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Myanmar lures Bangladesh Buddhists to take over Rohingya land: officials

It's a favorable land/population swap Bangladeshis should be happy about.
No we love our diversity. Buddhist of BD does not want to go to any $hithole place regardless. Just visit Rakhine community in Cox's Bazar and see what they say.
Yes..Soon All Buddhist countries will send all muslims from their country to Pakistan and Bangladesh. Buddhist countries are for Buddhists only..

I agree.

No we love our diversity. Buddhist of BD does not want to go to any $hithole place regardless. Just visit Rakhine community in Cox's Bazar and see what they say.

Why should I visit Bangladesh to verify something I don't care about?
No we love our diversity. Buddhist of BD does not want to go to any $hithole place regardless. Just visit Rakhine community in Cox's Bazar and see what they say.
Listen not all of the Buddhist population would leave Bangladesh. Those Buddhists who are well off and established dont have any reason to go to Myanmar..However tribals from Sajek and some areas of Bandarban, where they have been suffering from poverty will obviously not miss this opportunity and that from Buddhist Myanmar..
Yes..Soon All Buddhist countries will send all muslims from their country to Pakistan and Bangladesh. Buddhist countries are for Buddhists only..
Sri lanka will send all the hindu malaun tamils to india :rofl: sri lanka is only for buddhist after all

Listen not all of the Buddhist population would leave Bangladesh.
We can persuade them to change their mind dont worry :enjoy:
I agree.

Why should I visit Bangladesh to verify something I don't care about?
The hard truth is that minorities are persecuted in each and every muslim countries. You will deny it and will try to brand me as a racist however you can't change the facts. You are a Pakistani so let me take Pakistan for example. In Pakistan Hindus and Christians are treated like lowly beings, even worst than animals in some cases. Members of the minorities are lynched using false blasphemy cases even when a hindu Hindus or Christians may have not committed any sort of blasphamy. When talking about their representation in education and public sector, minorities in Pakistan are underrepresented in every field. Christians in Pakistan are known for being sweepers and more than 90% of the cleaners in the sanitation department of Pakistan are Christians when they are just 1.6% in Pakistan..Also not to forget hindu and christian places of worship are regularly bombed and minorities have no opportunity to build, or renovate their places of worship because islamic fundamentalists regularly threatens them

Sri lanka will send all the hindu malaun tamils to india :rofl: sri lanka is only for buddhist after all
No Hindus are our brothers..Hindus and Buddhists can coexist to be honest..
Listen not all of the Buddhist population would leave Bangladesh. Those Buddhists who are well off and established dont have any reason to go to Myanmar..However tribals from Sajek and some areas of Bandarban, where they have been suffering from poverty will obviously not miss this opportunity and that from Buddhist Myanmar..
I dont think it will be any more than few thousands.
Sri lanka will send all the hindu malaun tamils to india :rofl: sri lanka is only for buddhist after all

We can persuade them to change their mind dont worry :enjoy:
Sri lanka will send all the hindu malaun tamils to india :rofl: sri lanka is only for buddhist after all

We can persuade them to change their mind dont worry :enjoy:
Minorities are persecuted in muslim countries and Bangladesh is no better...In Bangladesh being a Hindu is a crime. First of all they are being branded as Malaun which means accursed soul. Hindu temples and properties are regularly destroyed by muslims and Hindus are often forced to leave the country. Also in the education and job sector Hindus are extremely underrepresented. There are 350 member of parliaments in Bangladesh, however only 10 of them are hindus when in reality they are 10% of the total bangladeshi population. Buddhists in Bangladesh are also not treated so nicely. The Bangladesh army regularly terrorizes innocent tribals and many Buddhist tribal girls have been raped by bengali Muslims and the Bangladesh army. Bangladesh had several riots for example Nasirnagar, Rangpur anti hindu riots and Ramu anti Buddhist riots. However still bangladeshi Muslims bark at Myanmar and India over treatment of Muslim minorities in their lands..

Also There is nothing to be happy of if there is a population exchange between Bangladeshi Buddhists and Muslims from Burma because it would be a disadvantage for Bangladesh. The Rohingyas have a very high birth rate and most of them are engaged in criminal activities. Bangladesh is already overpopulated and soon these Burmese Muslims will contribute to a much bigger population increase in Bangladesh which will create mayhem inside Bangladesh.You will witness a massive civil war inside Bangladesh if this scheme works. However Bangladeshi Buddhists are just 1.5 million and have a minimum birth rate so Myanmar will be benefited if they take in all Bangladeshi Buddhists. After all Myanmar is 4 times bigger the Bangladesh.
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Also There is nothing to be happy of if there is a population exchange between Bangladeshi Buddhists and Muslims from Burma because it would be a disadvantage for Bangladesh. The Rohingyas have a very high birth rate and most of them are engaged in criminal activities. Bangladesh is already overpopulated and soon these Burmese Muslims will contribute to a much bigger population increase in Bangladesh which will create mayhem inside Bangladesh.You will witness a massive civil war inside Bangladesh if this scheme works. However Bangladeshi Buddhists are just 1.5 million and have a minimum birth rate so Myanmar will be benefited if they take in all Bangladeshi Buddhists. After all Myanmar is 4 times bigger the Bangladesh.
Bangladesh does not want population exchange not because Rohingyas are any less human but we are better human. We dont want to lower ourselves to the level of monkeys. I dont know if this simple analogy will penetrate your skull or not.
This is a great initiative..I hope Myanmar takes in all Buddhists from Bangladesh in Myanmar and sends all burmese muslims to Bangladesh in return...Myanmar is a Buddhist state and we Buddhists from Bangladesh are naturally allied with Myanmar.

Also please give the entire chittagong hill tracts to Myanmar because it is the property of the tribal buddhists which has been illegally occupied by the Bangladesh army forcefully..

Is it just you or every minority in your country want to leave BD???
Only to a bigot like you people.

WTF you talking about? I did not know anybody ever taken any territory from burmese.. Ethnic cleansing means getting territory back?

Lol.. I always found it hilarious as a person from minority community when people coming from countries with less than 2% minorities talking about ethnic cleansing, genocide, bigotry in multi ethnic multi religious nations, With large percentages of groups from multi ethnoreligious backgrounds.. When their own minorities have been systematically cleansed to an oblivion over decades.. Oh the irony.. :drag:

No we love our diversity

2% of whats remaining ? Might be useful for a circus display
Lol.. I always found it hilarious as a person from minority community when people coming from countries with less than 2% minorities talking about ethnic cleansing, genocide, bigotry in multi ethnic multi religious nations, With large percentages of groups from multi ethnoreligious backgrounds.. When their own minorities have been systematically cleansed to an oblivion over decades.. Oh the irony.. :drag:
Ya right.. we used our army to cleansed entire population like what SL and MM did.

2% of whats remaining ? Might be useful for a circus display
They had been 2% for ages...!!
They had been 2% for ages...!!

That must be the "official" cap then.. Now i'm beginning to wonder @Nilgiri claims of if there's any real credibility at all in these what does he call them BBS (sic) facts :lol:

Ya right.. we used our army to cleansed entire population like what SL and MM did.

Repeating BS does't make it turn to fact.. I'm to assume you're capable of googling 2018 consensus of either of these countries
That must be the "official" cap then.. Now i'm beginning to wonder @Nilgiri claims of if there's any real credibility at all in these what does he call them BBS (sic) facts :lol:

Repeating BS does't make it turn to fact.. I'm to assume you're capable of googling 2018 consensus of either of these countries

Yes jobless troll @Nilgiri is more credible!!! Start worshiping him.

By the way when Myanmar is upgrading true number of muslims in Myanmar?
Yes jobless troll @Nilgiri is more credible!!! Start worshiping him.

By the way when Myanmar is upgrading true number of muslims in Myanmar?
First do something for minorities in Pakistan and Bangladesh who are being systematically persecuted..

Ya right.. we used our army to cleansed entire population like what SL and MM did.

They had been 2% for ages...!!
Nope..In 1971 Hindus were 15% in Bangladesh now they are 8% of the bangladeshi population

Ya right.. we used our army to cleansed entire population like what SL and MM did.

They had been 2% for ages...!!
Also minorities face discrimination in job sectors, politics, army etc elsewhere. There are 350 member of parliaments in Bangladesh however only 8 of them are hindu when they are 9 to 10% in Bangladesh..

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