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Myanmar lures Bangladesh Buddhists to take over Rohingya land: officials

So is that Cycle Macson POS (dunno if for good tho). Maybe quality can be brought to dbl digit levels in the subforum finally.
His profile is still ascesible so no, he can come back. Not the first time he's been banned.
That must be the "official" cap then.. Now i'm beginning to wonder @Nilgiri claims of if there's any real credibility at all in these what does he call them BBS (sic) facts

Numbers/feelz these dolts throw around are picked out of either a cranial void or the lowest orifice. Which one of those two it is..... is the only matter of real debate on this subforum lately.

BTW buddy, explaining the SL stuff here is big waste of time and effort. Best to engage with the parties that actually matter and have stake in the issue past, present and future. These nuts can rely/reject and wax and wane with the UN globalist BS all they want...they will not change their fundamental way of thinking and operating anytime soon.
BTW buddy, explaining the SL stuff here is big waste of time and effort

Yep futile effort, anyway that was not my intention but to retort falsehoods posted here by the self proclaimed Mr. Knowitall.. :lol:
Yep futile effort, anyway that was not my intention but to retort falsehoods posted here by the self proclaimed Mr. Knowitall.. :lol:

Lol at trying to show being "open" to looking at evidence and then being "convinced" by the moron who hangs around here like a bad smell.
At least use a more intelligent approach if you are hoping to show people you are not just another moron that hangs around another forum unwanted.
Lol at trying to show being "open" to looking at evidence and then being "convinced" by the moron who hangs around here like a bad smell.
At least use a more intelligent approach if you are hoping to show people you are not just another moron that hangs around another forum unwanted.

Again it's his or anyone's prerogative where to or what to write about, you have no say in it, You're just salty cos he keeps bursting your little bubbles.. :lol:
Again it's his or anyone's prerogative where to or what to write about, you have no say in it, You're just salty cos he keeps bursting your little bubbles.. :lol:

Actually I find him entertaining if a little sad.
The amount of his free time he spends in writing these very long posts to try to portray BD in a bad light is hilarious.
He was pro-BD when he joined in 2015 and then got a severe case of butt-hurt.
Myanmar lures Bangladesh Buddhists to take over Rohingya land: officials
AFP | Dhaka Last Updated at April 2, 2018 15:30 IST


Myanmar authorities have lured dozens of mainly Buddhist Bangladeshi tribal families to cross the border and resettle on land abandoned by fleeing Muslim Rohingya, officials said today.

About 50 families from remote hill and forest areas on the Bangladesh side, attracted by offers of free land and food, have moved to Rakhine state in mainly Buddhist Myanmar -- the scene of a brutal army crackdown which prompted hundreds of thousands of Rohingya to flee.

The families from the ethnic Marma and Mro tribes have left their homes in the Bandarban hill district, local councillor Muing Swi Thwee told AFP.

He said 22 families departed from their villages in the Sangu forest reserve last month.

The families, mainly Buddhist but with some Christians, were being "lured by Myanmar" to Rakhine where they were given free land, citizenship and free food for five years, Muing Swi Thwee said.

"They are going there to fill up the land vacated by the Rohingya who have left Burma (Myanmar). They are extremely poor."

Nearly 700,000 Rohingya have fled Rakhine for camps in mainly Muslim Bangladesh since Myanmar last August launched a crackdown which US and UN officials have described as ethnic cleansing.

An agreement to repatriate Rohingya has yet to see a single refugee returned. Rohingya leaders have said the refugees will not return unless they are allowed back to their villages, many of which have been torched by security forces, rather than to supposedly temporary resettlement camps.

Two government officials in the region confirmed the migration, saying up to 55 tribal families had left for Myanmar.

"They are being lured by some people in Myanmar in return for free homes, free food for five-seven years. Some families have shifted there after being attracted by these offers," Jahangir Alam, a government district administrator, told AFP.

He said some of the tribal groups have family in Rakhine and these relatives are being used to woo the Bangladeshi tribals.

"These people have religious and linguistic similarities with Myanmar. Some of their ancestors have settled there in the past," he said.

Al Kaiser, another government official, said a tribal man was killed and several family members were injured in a mine blast when they were crossing into Myanmar from the town of Ali Kadam.

Officials said they suspect political motives behind the migration.

"We think perhaps they (Myanmar) want to make some news using these people, that Buddhists are being tortured and repressed in Bangladesh and that's why they have left the country," said one official on condition of anonymity.

A Bangladeshi security officer told AFP that Myanmar had resettled thousands of Buddhists in Rakhine by using a rsettlement scheme which offers free food, homes, cows and cash.

Muing Swi Thwee said more than 100 tribal families had left his area for Myanmar in the past three years.

Observers say Myanmar authorities are carrying out methodical social engineering schemes in northern Rakhine in the absence of many of the Rohingya.

A series of development projects, either government and army-sponsored or privately funded, are transforming the area, which the military sees as the frontline of its fight against encroaching Islam.

(This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)
I think it is not a bad deal because there are many tribals who are working in jhum cultivation and are living in poverty in places like Sajek. I think these poor tribals will be better off in Myammar as Myanmar is a Buddhist state and they will take good care of the poor Buddhist tribals from Bangladesh
Now it’s only fair we force the Buddhist populations of bd including chakma and others out!?
Now it’s only fair we force the Buddhist populations of bd including chakma and others out!?
A huge chunk of Buddhists are Baruas...they are as Bengali as they come....why should they pay for the crimes of the Burmese?
Now it’s only fair we force the Buddhist populations of bd including chakma and others out!?
Why? Bangladesh is not your property. Buddhists are also citizens of BD.

A huge chunk of Buddhists are Baruas...they are as Bengali as they come....why should they pay for the crimes of the Burmese?
I am suprised that you Pakistanis knows about the Barua Buddhist community.
I am suprised that you Pakistanis knows about the Barua Buddhist community.

How is he Pakistani?

Anyways as far as I know all non-Bangla Buddhist tribals supported Pakistan during 1971 Indo-Pakistan war. They hate Banglas and Indians.
The Chakma king settled in Pakistan after war.
watch me take roast the chump below

Bd is our property, if your monkey *** brain can understand that buddhist are citizens of bd and have rights to stay in bd, why don't y'all let the rohyngas stay? why kill, rape and chase them away from their country, transvestite fuckwid?
images (1).jpeg

They are attacked because of this


And this...
View attachment 519290
They are attacked because of this

View attachment 519291
And this...
if your military is incapable of distinguishing between terrorist and innocent civilians.... give up your military and take protection from other countries.... our can provide substantial...
and certainly don't make your problem our problem... we are not obligated to babysit your civilians because of your stupid excuse,....

see terror cleanup post holy artisans.... don't don't come lecturing me on that either.
your bunch are incompetent fucks.... your whore of a PM su kyi now is talking in favor of military after years of being against....

and her days of whoring is from her college days at oxford, everyone there knows about this shit
if your military is incapable of distinguishing between terrorist and innocent civilians.... give up your military and take protection from other countries.... our can provide substantial...
and certainly don't make your problem our problem... we are not obligated to babysit your civilians because of your stupid excuse,....

see terror cleanup post holy artisans.... don't don't come lecturing me on that either.
your bunch are incompetent fucks.... your whore of a PM su kyi now is talking in favor of military after years of being against....

and her days of whoring is from her college days at oxford, everyone there knows about this shit
Innocent?? ...Please visit Arakan and ask the local Buddhist rakhine elders how these so called civillian rohingyas unleashed a reign of terror in Arakan region between 1948 to 1982.

After the independence of Myanmar, these rohingyas were given everything starting from place in the cabinet to seats in the parliament. However these rohingyas always harmed Myanmar in every way possible. Even Sultan Mahmood, a rohingya who was also our health minister in the 1950s demanded that parts of Arakan to be conceeded to then East Pakistan or seperate province for the rohingyas to be created inside Arakan. Not a single person harmed that traitor although i believe that anti national Sultan Mahmood should have been shot by the military right away.

Things got much worse in the 1960s when rohingyas created islamic seperatist groups who dreamt of separating Arakan from Burma. These people attacked and killed a bulk of our rakhine Buddhist population and drove many rakhines from their villages.Also they almost controlled 60% of the Arakan region which was a concern for the burmese government. In the 1970s the burmese government started military operations in Arakan of which the most famous one was the Operation Nagamin(Dragon king) conducted in 1978.
Operation Nagamin completely destroyed the jihadists groups and most of the jihadists fled to Saudi arabia and Bangladesh after the operation. The Burmese government then decided in 1982 to strip these people of their citizenship because they are continuously becoming notorious and out of control. Thus in 1982 the rohingyas weee termed as stateless and stripped of everything they dont deserve.

In short, the rohingya crisis is not something which started in 2012 or 2017, it started since 1948 and the rohingyas are to be blamed for their misfortune. We gave them everything they ever wanted but these traitors crossed the limits by 1. Creating seperatist groups 2. Attacking the majority Buddhist rakhine people in a Buddhist state
3. Continuously being a headache for us.

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