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Myanmar lures Bangladesh Buddhists to take over Rohingya land: officials

That must be the "official" cap then.. Now i'm beginning to wonder @Nilgiri claims of if there's any real credibility at all in these what does he call them BBS (sic) facts :lol:
There is no official cap in this country. It is run by a secular constitution and its population are not xenophobic.

Repeating BS does't make it turn to fact.. I'm to assume you're capable of googling 2018 consensus of either of these countries
You want me to google MM and SL genocide and post it here?
First do something for minorities in Pakistan and Bangladesh who are being systematically persecuted..

Nope..In 1971 Hindus were 15% in Bangladesh now they are 8% of the bangladeshi population

Also minorities face discrimination in job sectors, politics, army etc elsewhere. There are 350 member of parliaments in Bangladesh however only 8 of them are hindu when they are 9 to 10% in Bangladesh..

I guess you are trying to compare / justifying ethnic cleansing in Myanmar with some isolated incident in Bangladesh where all the wrongdoer were brought to justice.
First do something for minorities in Pakistan and Bangladesh who are being systematically persecuted..
There is no widespread violence against any minority group in Bangladesh unlike our neighbors , India, SL and MM>
Nope..In 1971 Hindus were 15% in Bangladesh now they are 8% of the bangladeshi population
70s and 80s were trying time for Bangladesh. Other than super patriot a lot of Hindus left for greener pasture in India.
Also minorities face discrimination in job sectors, politics, army etc elsewhere. There are 350 member of parliaments in Bangladesh however only 8 of them are hindu when they are 9 to 10% in Bangladesh..
5% quotas are reserved for 3% tribal people. 15% of govt job is occupied by 10% hindus... Get your facts right. Dont be a cry baby.
Is it just you or every minority in your country want to leave BD???

I don't think so. But generally people don't feel comfortable if they r surrounded by people whose religious belief is different than theirs. So naturally they wanna be a part of the majority.

In last 10/15 years on an average almost 800 Hindus migrated to India from BD in each day. This number is staggeringly high. However this does not necessarily mean this large number of migration is a result of minority persecution.
I don't think so. But generally people don't feel comfortable if they r surrounded by people whose religious belief is different than theirs. So naturally they wanna be a part of the majority.

In last 10/15 years on an average almost 800 Hindus migrated to India from BD in each day. This number is staggeringly high. However this does not necessarily mean this large number of migration is a result of minority persecution.

How did you come up with this magic number like the Indian?
You want me to google MM and SL genocide and post it here?

Pls post the numbers and percentages of minorities in those countries and post here with links to credible sources.. Oh in the while learn the definitions of genocide and ethnic cleansing etc.. I know Bangladesh is doing better nowadays in the literacy front, But some of you seem to drop through the cracks.. Just because you mange to spell a word doesn't mean you really understand it's meaning

2%! nominal minorities left and has the gall to point fingers... :disagree:
Pls post the numbers and percentages of minorities in those countries and post here with links to credible sources.. Oh in the while learn the definitions of genocide and ethnic cleansing etc.. I know Bangladesh is doing better nowadays in the literacy front, But some of you seem to drop through the cracks.. Just because you mange to spell a word doesn't mean you really understand it's meaning

2%* nominal minorities left and has the gall to point fingers... :disagree:
Where did you come up with this 2% magic number. Minority has differing meaning. Who do you call minority?
There is no minority in Bangladesh. This is the official stance. If you call anybody minority in this country, they become offended.
First do something for minorities in Pakistan and Bangladesh who are being systematically persecuted..

Nope..In 1971 Hindus were 15% in Bangladesh now they are 8% of the bangladeshi population

Also minorities face discrimination in job sectors, politics, army etc elsewhere. There are 350 member of parliaments in Bangladesh however only 8 of them are hindu when they are 9 to 10% in Bangladesh..

U've made quite a few valid points in this post and frankly speaking, I agree with the gist of ur post.

However, I personally believe u'll get more measured responses from all the bd posters if u kindly stop justifying the genocide that has been carried out on Rohingyas by Myanmar army.

Secondly, can u point out some of the incidents where Hindus or Buddhists were largely discriminated in Bangladesh. Yes there r some isolated incidents. But based on that small sample size u can't paint the whole country as intolerant towards minorities.

Tiredly, why on earth u r comparing Pakistan with BD. In Pakistan minorities get executed by state for disrespecting a religious scripture, in India govt has forbidden the Muslims from slaughtering cows. Can u tell any such thing about Bangladesh?
Pls post the numbers and percentages of minorities in those countries and post here with links to credible sources.. Oh in the while learn the definitions of genocide and ethnic cleansing etc.. I know Bangladesh is doing better nowadays in the literacy front, But some of you seem to drop through the cracks.. Just because you mange to spell a word doesn't mean you really understand it's meaning

2%! nominal minorities left and has the gall to point fingers... :disagree:
You do know about the partition right?? East Bengal was the only Muslim majority population on this side of the subcontinent...the map was literally drawn around that population...The country was created that way..if you want to equate that with Bengalis here commiting some sort of atrocity on the ethnic minorities it would be idiotic...and about the Chakma situation..they were at war with the state for a long time(just like the Tamils were in your country...although not at the same scale)....Buddhism was created in India and one of the largest global religions today....and yet they aren't even 1% of the population of India.
Regarding Hindu migration...there is a general economic migration from Bangladesh towards India(the numbers can be debatable)...since due to historic reasons(mainly 1971) a lot of Hindus already have relatives on the other side of the border they are more likely migrate there due to existing support structure...but a lot of Muslims also migrate to India...high chances are more Muslims migrate there than Hindus do.
Pls post the numbers and percentages of minorities in those countries and post here with links to credible sources.. Oh in the while learn the definitions of genocide and ethnic cleansing etc.. I know Bangladesh is doing better nowadays in the literacy front, But some of you seem to drop through the cracks.. Just because you mange to spell a word doesn't mean you really understand it's meaning

2%! nominal minorities left and has the gall to point fingers... :disagree:

Do you even know what you are talking about?

Hindus can also be classified as minority as well. By 2% "minority" you mean the non-Bengali people that resides in BD. The 2% figure has been relatively stable since 1971.

As a Sri Lankan you should know better the evil intentions of Indians as they armed the tribes to take up arms against the BD state just like they did with the Tamils in Sri Lanka. Unlike Sri Lanka BD did not see fit to kill 40,000 people in order to bring the conflict to an end.

Did you know that the Chakma's came to Chittagong Hill Tracts as they were being massacred by a Burmese King in the 16th Century? Ring any bells with Rohingya now?

Is there not a Sri Lankan section you could be spending time on?

but a lot of Muslims also migrate to India...high chances are more Muslims migrate there than Hindus do.

Where did you get this info from?
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Do you even know what you are talking about?

Hindus can also be classified as minority as well. By 2% "minority" you mean the non-Bengali people that resides in BD. The 2% figure has been relatively stable since 1971.

As a Sri Lankan you should know better the evil intentions of Indians as they armed the tribes to take up arms against the BD state just like they did with the Tamils in Sri Lanka. Unlike Sri Lanka BD did not see fit to kill 40,000 people in order to bring the conflict to an end.

Did you know that the Chakma's came to Chittagong Hill tribes as they were being massacred by a Burmese King in the 16th Century? Ring any bells with Rohingya now?

Is there not a Sri Lankan section you could be spending time on?

Where did you get this info from?
Even if we go by GoI reports if majority of the migrants were Hindus we wouldn't have any Hindus left.
I hope Myanmar takes in all Buddhists from Bangladesh in Myanmar and sends all burmese muslims to Bangladesh in return...Myanmar is a Buddhist state and we Buddhists from Bangladesh are naturally allied with Myanmar.

Since when Bengali Buddhists became natural ally of Myanmar ?:omghaha:
And the largest hill ethnic group Chakmas are more close to Bengalis among other hill people.
The Marmas and Rakhines came to Bengal to save themselves from Buddhist Burmese onslaught. Among Marma they might have some sympathy for Arakanese and Burmese but not that large scale. And lowlander Rakhines are more concerned about Buddhist name maligned from MM than anything else. More Arakan Army take shelter in Cht hill tracts than any Rohingya Army. If given chance they will start full blown war in Arakan against Burma under BD's shelter. So where is the Buddhist ummah chummah ?
Since you are a false flagger you dont have any idea of these :rofl:
As a Sri Lankan you should know better the evil intentions of Indians as they armed the tribes to take up arms against the BD state just like they did with the Tamils in Sri Lanka. Unlike Sri Lanka BD did not see fit to kill 40,000 people in order to bring the conflict to an end.
It is Sinhalese Buddhist who started the war by ethnically cleanse Tamils from central SL. They were mainly tea plantation worker. This is the same place from where they are now attacking Muslims (who are also Tamils). You got to know the entire story. I would presume Indian response were bit measured.
It is Sinhalese Buddhist who started the war by ethnically cleanse Tamils from central SL. They were mainly tea plantation worker. This is the same place from where they are now attacking Muslims (who are also Tamils). You got to know the entire story. I would presume Indian response were bit measured.

I know the issue started with Sinhalese persecution of Hindus but the Indian government should not have armed the Hindus to start a civil war. The Sinhalese are the natives and the Tamil Hindus were the newcomers.
I know the issue started with Sinhalese persecution of Hindus but the Indian government should not have armed the Hindus to start a civil war. The Sinhalese are the natives and the Tamil Hindus were the newcomers.
It is debatable whether they should had or they should had not. I presume rest of the Tamil would had sent to the sea if they did not had armed themselves.

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