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Myanmar president says Rohingyas not welcome

No-one gives a rat's *** about the Rohinga's apart from BD and Myanmar.

BD will have to settle this matter once and for all.

BD has never settled anything in its existence. You let others settle things for you. Feel free to go and enlist and prove me wrong though, Godzilla.

That was a good one.

If you live for another 20 years, then you will see how BD will settle this.

There might not be a BD in another 30 years due to climatic changes.

P.S. The cancelling of the state visit to Bangladesh is a clear snub as he is scheduled to make a similar visit to Thailand next week. Looks like your dream of building a road through our country towards ASEAN is going up in smoke.

Mate these Bangis are surrounded for 90% by India and the rest 10% by Myanmar and they think they can survive by making enemies with both the nations.

But another thing, these internet Bangladeshis do not reflect the general mood of the nation and hence we cannot make an opinion based on these little internet warriors --

The general Indian reaction to this conflict was mixed in this forum, but in all the news sites I've visited so far, Indian commenters are relentlessly spitting venom against Rohyingas. I have never witnessed such harsh language against such an extremely persecuted minority community.[/B]

Ofcourse I did not forget the venom your fellow Bangis ( who are riding the moral horse here) spit on the ethnic Tamils who underwent worse persecution than these Rohingyas. The shoe is on the other feet mate.
@ Alaungphaya

A riot between two minorities, of which one not recognised as illegal immigrants is the present issue, but overall it can not be denied that the Rohingyas are a persecuted group and are in an unenviable situation. That wider picture does come into play while raising the current issue and it is fair.

They'd beg to differ if you know what I mean.

At the same time some internet jihadis always looking for the next fight and enemy like asad here sure are using this to create propaganda and pulling numbers from their proverbial behinds. But your govt's refusal to allow media only works against your cause, don''t you think?

That's also what I've been pondering. Some suspect the casualties are a lot higher.

In the worse-case scenario, relocation is the only option if you ask me. Screw the UN.

It is in the best interest of others (including Muslims) that the Rohingyas do not suffer any further at the hands of those barbarians.

Let alone a Jihad. Bangladesh cannot sustain any covert operations whatsoever. I mean, it doesn't even have its own external intelligence arm. Inciting a war would ultimately harm Bangladesh on the world stage.

I'm certain that relocating less than a million people won't be a problem.

Then, we'll see where Myanmar stands in this world. Truth ultimately speaks for itself.
They'd beg to differ if you know what I mean.

That's also what I've been pondering. Some suspect the casualties are a lot higher.

In the worse-case scenario, relocation is the only option if you ask me. Screw the UN.

It is in the best interest of others (including Muslims) that the Rohingyas do not suffer any further at the hands of those barbarians.

Let alone a Jihad. Bangladesh cannot sustain any covert operations whatsoever. I mean, it doesn't even have its own external intelligence arm. Inciting a war would ultimately harm Bangladesh on the world stage.

I'm certain that relocating less than a million people won't be a problem.

Then, we'll see where Myanmar stands in this world. Truth ultimately speaks for itself.

Pakistan and Bangladesh need governments with a spine and not kiss *** govts, once that happens most problems can and will be solved in a short span of time
That's also what I've been pondering. Some suspect the casualties are a lot higher.

In the worse-case scenario, relocation is the only option if you ask me. Screw the UN.

It is in the best interest of others (including Muslims) that the Rohingyas do not suffer any further at the hands of those barbarians.

Let alone a Jihad. Bangladesh cannot sustain any covert operations whatsoever. I mean, it doesn't even have its own external intelligence arm. Inciting a war would ultimately harm Bangladesh on the world stage.

I'm certain that relocating less than a million people won't be a problem.

Then, we'll see where Myanmar stands in this world. Truth ultimately speaks for itself.

The stated figures may or may not be underreported but what no media outlet has done is say anything about Arakanese deaths.


Yes, I agree they are persecuted and are in an untenable position. However, in the contexts of these riots, not one word has been written about the accompanying deaths of Arakanese at the hands of Rohingya rioters. The Burmese actually asked the UN to stay but it was the UN's decision to pull their workers out of Arakan. I have heard from numerous pro-Rohingya and pro-Islamic media that the death toll is in the tens of thousands and I have seen pictures from the Rwandan genocide posted on pro-Rohingya facebook pages purporting them to be from Arakan. However, there has been very little actual evidence to back this up. Media blackout perhaps but I don't know for sure it is still in effect and besides a genocide is a difficult thing to cover up. Anyhow, this is a quote from the UN special envoy sent there retrieved from Reuters a month ago:
U.N. special envoy to Myanmar, Vijay Nambiar, who visited Rakhine state on Thursday, praised the government for a "prompt, firm and sensitive" response to the crisis and in a statement called for a "full, impartial and credible" investigation into the incident urgently.
The stated figures may or may not be underreported but what no media outlet has done is say anything about Arakanese deaths.


Yes, I agree they are persecuted and are in an untenable position. However, in the contexts of these riots, not one word has been written about the accompanying deaths of Arakanese at the hands of Rohingya rioters. The Burmese actually asked the UN to stay but it was the UN's decision to pull their workers out of Arakan. I have heard from numerous pro-Rohingya and pro-Islamic media that the death toll is in the tens of thousands and I have seen pictures from the Rwandan genocide posted on pro-Rohingya facebook pages purporting them to be from Arakan. However, there has been very little actual evidence to back this up. Media blackout perhaps but I don't know for sure it is still in effect and besides a genocide is a difficult thing to cover up. Anyhow, this is a quote from the UN special envoy sent there retrieved from Reuters a month ago:

Well, that doesn't answer the question. Why wasn't any foreign media allowed in the region? Otherwise, they'd surely would have reported the Arakanese deaths.
The president has balls. I didn't think so much of him at first as he's just a military bureaucrat but he has already talked down to the Chinese and now the international community on the behalf of Burmese interests. This should go some ways to make amends to the fractured relationship between the army and the people.

I am pretty sure he has balls, but I doubt he has brains. A president of a country can not ask UN to take some of the inhabitants (legal or illegal) of his country and settle them to third country. That's a cracker. If he had balls, he should had openly said that they should be settled in Bangladesh. How come his balls did not come into play in saying something which is lying beneath his heart?

P.S. The cancelling of the state visit to Bangladesh is a clear snub as he is scheduled to make a similar visit to Thailand next week. Looks like your dream of building a road through our country towards ASEAN is going up in smoke.

Look you are giving too much importance to our connectivity to ASEAN!!! Its just something we like to explore and the major economies in ASEAN are way too far from Bangladesh. I am not sure how feasible or cost effective will it be through road to Singapore or Malaysia? The only country which we are very much interested is China not ASEAN. If Myanmar does not want us to connect through its territory then so be it. Remember You are in between China and Bangladesh but we are also in between Myanmar and India. Keep that in mind.
I am pretty sure he has balls, but I doubt he has brains. A president of a country can not ask UN to take some of the inhabitants (legal or illegal) of his country and settle them to third country. That's a cracker. If he had balls, he should had openly said that they should be settled in Bangladesh. How come his balls did not come into play in saying something which is lying beneath his heart?

Look you are giving too much importance to our connectivity to ASEAN!!! Its just something we like to explore and the major economies in ASEAN are way too far from Bangladesh. I am not sure how feasible or cost effective will it be through road to Singapore or Malaysia? The only country which we are very much interested is China not ASEAN. If Myanmar does not want us to connect through its territory then so be it. Remember You are in between China and Bangladesh but we are also in between Myanmar and India. Keep that in mind.

Unless they want to pass through the Siliguri corridor to reach mainland India. :lol:
Ofcourse I did not forget the venom your fellow Bangis ( who are riding the moral horse here) spit on the ethnic Tamils who underwent worse persecution than these Rohingyas. The shoe is on the other feet mate.

Everybody supports a Tamil Elm.. Ask anybody here. We love Tamils specially Indian Tamil and their fight for self determination.
Everybody supports a Tamil Elm.. Ask anybody here. We love Tamils specially Indian Tamil and their fight for self determination.

[rant] The LTTE is notorious for its terrorist activities and is not all that popular even among Indians. But I gotta tell you I've never seen any Bangladeshi (heck, not even a Pakistani!) terming them bloody Hindus or calling for their extermination. But in certain news sites, I've seen Indians comments calling Rohyingas bloody Muslims and applauding the killings. [/rant]
Myanmar is going the right direction.....
This will save Myanmar huge trouble in future....
Well, that doesn't answer the question. Why wasn't any foreign media allowed in the region? Otherwise, they'd surely would have reported the Arakanese deaths.

Media blackout is standard protocol in a state of emergency. At any rate, it didn't stop the media reporting Rohingya deaths and only Rohingya deaths.
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