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My own sketch of ancient Chinese soldiers

My own work, mostly combining Song, Ming, & Tibetan armours.
Can some one translate the writings on the sketches?- It will be good to know little bit about it-
rcrmj, your stuff is great! Which came first, your fine hand in drawing or your skill at composition?

i just like to draw since i was very little, but i gotta say the riggid and stressful education path i went through which destroyed my this little hobbit`` and i kindly balming myself too, as i didnt pursuit too hard`

to sanswer your question, i gotta say it has to be composition, i dont think my drawing skill is excellent as i didnt go through a systemetic training of how to draw properly
Can some one translate the writings on the sketches?- It will be good to know little bit about it-

i just wirte alone some of my thoughts when sketching, mostly about culture, history kind of stuff, and also some reflections
the helmet looks like mid and late ming era, and the body armor looks like early ming era
Problem is, heavily armored calvary fell out of favour by the end of Yuan dynasty, so historically the drawing doesn't make sense.
From an art point of view the roasting chicken actually adds to the picture, it becomes a story rather than just a detailed scetch of mountain pattern armor. Who's chicken is it, where is he going if he is eating a chicken alone in the wilderness rather than staying in an inn, why is some one in Shan wen kia on his own rather than with his troops?

very good explaination of that sketch, yes you are right the reason i added the chicken was because after i was done with the soldier i flet the left bit of the pic is kind of empty, so the pic didnt look balanced.. in the begining i wanted to draw another soldier, but i felt to add on something like roasting food or personel equipments will put more story behind it`
Problem is, heavily armored calvary fell out of favour by the end of Yuan dynasty, so historically the drawing doesn't make sense.

in early ming, there were still some heavy calvary units serving in royal forbbiden army
like in this pic
to sanswer your question, i gotta say it has to be composition, i dont think my drawing skill is excellent as i didnt go through a systemetic training of how to draw properly
I wondered about this because although your drawing is Chinese, the composition is Western - just compare your drawing to the Chinese painting above. The painting has a roughly central focus, but the eye is confused; whereas in your craft the eye is immediately drawn to the classic one-third over, one third up, point.

That's much more pleasing to the Western eye. So if you tried selling your stuff you might find a ready market in the U.S. for your wares.
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