allah Khair!
Thank you very much for showing your solidarity for one of the most persecuted and discriminated minority community- Rohingya Muslims in Arakan, burma.
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Swe Zin • 19 days ago • parent
If you think they are persecuted and discriminated, why don't you let them stay in your country? Without knowing the history and the violence they created, don't comment.
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Anwar S. Arkani • 17 days ago • parent
Why we should be allowed to stay in Ggypt? You arrogant and ignorant racist. You don't know any **** bit of humanity. We are from Arakan and that's the place we should live.
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Saint • 18 days ago
Rohingya r not myanmar and they r terrorist .they killed Rakine people and burnt their villages . any information that they reported r false ..... !!!They R Great Liars !!! ....
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Princess Izora • 5 days ago • parent
shut your mouth bastard
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SIO protests at Myanmar?s Kolkata consulate against killing of Muslims

SIO protests at Myanmar’s Kolkata consulate against killing of Muslims

Students Islamic Organisation of India on Wednesday staged a protest demonstration outside Myanmar’s Consulate office against the killings of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar in last few weeks.

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - SIO officials wanted to meet the Consul General Mr. U. Kyaw Swe Tint, but Myanmar officials refused, but later through Police Official the Myanmar Consulate accepted a memorandum of SIO.

Along with SIO supporters, the protest demonstration was participated by other Muslim Organisations also.

State President of Welfare Party of India Dr Raisuddin and State President of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind Md Nuruddin were also present in that demonstration and delivered their speeches.

Md Nuruddin said, Rohingya Muslims are historically citizens of Myanmar, but Myanmar’s Military Government is not willing to accept this historical truth.

Thousands of Rohingya Muslims have been killed in last few weeks.

They are being tortured. So, Rohingya Muslims fear life and destruction of their home, property. Rohingya Muslims are losing their ground in their homeland and being made refugees.

They are being forced and pushed towards neighbor country Bangladesh.

Now a large number of Rohingya refugees are living in inhuman condition on the boats in river or at no man’s land, nearby Bangladesh.

They want to get shelter in Bangladesh, but Bangladesh does not allow them to enter the country.

Mr. Nurddin expressed surprise over the silence of the Muslim world. He also condemned that, Consul General of Myanmar Consulate in Kolkata refused to meet their officials due to Myanmar Junta run government.

According to Myanmar’s rule any general public body cannot be allowed to meet with their Consul, claimed Myanmar Consul official.

In this regards Nuruddin said, India Government should stop the consul office of Myanmar in India. Every one has right to protest and no one can stop their voice.

Nuruddin asked as how a Consulate Official denied accepting memorandum in our democratic country. If they violated people of India’s right the consulate should be closed by the India Government, he said.

State President of Welfare Party Dr Raisuddin said, Rohingya Muslim refugees are living in a very painful condition on the river.

They are not getting water, food etc. So, they are willing to get shelter in Bangladesh and Bangladesh Government should allow them on humanitarian ground.

SIO’s state Campus Secretary Mafikul Islam said: We want this issue to be handled by United Nation. A huge number of Rohingya Muslim children is dying due to lack of food. Myanmar Government should take initiatives immediately.

The demonstration continued till 2pm when the Kolkata Police official assured them to take their memorandum to Myanmar Consul’s hand.

After the demonstration a delegation of SIO met Bangladesh consulate officials at Park Circus. They submitted a memorandum and appealed to the Bangladesh Government to allow Rohingya Muslim refugees to enter Bangladesh as they are continuously staying in painful condition.


- Rohingyas are not from another country which has created and has been playing a balme game by injustice and non democratic Burmese military regime since 1962.We Rohingyas have our own language and culture you can't compare by Bengali nation.There are a lot of neighbor countires around the world not only Myanmar is a single country which has become unknown country around the world bcz of non-equal rights and injustice action against to the all ethnic groups including Rohingyas.
I request to the world community, the EU, UN , USA and NGO to bring a 3 parties table talk ( Burmese, Rohingya and Bengali leader ) to solve this long standing issue and ending the blame game forever.

Aid workers detained in Myanmar, U.N. says - CNN

Protest staged outside Myanmar embassy against Burma Muslim massacre | Egypt Independent
ohhhh Mr.colompas :rofl:
if indi(r)a don't help how come our nation come....?
how come you and me have flag.....?

Had we not helped them divide Pakistan, they might have lost their flag by now (jk.. just a few new ones would have popped up here and there:D). RAW does get a lot of credit for inciting the people to revolt. No revolt = No division of Pakistan (1947-1970). ;p
now that anglo-americans have removed sanctions against burma, they have provided the latter with perfect political cover for their crimes against muslims. that is what americans always do: make allies out of criminals and sponsor war crimes and crime against humanity as long as they align themselves with american interests - the atrocities and crimes perpetrated in palestine, kashmir, burma, bahrain, etc.
now that anglo-americans have removed sanctions against burma, they have provided the latter with perfect political cover for their crimes against muslims. that is what americans always do: make allies out of criminals and sponsor war crimes and crime against humanity as long as they align themselves with american interests - the atrocities and crimes perpetrated in palestine, kashmir, burma, bahrain, etc.

Why isn't all powerful and a friend of the Muslims mighty China doing anything about this?
I have no interest. I just told that as kalu miah was interested to know your background. But why so secrecy to say whether you are hindu or muslim or from other religious background???

You guys assume too much :lol:

By the neither you or me can PM now as the limit has been raised to 10000 from earlier 2000 :angry:. This is ridiculous.

That's too bad :cry:

Your confused ramblings do not deserve a reply. Rolling on the floor for no apparent reason is a very Indian trait, just an observation.

Your religion is relevant because you bad mouthed Indonesians and called them fanatics because they protested Rohingya killings, then in another post you made fun of 1.5 (actual figure is more slightly higher than 1.6 billion) billion Muslims and how irrelevant they are. Do we see a vague sense of disdain here for Muslims?

I do sympathize with the Rohingyas. And no, I didn't bad mouth Indonesians at all.

My only fear is that it is the Bangladesh government may ultimately screw up the whole thing. That is what I emphasized.

If Muslim-majority nations intend to take harsh actions against Myanmar, they'd better have a plan now. And not let the Burmese get away with this grave injustice.

And I really hope that they do something other than being 'concerned'.

Turn off the oil, pressure them in ASEAN and then its goodbye the revolution in Myanmar :wave: There are Burmese nationals who work in the Middle East as well.

They need to give Myanmar, and ALL of the Burmese people a very loud, and a very clear message. The Burmese must be held responsible for their cruelty against the Rohingyas over the many generations.

And am I an Indian? Gee, I don't know. Some Indians say I'm a Pakistani. Some say I'm a 'Razakar'.

But hey, you know....South Asians :D A very identity confused people.
Why isn't all powerful and a friend of the Muslims mighty China doing anything about this?

we do what we can on chinese periphery: kashmir, sikkim, northern border of burma. as for the jew thieves in palestine, burmese murderers in their western regions...well, burma junta and apartheid regime in israel are firm friends of liberty and anglo-american righteousness, and this friendship whitewashes many genocidal crimes for sure.
we do what we can on chinese periphery: kashmir, sikkim, northern border of burma. as for the jew thieves in palestine, burmese murderers in their western regions...well, burma junta and apartheid regime in israel are firm friends of liberty and anglo-american righteousness, and this friendship whitewashes many genocidal crimes for sure.

Then stop shredding crocodile tears. China being a P5 member and the second largest economy in the world can move a motion against the so called genocide in a neighboring country if she wills, if nothing it will at least highlight the issue. You mean Myanmar is not in China's periphery, who are you kidding? At the end of the day it's the loss-gain in the balance sheet for everybody including China, everybody knows it, your holier than thou attitude is only good for scoring points on a Pakistani forum and before caring about Kashmir please stop killing Uighur Muslims.
That is very convenient of Chinese of not taking the responsibility of what their new found power demands.

But its very clever too, since lip service is more than enough for the gullible then why stop supporting genocidal junta and apartheid state of Israel, after all friendship might be deeper than oceans and taller than mountain but it won't buy you gas and tech.

Because China doesn't interfere in the Internal Affairs of Myanmar.

But imposing sanction on Burma and stop supporting junta don't amount to interference to burmese internal affair, since your buddy was accusing western countries of not doing the same.

" before caring about Kashmir please stop killing Uighur Muslims."

Before that, they need to let them to pray in mosques before they become 18 years old.
But imposing sanction on Burma and stop supporting junta don't amount to interference to burmese internal affair, since your buddy was accusing western countries of not doing the same.
" before caring about Kashmir please stop killing Uighur Muslims."

Before that, they need to let them to pray in mosques before they become 18 years old.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/bangla...s-rohingyas-not-welcome-14.html#ixzz210EGGXyk

Opinions Vary hes a lone man in his comments, and imposing sanctions is something the west does not China, we have problems with the KIA rebels blowing up Rail and pipeline linked to China but we leave it up to Myanmar to handle. This is Myanmar's problem they have to solve it.

And the only Uighurs that were killed were the rioters that started the riots killed other people, Attacked police stations, blow up markets, stabbed Police. a few days back some tried to hijack a plane, When extremism is reduced we can, but were only doing what the rest of central asia does on the Mosque Issue.
Then stop shredding crocodile tears. China being a P5 member and the second largest economy in the world can move a motion against the so called genocide in a neighboring country if she wills, if nothing it will at least highlight the issue. You mean Myanmar is not in China's periphery, who are you kidding? At the end of the day it's the loss-gain in the balance sheet for everybody including China, everybody knows it, your holier than thou attitude is only good for scoring points on a Pakistani forum and before caring about Kashmir please stop killing Uighur Muslims.

china is not a premier naval power and isn't a global power (that title we humbly endow upon the mighty india). so we take care of business closer to home: we militarily and diplomatically support pakistan and build up infrastructure there and maintain a military posture in xinjiang vis-a-vis the indian oppressors; we selectively arm ethnic minorities in burma whose homeland is on chinese border. as one of the five powers with a seat on UNSC, we spoke against south africa and israel for decades, but the geographic distance between china and west asia and africa means our military support has always been limited by our inability to confront anglo-american naval power, but that doesn't stop us from pointing out the fact that anglo-american military power is what propped up evil regimes everywhere on this planet
Because China doesn't interfere in the Internal Affairs of Myanmar.

Port of Kyaukphyu in Rakhine(Arakan) which will connect Kunming in Yunnan by oil-gas pipeline and a rail line is also of too much strategic importance to China. So, its understandable China will prefer Myanmar over Bangladesh.
Port of Kyaukphyu in Rakhine(Arakan) which will connect Kunming in Yunnan by oil-gas pipeline and a rail line is also of too much strategic importance to China. So, its understandable China will prefer Myanmar over Bangladesh.

You wish... :P
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