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Myanmar president says Rohingyas not welcome

My personal religious standing is irrelevant.

As much as I hate what has and is going to happen to the Rohingyas either way, I do not support any form of militancy. It does not matter which religion.

Name one thing that Islamic militancy has achieved throughout the late half of the 20th century and now? The answer is none.

Even the IRA hardly achieved much. In the end, they had no choice but to make peace with the Brits.

I'm afraid not. See, the same people with similar views have protested against numerous things such as against the US, UN, etc. Even went as far as 'banning' the UN.

But no actual impact whatsoever. It is ultimately money that makes the world go around. And sadly, not enough so for humanity.

This view that the Rohingyas are all 'illegal immigrants' from Bangladesh, and that they are terrorists implies that the Burmese are being openly hostile toward us. They are implying that we as a state sponsored terrorism in their lands.

Mind them, but we never participated in ANY anti-American activities whatsoever. Even though America had a hand with the bitter experiences of 1971. It's like they are threatening us for no particular reason.

There are many Rakhines who live in our country, and I fear the flow of Rohingyas is indeed going to create security problems for us. They'd bring those ethnic tensions with them! Particularly in Cox's Bazar, a relatively wealthy and a very important part of the country with almost limitless economic potential.

Bangladesh is in a very complex position like no other.

Let me just put it this way, you are confused. Protesting killing and ethnic cleansing of fellow Muslims is showing their humanity even if it is for Muslim brothers, it is not militancy, just try to think before you hit your key board.

Extremism and fanaticism is bad for all ideologies and their adherents, but Islam has some positive sides, one of the greatest one is the feeling of Muslim solidarity between different ethnic groups in far corners of the globe. Its not perfect, specially when they get too close, like we did in case of Pakistan, but this Muslim solidarity is working for humanity when Pakistani's and Indonesians expressing their sympathy for fellow Rohingya Muslims, while Indian Hindu's are cheer leading the Burmese with the genocide of their fellow Indic race Rohingya's. That is the difference between Hinduism or any other religion and Islam. In my experience no other religion built bridges between distant races like Islam and Muslims did. Something tells me you lack basic understanding about Islam and Muslims. It may not be relevant to you, but all of us will be wondering about your background. No brave person hide their own background.

Like I said, you should not criticize Indonesians, mind your own little Bangladeshi business, they are doing much better than us as it is. Why mention all this irrelevant unnecessary stuff? Indonesians protesting killing of their fellow Rohingya brothers are not for you to criticize or find faults with. All Bangladeshi's commend our brother Indonesians for their brave efforts to give a message to the Burmese that this will not be tolerated.
Listen this is a discussion forum, I'm not insulting but speaking the truth. The evidence is documentary videos and interviews and public discussions of Assam youth leaders and Indian nationalists who want the illegal Bangladeshis to be kicked out. They have these discussions all the time on Indian channels. However, what surprises me is that Muslim Indians, non Bengalis, but Urdu speaking Indians, take the stand of not kicking the Bangladeshis out. So it's a contraversal issue within India.

Do you really think Bangladesh will last based on how the situation is in its current state? A civil war will break out and India has to deal with refugees again. But I will not discuss this further on this thread because that's off topic.

It looks like you have grown up in some US desi haven where desi's hang out together and Khilafa is the dream of all Muslim's, and you have read some declassified papers. This does not give you the right to de-legitimize any West Bengali Muslim in India with regards to their rights of citizenship, based on youtube video you saw on internet.

You are naive and misinformed, judging from the posts I have seen from you so far. It is better to listen and learn than think that you know everything while everyone else knows less than you.

But this is an internet forum, we are entitled to have our opinion and free to express it, but please be responsible about it and think about the consequences others may suffer from it. If you are thinking about Khilafa the first thing you do is think of the well being and welfare of all Muslims on the surface of this planet including those hapless Indian Muslims who are victims of Hindutva propaganda of dehumanization, which you are apparently supporting, after seeing their propaganda video's on youtube.
Let me just put it this way, you are confused. Protesting killing and ethnic cleansing of fellow Muslims is showing their humanity even if it is for Muslim brothers, it is not militancy, just try to think before you hit your key board.

It promotes it for certain. But then, this situation in Burma deserves every bit of criticism.

They can protest, but what is the value? Why did all ASEAN members vote for the lift of sanctions on Myanmar? Why is Myanmar a member of ASEAN in the first place?

It's all about value adding.

Extremism and fanaticism is bad for all ideologies and their adherents, but Islam has some positive sides, one of the greatest one is the feeling of Muslim solidarity between different ethnic groups in far corners of the globe. Its not perfect, specially when they get too close, like we did in case of Pakistan, but this Muslim solidarity is working for humanity when Pakistani's and Indonesians expressing their sympathy for fellow Rohingya Muslims, while Indian Hindu's are cheer leading the Burmese with the genocide of their fellow Indic race Rohingya's. That is the difference between Hinduism or any other religion and Islam. In my experience no other religion built bridges between distant races like Islam and Muslims did. Something tells me you lack basic understanding about Islam and Muslims. It may not be relevant to you, but all of us will be wondering about your background. No brave person hide their own background.

I don't know about this ethnicity part. It actually does matter depending on who you ask. Arabs see themselves as Arabs first, and then Muslim (yes, it is true).

Like I said, you should not criticize Indonesians, mind your own little Bangladeshi business, they are doing much better than us as it is. Why mention all this irrelevant unnecessary stuff? Indonesians protesting killing of their fellow Rohingya brothers are not for you to criticize or find faults with. All Bangladeshi's commend our brother Indonesians for their brave efforts to give a message to the Burmese that this will not be tolerated.

I didn't criticize them for protesting. But things like 'Jihad' can send jitters across many :lol: Did all Indonesians have similar sentiments? I doubt it. They could be indifferent to the matter for the most part.

I do not know how we will benefit from it. We are a very over-populated nation, and they want to throw out all of the Rohingyas at us. This is indeed a very much a serious national security issue for us.

Will ASEAN and other powers pressure Myanmar on the issue? Will they listen our problems? Only time will tell. If they want to, they can force Myanmar and its people to behave in one day.

For us Bangladeshis, we need a plan to contain this insane episode. And yes, we do have strategic assets with which we can exploit. Only thing that is missing is the strategic initiative from our leadership. And certainly Mickey Moni and La-Hasina are NOT qualified for the job.
It promotes it for certain. But then, this situation in Burma deserves every bit of criticism.

They can protest, but what is the value? Why did all ASEAN members vote for the lift of sanctions on Myanmar? Why is Myanmar a member of ASEAN in the first place?

It's all about value adding.

I don't know about this ethnicity part. It actually does matter depending on who you ask. Arabs see themselves as Arabs first, and then Muslim (yes, it is true).

I didn't criticize them for protesting. But things like 'Jihad' can send jitters across many :lol: Did all Indonesians have similar sentiments? I doubt it. They could be indifferent to the matter for the most part.

I do not know how we will benefit from it. We are a very over-populated nation, and they want to throw out all of the Rohingyas at us. This is indeed a very much a serious national security issue for us.

Will ASEAN and other powers pressure Myanmar on the issue? Will they listen our problems? Only time will tell. If they want to, they can force Myanmar and its people to behave in one day.

For us Bangladeshis, we need a plan to contain this insane episode. And yes, we do have strategic assets with which we can exploit. Only thing that is missing is the strategic initiative from our leadership. And certainly Mickey Moni and La-Hasina are NOT qualified for the job.

Protesting killings is not fanaticism and Jihard, get it? Do not criticize Indonesians for it. Everything else you say here is not relevant.

You are posting using Bangladesh flag and posting some nonsense is embarrassing for all Bangladeshi's.
You are posting using Bangladesh flag and posting some nonsense is embarrassing for all Bangladeshi's.

None of your points counter anything I've pointed out.

My 'nonsense' is that it'll take a lot more than mere protesting to force the Burmese to behave. And we aren't doing anything about it other than pep talking about how good Myanmar-Bangladesh relations will be.
Bangladesh govt. position is that there are no illegal immigrants from Bangladesh in India. They are India's Muslims from West Bengal who have moved to different states. They are not our citizens and we hold no responsibility for them. If you are going to promote an idea that Indian Hindutva has been promoting to dehumanize Bengali Muslims in India, I would suggest you provide some evidence. Without evidence please do not participate in Hindutva propaganda to dehumanize Bengali Muslims in India, making them subject to expulsion and others atrocities. Your private opinion based on heresay and frank expression of it is fine, but please consider the consequence of these words. What you are saying is totally against Bangladesh govt. position, Bangladesh national interest and detrimental to the interest of Indian Muslims of Bengali origin.

Also, these are off topic.

I agree with you...no one should tell this without evidence. It was an indian govt. plan through its intelligence to seed the concept of illegal immigrant from Bangladesh in the indian masses so that any brutality with Bangladeshi can make them believe it's to prevent illegal trespassing.
GOB is just following Delhi's recipe. We are the only Muslim nation which has not recognized Kosovo. We have behaved in a most inhuman manner in the Rohingya issue. The reason is simple. We need to show ourselves as "secular". We need to show that the birth of BD was to prove the Two Nation Theory wrong. With an understanding of this point, all gymnastics of Hasina govt can be analysed.
GOB is just following Delhi's recipe. We are the only Muslim nation which has not recognized Kosovo. We have behaved in a most inhuman manner in the Rohingya issue. The reason is simple. We need to show ourselves as "secular". We need to show that the birth of BD was to prove the Two Nation Theory wrong. With an understanding of this point, all gymnastics of Hasina govt can be analysed.

Effing "Bengali Nationalists", lets bury this useless ideology six feet under or burn it and spread the ashes in Bay of Bengal.
None of your points counter anything I've pointed out.

My 'nonsense' is that it'll take a lot more than mere protesting to force the Burmese to behave. And we aren't doing anything about it other than pep talking about how good Myanmar-Bangladesh relations will be.

I did not even attempt to counter your useless ramblings.

Protesting do make a difference, what world do you live in? It shows that the biggest Muslim nation in the world cares about other Muslims. If all Muslims all over the world could get out on the streets and protest in front of Burmese Embassy's where ever they are, that would surely give them a message. It also creates public awareness among clueless billions in the world that injustice is taking place here, it is a Human issue and not just a Muslim issue. Why is this so hard for you to understand? Making noise and raising hell about injustice is all about activism and creating public awareness using media attention.

No one is pep-talking "Myanmar-Bangladesh relations" any more. The moment this crisis surfaced, I looked into this situation and I have changed my mind about the possibility of anything with Burma. It is only people like you and a few others who are still harping about taking Rohingya's in so we can have a railway to China. Leave these infantile ideas and come to reality.

They have to be confronted, if they continue their killing and ethnic cleansing:

- diplomatically, using Muslim as well as world public opinion (Indonesian protesting is a good example)
- with insurgents if needed
- with military threat if needed

Killings of innocent human being, Muslims or otherwise, must be stopped.
GOB is just following Delhi's recipe. We are the only Muslim nation which has not recognized Kosovo. We have behaved in a most inhuman manner in the Rohingya issue. The reason is simple. We need to show ourselves as "secular". We need to show that the birth of BD was to prove the Two Nation Theory wrong. With an understanding of this point, all gymnastics of Hasina govt can be analysed.

As long as Russia does not recognize Kosova, BD will not. Its not AL, BNP also has the same stand.
Protesting killings is not fanaticism and Jihard, get it? Do not criticize Indonesians for it. Everything else you say here is not relevant.

You are posting using Bangladesh flag and posting some nonsense is embarrassing for all Bangladeshi's.

yeah They were the ones who brutally Suppressed East Timor for nearly 3 decades . Pot calling the Kettle Black Eh ??
As long as Russia does not recognize Kosova, BD will not. Its not AL, BNP also has the same stand.

BNP is more aligned to China/Pak than the pro Hindutva radical stance adopted by BAL. Not saying that either of them is a good solution, btw. Just making an observation.

I'd request two experienced Bangladeshi members who have 'crossed swords' to be more level headed. We should be very clear about our foreign enemies, and we should make no mistake about identifying the agents of our enemies at home. Spending more time/effort on internal infighting will only weaken/divert whatever little/or more you can spend/focus on the right cause of the suffering Muslims in current Burma.

Bangladeshis should exercise more paradropping, swift armoured thrust across the terrain adjoining the troubled regions, and amphibious landing in order to maintain peace and justice in regions afflicted by violence from a backward regime and nation which is not even familiar with the most basic norms of decency and civilization.
As long as Russia does not recognize Kosova, BD will not. Its not AL, BNP also has the same stand.

Is Russia such a factor in our affairs? In that region we closely follow the lead of Turkey. I do not remember what was the situation that had compelled BNP govt to keep away? That was years back, and Morshed Khan was an easily purchasable commodity who had nearly recognized Taiwan!
Is Russia such a factor in our affairs? In that region we closely follow the lead of Turkey. I do not remember what was the situation that had compelled BNP govt to keep away? That was years back, and Morshed Khan was an easily purchasable commodity who had nearly recognized Taiwan!

Neither Russia nor China has recognized Kosovo.

Is Russia such a factor in our affairs? In that region we closely follow the lead of Turkey. I do not remember what was the situation that had compelled BNP govt to keep away? That was years back, and Morshed Khan was an easily purchasable commodity who had nearly recognized Taiwan!

Following an American puppet like Turkey is also unwise. I don't recall any instance where Bangladesh actually followed Turkey. Turkey has always had close relations with so called "Israel" in public, and was so weak that it still houses American military base on its turf for protection. Bangladesh is vastly different in this regard. If Bangladesh has recently grown favourable towards Turkey, it's probably because of BNP's lack of intelligentsia at the top. Since BNP lacks intellectuals of any sort, they end up following Pakistan, sad as it is, while for BAL, it lacks any intellectual to form a definitive foreign policy, it only serves the agendas of radical Hindutva agents.

Bangladesh should have charted its own course, the problem is that its educated or middle class has not yet focused on intellectual exercises to sharpen their analytical thinking. They do not even know how to think on their own, in most cases. Their sole recourse is to copy or follow foreign countries, mostly Westerners on what to do. If Western solution seems way too alien to be accepted, they follow Indian or Pakistani solution. Idiotic policy that has failed to raise Bangladesh's profile in its 40 years of existence.

Even Myanmar has a larger current active military than BD. Both neighbours have nukes and ballistic missiles, Bangladesh has none of it. Idiotic strategy.
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