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Myanmar president says Rohingyas not welcome

I beg to differ....no matter whatever the condition is, women and children should not be killed even if your stance is right.

Only men should be killed??.....why??:what:

I agree with the children part though......
I am pretty sure he has balls, but I doubt he has brains. A president of a country can not ask UN to take some of the inhabitants (legal or illegal) of his country and settle them to third country. That's a cracker. If he had balls, he should had openly said that they should be settled in Bangladesh. How come his balls did not come into play in saying something which is lying beneath his heart?

Look you are giving too much importance to our connectivity to ASEAN!!! Its just something we like to explore and the major economies in ASEAN are way too far from Bangladesh. I am not sure how feasible or cost effective will it be through road to Singapore or Malaysia? The only country which we are very much interested is China not ASEAN. If Myanmar does not want us to connect through its territory then so be it. Remember You are in between China and Bangladesh but we are also in between Myanmar and India. Keep that in mind.

Idiot Bengali strikes again.

Not at all. Check my post. Being connected to NE is pretty useless. :P

Yet I'm sure all you people here are salivating at the thought of being connected to that backwater Chinese province of Yunnan. :rofl:
You are in troll mode.. Check you switch.

I meant to say, why people have no problem when men are killed, why they think women can do no harm....when reality is just the opposite......

I meant to say, why people have no problem when men are killed, why they think women can do no harm....when reality is just the opposite......


I am with you in that. Zabanya might differ for obvious reason. LOL
Not at all. But your boy there doesn't even know regional geography.

Such as? And besides, why would we need a road link to access ASEAN markets that far away? All the way to Thailand? Malaysia? There are other means. They are called ships :rofl:

We are however interested in having road links with China either way.
Such as? And besides, why would we need a road link to access ASEAN markets that far away? All the way to Thailand? Malaysia? There are other means. They are called ships :rofl:

We are however interested in having road links with China either way.

And if we just leave aside our strategic advantage linking through Myanmar, we can always go through India to China. And India will happily give us that route.
I wish Bangladesh could politely let Burmese know that there are several million people of Burmese
extraction on this side of the border, who can be similarly expelled.
They would not be expelled and should not be expelled of course.

It's a retarded situation which just displays the immature fascist nature of the Burmese nation.
These half educated retards said such things to the UN. Infantile to say the least.

To the Indian posters you are simply anti- Muslim. You do not see that religion aside the Burmese simply hates these people cause they do not look like mongoloids.
They had ethnically tried to cleanse many of their minorities. Your action simply validates negative hindutva connotations.

No one in their right mind can support such policy.

Who'll play this game you think....hasina or khaleda :azn: ? Forget about external issues, these two ladies are not even capable to protect our people, our lands. Only strong leadership can play this game.
When will Pakis, Banglas, Sri Lankans, Indians wake up and realize the whole world laughs at us as we go to war and fight, commit terror, etc. They never cared about us. The only way we all will get respect is if we all work together. But sadly, some ppl's state of mind has not advanced to a level that comprehend what I am saying.

Led by india :oops:.
The LTTE is notorious for its terrorist activities and is not all that popular even among Indians. But I gotta tell you I've never seen any Bangladeshi (heck, not even a Pakistani!) terming them bloody Hindus or calling for their extermination. But in certain news sites, I've seen Indians comments calling Rohyingas bloody Muslims and applauding the killings.

Apocalypse, I think you slept through those threads. I remember it especially the likes of Luffy and some others. Anyway that is a different matter.

Indians for most part are indifferent to the Rohingya matter as long as them dont come into India. We dont want more Muslim refugees. I'm being frank. There are enough Islamic countries in the atlas to take them in.

And if we just leave aside our strategic advantage linking through Myanmar, we can always go through India to China. And India will happily give us that route.

Only if you give us transit, which you guys are unwilling to do.
Thein Sein told the chief of the United Nations refugee agency the Rohingya were not welcome."We will take responsibility for our ethnic people but it is impossible to accept the illegally entered Rohingyas, who are not our ethnicity," according to the president's official website.

Given that these people lived here for a long long time, it's a very irresponsible statement bu a head of a state. And yet there are some people here seem to defend this criminal verbiage.

Thein Sein knows very well US/West will not take any step against Burma for the sake of Rohingya because they smelled huge money in Burma and they don't want to lose a penny..so he dared uttering such animal words with UNHCR.
In my humble opinion, however insignificant, people born into the land belong to the land. That's the law of nature and also how human and land borders have been evolved since the beginning of time.

It flew over the head of this alaungphaya. Please don't come to him with such argument, it doesn't traverse his brain. An animal is not notorious for its nature of jungle life. Unfortunately these Thein Shein and alaungphaya remind us that very animal instinct that made people notorious and world advanced a lot leaving all dark parts behind. It's a pity to see them, still in prehistoric time.
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