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My Name Is Nabilah Islam. It’s an American Name.

‘My Name Is Nabilah Islam. It’s an American Name.’

Islam, the child of Bangladeshi immigrants, is running as an outspoken progressive in an open swing seat for Congress in Georgia.


JUNE 4, 2020

Stacey Abrams won the district in her gubernatorial race in 2018, Islam noted.

“We need a candidate that energizes the base and expands the electorate and gets people from the community to get out and vote,” Islam said. “I think a lot of people don’t vote because people think they don’t see themselves in their candidate.”

The Democratic primary is June 9 after being postponed from its originally scheduled March 24 date. The state has sent primary ballots to 1.6 million voters who requested them, so much of Islam’s campaigning in the final days has involved making sure that voters have their ballots and that they mail them in. But according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, thousands of voters haven’t yet received their absentee ballots. With more precincts closed on Election Day, and officials worried that many precinct workers may quit, safely voting could become a chore. Absentee ballots will only be counted if received by 7 p.m. on June 9.

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Islam, who attended local public schools, says her working-class roots and the experience of her immigrant Bangladeshi parents inform her policy positions. “One of the reasons I’m running for office is I’m really inspired by my mother,” she said. “She doesn’t have a high school degree. She busted her butt.”

Islam recalled that her mother frequently worked overtime at a warehouse, picking up boxes and putting them on trucks. Eventually, her mother herniated two discs and her insurance company tried to deny her benefits. Islam said she was on every phone call, translating and pushing for the company to cover her mother. “Had we not won, we could have been like two-thirds of families that go bankrupt because of medical debt,” she said.

In Gwinnett and Forsyth Counties, which comprise the Seventh District, one in four residents are foreign-born. Gwinnett County is one of the most diverse in the Southeast, Islam said. The county also has the highest rate of deportations in Georgia. “We’re seeing a real hunger for reflective representation,” Islam said. She said that a “huge portion” of the district are first-generation immigrants like her and her little brother, raised by immigrant parents.

IN AN ECHO of the grassroots victory of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Islam has spent the last year wearing out the soles of her shoes going door-to-door campaigning. But with the arrival of the coronavirus, she had to quickly transition to an all-virtual campaign.

“We haven’t knocked on a door since March, which is pretty wild since the election is in ten days,” she said. Instead, the candidate has put on virtual town halls, worked the phones, and spent a lot of time on Facebook Live and Instagram Live. As of May 20, Islam had raised over $600,000 for the primary.

Murshed Zaheed, a Democratic strategist with Megaphone Strategies, said that Islam is set up well to emerge victorious if this were a normal election cycle. “She’s scrappy, she fights, she works hard, she’s tenacious. The challenge right now for her is that we’re in this pandemic,” he said. “We need her to rise up and emerge as part of the next generation of Democrats that the party desperately needs.”

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Zaheed also works closely with Matriarch, a new PAC founded roughly six months ago to support working-class women running for office. The model is similar to Justice Democrats. Nomiki Konst, who is on Matriarch’s board, explained that Matriarch offers candidates the kind of support that more conventional and wealthy candidates might already have. “I’m obsessed with structures and how organizations are structured and it was very clear that there weren’t enough working-class women who were running,” Konst said. Among the group’s endorsed candidates are Samelys López (NY-15), Cori Bush (MO-01), and Morgan Harper, who ran unsuccessfully against incumbent Rep. Joyce Beatty (D-OH).

Matriarch helps candidates navigate FEC deadlines, campaign and media strategies, and even field training—help that they might not otherwise be able to find. Konst also said that Matriarch might provide briefings or seminars on certain legislation, like the recent HEROES Act pandemic response, and what candidates might need to know about it.

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It’s much harder for women of working-class backgrounds to prove that their candidacy is legitimate, Konst explained. And that snowballs when they also can’t get early endorsements that might help “legitimize” their candidacy early in the race.

Just last month, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Courage to Change PAC endorsed Islam, and Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) endorsed Islam in February. Other endorsements include Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and André Carson (D-IN), 350 Climate Action, and Our Revolution Georgia.

WHEN ISLAM DECLARED her candidacy, she was taking on a risk—an expensive one. After deciding to run full-time, she lost her health insurance and petitioned the FEC to use campaign funds to pay for coverage. The petition was inspired by Liuba Grechen Shirley, who ran for office in 2018 and got the FEC to approve her use of campaign funds for child care.

Now, Islam is weathering a pandemic without health insurance, and the FEC, which didn’t even have a quorum for nine months until May, has yet to make a decision on her petition. Her mother is out of work, and she’s put her student loans into forbearance, which, she explained, only means she has to pay them later and with more interest.

Nabilah Islam: “I think a lot of people don’t vote because people think they don’t see themselves in their candidate.”

“These are the barriers that prevent so many of us from running and being in the halls of Congress,” she said. “It’s been very frustrating not being able to see a doctor. It was frustrating before the pandemic and it’s scarier now during a pandemic. I work where 20 percent of people don’t have health insurance … and that is one of the reasons that I’m running for office. I believe that health care is a human right.” She hopes the FEC will rule in her favor, helping to create a more representative Congress and a more equitable playing field.

“When you look at Nabilah’s race, not only has she done everything that naysayers said she couldn’t do, she’s doing it with extraordinary challenges,” Konst said. “There’s a tremendous amount of personal pressure attached to it.”

Islam said she believes that the moment is right for someone like her to win. “We’re a country that’s starving for representation,” she said. “You can’t be what you can’t see. Women like Rashida Tlaib were pioneers and made me believe in myself.”

“My name is Nabilah Islam. It’s an American name.”

No appreciation from me. Anyone representing the democrats is a morally spent mongrel for me.
We are in an era of nationlism, no more muslim ummah.From my experience, as long as your not the same race,culture etc as them, they wont treat you the same as how they treat their own kind.

we are in a globalist era nd dont yet underestimate the power of the muslim ummah. Its needs sum serious reforms but that can be achieved by even a single great person. Also cudnt nationalism be part of muslim teaching itself? i mean isnt nationalism just patriotism labelled crudely? why cant being patriotic be part of islamic teachings itself? You've got a radical government in Ankara who are enuf nationalists/Patriotic in my view and yet they follow unfortunately a rather extreme version of islam. If they can become more moderate and remain patriotic then i dont see any reason why patriotism blended in islam as a system cud not work.
Some where a racist white man is bursting with anger.

First they were being beaten my immigrant males. Now the immigrant females have joined the party.

If I am being correct, the western world is being set up for Islamic rule in the coming 20-30 years. Of course I could be wrong

No, but there will be 'some' representation for Islam. And hopefully some of it more positive than not.

This is what started it.


The next generation in the US is going to be 'very' diverse (and the new immigrants increasingly more educated) and there is no stopping this trend, White Nationalists are getting desperate, you can sense why...
Peasants who got lucky in America love Trump, anybody with half a brain and understanding of the policies and their fallout knows that at the end of the day the democrats are the better choice.

Just look at the kind of 'White' people who vote for trump, same for his non - White voters.

'Bengalis for Trump' - abal goru sorer dol

Good thing though that these folks aren't Bangladesh's responsibility anymore.

Democrats shud just name themselves "Vices Promotions Inc". Their supporting groups on the ground are the leftist milennials who support Abortion. post birth abortion, BLM (which in itself is extremely violent and racist), Social justice Warriors, LGBTQA+(P) (a P is to be added soon for Pedophiles). These movements started off as portraying them to be humane, pro human rights movement. But soon their true agenda came to the forefront.Its not human rights they fight for. Its the right to pursue selfish personal Vices that they want to promote.

Look at the chaos and destruction BLM and leftist are causing in america. Bringing down the statues of former leaders and destroying anything and everything associated with the founding fathers of America. The people who fund these social movements who are pro left , pro democrats are sick globalists. People like George Soros and Rockefeller Foundations. Can anybody label these movements that are connected to the democratic part as being Patriotic?

How wud we react if Bangladesh was flooded with indians and nepalis and they crossed the border and chose drug dealing and prostitution as a source of income? Would it be unpatriotic if the interests of foreign corporations was viewed negatively by us? Their actions are absolutely unpatriotic. And wen has that become a virtue? Isnt being a Patriot a pre condition to being a good citizen? Trump has chosen the interests of America (core) over a globalist interest. Which is why hes the most attacked leader in the world. No one can claim that the american deep state that has caused so much death and destruction is the darling of Trump. Rather, he is their #1 target.

And if we look at the right wing conservatives/ Evangelicals/Majority trump supporters, they are anti Abortion, they promote conservative religious values (which is vital for human betterment in the degenerate time we live today), they are mostly heterosexual which is by the law of nature the only means for reproduction/ productivity, They are pro guns which is an absolute human right for a free man, they are pro Americana. There was a time back in Bush era when the conservatives were the ones who were the bad ones but things have changed and so is their agenda.

The Leftists are brainwashed millennials that are easily manipulated by scumbag celebrities and presstitute media. Their ultimate agenda is sick and evil. The main goal of people who finance these groups is total human degradation and destruction of morality and rationalization/wide spread acceptance of devious individual vices. They destroyed sexual values and promoted LGBTQ rampantly and it seems at one point that their agenda was moral but i always knew where they were heading towards. Ill even tell everybody what they will do next. Their next motto will be "Love has no age" "Pedos are born Pedos" "Sexual Attraction to kids is a natural biological phenomena" and they we go and roll on "licensed Pedophilia". This rolling out has already started. Sorry for the long post brother.
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Democrats shud just name themselves "Vices Promotions Inc". Their supporting groups on the ground are the leftist milennials who support Abortion. post birth abortion, BLM (which in itself is extremely violent and racist), Social justice Warriors, LGBTQA+(P) (a P is to be added soon for Pedophiles). These movements started off as portraying them to be humane, pro human rights movement. But soon their true agenda came to the forefront.Its not human rights they fight for. Its the right to pursue selfish personal Vices that they want to promote. Look at the chaos and destruction BLM and leftist are causing in america. Bringing down the statues of former leaders and destroying anything and everything associated with the founding fathers of America. The people who fund these social movements who are pro left , pro democrats are sick globalists. People like George Soros and Rockefeller Foundations. Can anybody label these movements that are connected to the democratic part as being Patriotic? How wud we react if Bangladesh was flooded with indians and nepalis and they crossed the border and chose drug dealing and prostitution as a source of income? Would it be unpatriotic if the interests of foreign corporations was viewed negatively by us? Their actions are absolutely unpatriotic. And wen has that become a virtue? Isnt being a Patriot a pre condition to being a good citizen? Trump has chosen the interests of America (core) over a globalist interest. Which is why hes the most attacked leader in the world. No one can claim that the american deep state that has caused so much death and destruction is the darling of Trump. Rather, he is their #1 target. And if we look at the right wing conservatives/ Evangelicals/Majority trump supporters, they are anti Abortion, they promote conservative religious values (which is vital for human betterment in the degenerate time we live today), they are mostly heterosexual which is by the law of nature the only means for reproduction/ productivity, They are pro guns which is an absolute human right for a free man, they are pro Americana. There was a time back in Bush era when the conservatives were the ones who were the bad ones but things have changed and so is their agenda. The Leftists are brainwashed millennials that are easily manipulated by scumbag celebrities and presstitute media. Their ultimate agenda is sick and evil. The main goal of people who finance these groups is total human degradation and destruction of morality and rationalization/wide spread acceptance of devious individual vices. They destroyed sexual values and promoted LGBTQ rampantly and it seems at one point that their agenda was moral but i always knew where they were heading towards. Ill even tell everybody what they will do next. Their next motto will be "Love has no age" "Pedos are born Pedos" "Sexual Attraction to kids is a natural biological phenomena" and they we go and roll on "licensed Pedophilia". This rolling out has already started. Sorry for the long post brother.

You need to make a paragraph if you write a long writing.
No appreciation from me. Anyone representing the democrats is a morally spent mongrel for me.

Well good to know how you feel.

Each of us has a political opinion and each opinion has to be respected, no matter how far out it may seem. That is how democracy in America works.

What is interesting to me is how few Bangladeshi Republican politicians represent the Bangladeshi immigrant community. Where are the Bangladeshi Republicans if any, that will carry our voice forward?

What does that say?
Well good to know how you feel.

Each of us has a political opinion and each opinion has to be respected, no matter how far out it may seem. That is how democracy in America works.

What is interesting to me is how few Bangladeshi Republican politicians represent the Bangladeshi immigrant community. Where are the Bangladeshi Republicans if any, that will carry our voice forward?

What does that say?

I think the Bengali community is inherently represented by people who fundamentally have a good cause. But with all the deception in today's world its very hard to understand or realise which side is on the just path. I think the Bengali representative lean towards the democratic establishment because they feel that the democrats represent a cause that is more humane. However, thats not the case. Its a very difficult task to find out which politacal doctrine represents the overall good of the people because of the new age deception. Thorough research is needed to see the actual picture. And by research i mean very very serious ones. The Bengali representatives i suppose, havent done that, but in their heart they want the best for not just the minority but for everybody. If they did their research they wud be totally Pro right wing Republicans and i can bet my house on it. Im proud of the bengalis that are leaning towards the right wing. They have more knowledge on the esoteric politics than the bengalis that are supporting the democrats.
No, but there will be 'some' representation for Islam. And hopefully some of it more positive than not.

This is what started it.


The next generation in the US is going to be 'very' diverse (and the new immigrants increasingly more educated) and there is no stopping this trend, White Nationalists are getting desperate, you can sense why...
ya that was my point ...
I believe what you mean by "spiritual aspects" are basically prayer and ritual, the outward "pious" things in which people try to outdo each other, but these outward things I believe are not important. I myself have not done prayer for half my life but I don't consider myself as any less of a Muslim and I don't see a dichotomy in me also being a modern socialist.

They are not following Islam properly. The one who has defined the guidelines sent from Allah swt is Prophet Muhammad saws through his Sunnah.

If someone does something evil in the name of Islam, Whites, Communism, Christianity, etc., he discredits only himself.

We should define religion by what is defined by scripture, esp a literal religion like Islam.
Democrats shud just name themselves "Vices Promotions Inc". Their supporting groups on the ground are the leftist milennials who support Abortion. post birth abortion, BLM (which in itself is extremely violent and racist), Social justice Warriors, LGBTQA+(P) (a P is to be added soon for Pedophiles). These movements started off as portraying them to be humane, pro human rights movement. But soon their true agenda came to the forefront.Its not human rights they fight for. Its the right to pursue selfish personal Vices that they want to promote.

Look at the chaos and destruction BLM and leftist are causing in america. Bringing down the statues of former leaders and destroying anything and everything associated with the founding fathers of America. The people who fund these social movements who are pro left , pro democrats are sick globalists. People like George Soros and Rockefeller Foundations. Can anybody label these movements that are connected to the democratic part as being Patriotic?

How wud we react if Bangladesh was flooded with indians and nepalis and they crossed the border and chose drug dealing and prostitution as a source of income? Would it be unpatriotic if the interests of foreign corporations was viewed negatively by us? Their actions are absolutely unpatriotic. And wen has that become a virtue? Isnt being a Patriot a pre condition to being a good citizen? Trump has chosen the interests of America (core) over a globalist interest. Which is why hes the most attacked leader in the world. No one can claim that the american deep state that has caused so much death and destruction is the darling of Trump. Rather, he is their #1 target.

And if we look at the right wing conservatives/ Evangelicals/Majority trump supporters, they are anti Abortion, they promote conservative religious values (which is vital for human betterment in the degenerate time we live today), they are mostly heterosexual which is by the law of nature the only means for reproduction/ productivity, They are pro guns which is an absolute human right for a free man, they are pro Americana. There was a time back in Bush era when the conservatives were the ones who were the bad ones but things have changed and so is their agenda.

The Leftists are brainwashed millennials that are easily manipulated by scumbag celebrities and presstitute media. Their ultimate agenda is sick and evil. The main goal of people who finance these groups is total human degradation and destruction of morality and rationalization/wide spread acceptance of devious individual vices. They destroyed sexual values and promoted LGBTQ rampantly and it seems at one point that their agenda was moral but i always knew where they were heading towards. Ill even tell everybody what they will do next. Their next motto will be "Love has no age" "Pedos are born Pedos" "Sexual Attraction to kids is a natural biological phenomena" and they we go and roll on "licensed Pedophilia". This rolling out has already started. Sorry for the long post brother.

Seems like Sr. Nabilah Islam is in the same group of LGBT promoters İlhan Omar, Rashida Thlaib, Linda Sarsour, and CAIR.
we are in a globalist era nd dont yet underestimate the power of the muslim ummah. Its needs sum serious reforms but that can be achieved by even a single great person. Also cudnt nationalism be part of muslim teaching itself? i mean isnt nationalism just patriotism labelled crudely? why cant being patriotic be part of islamic teachings itself? You've got a radical government in Ankara who are enuf nationalists/Patriotic in my view and yet they follow unfortunately a rather extreme version of islam. If they can become more moderate and remain patriotic then i dont see any reason why patriotism blended in islam as a system cud not work.

Lol. How is Turkey extreme?
If someone does something evil in the name of Islam, Whites, Communism, Christianity, etc., he discredits only himself.


We should define religion by what is defined by scripture, esp a literal religion like Islam.

About Islam specifically, for what little I know of its laws, I tend to go with sensible interpretations of the Quran. Things like marriage laws and making of wills and property inheritance. These are what that attracted non-Muslims to Islam over the millennia, not the being "pious" part.

These are two threads of mine that you may find interesting :



And then there are stories like the adoration of cats by the Last Messenger and the Sahaba which seem to come from the hadees but I apply logic and sense to what can be called truth from the hadees.
Seems like Sr. Nabilah Islam is in the same group of LGBT promoters İlhan Omar, Rashida Thlaib, Linda Sarsour, and CAIR.

Politics works in strange ways brother. Strange bedfellows and strange allies sometimes.

Ilhan and Rashida (and now even younger millenial generation women like Nabilah) will need to use every alliance needed to have a voice and get to power. She may not be outwardly Hijabi, but she comes reportedly from a good family.

She will need to straddle the fine line between getting support from modern American females like herself (Black, Brown and White) while also appealing for and deserving the support of established middle class law-abiding American Muslims like ourselves.

This is why the progressive liberals and democrats are quite excited about the long term elect-ability prospects of all these women, especially new blood like Nabilah.

The important thing is that the ball has started rolling. Where it will go is hard to predict, but it IS rolling.

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About Islam specifically, for what little I know of its laws, I tend to go with sensible interpretations of the Quran. Things like marriage laws and making of wills and property inheritance. These are what that attracted non-Muslims to Islam over the millennia, not the being "pious" part.

These are two threads of mine that you may find interesting :



And then there are stories like the adoration of cats by the Last Messenger and the Sahaba which seem to come from the hadees but I apply logic and sense to what can be called truth from the hadees.

We cannot do tafsir on the Quran, unless we have proper knowledge and the correct methodology. All of the Quran and Sahih Ahadith must be taken together before fatawa can be made.

Politics works in strange ways brother. Strange bedfellows and strange allies sometimes.

Ilhan and Rashida (and now even younger millenial generation women like Nabilah) will need to use every alliance needed to have a voice and get to power. She may not be outwardly Hijabi, but she comes reportedly from a good family.

She will need to straddle the fine line between getting support from modern American females like herself (Black, Brown and White) while also appealing for and deserving the support of established middle class law-abiding American Muslims like ourselves.

This is why the progressive liberals and democrats are quite excited about the long term elect-ability prospects of all these women, especially new blood like Nabilah.

The important thing is that the ball has started rolling. Where it will go is hard to predict, but it IS rolling.

I don't know about this sister in specific, but I was sad to see the usual suspects of LGBT "Islam" backing here. I have no problem with Cortez, she is a Non-Muslim and we cannot hold her to our standards, but the 'Muslim' candidates/politicians (besides Sr. Islam herself) in the progressive left do not represent us.

We should be wary of Muslim Brotherhood perversion to our faith, they are selling our faith for acceptance among Non-Muslims. It is totally against our religion, and actually will earn 'Azab' of Allah swt directly (as Quran makes clear.)
Lol. How is Turkey extreme?

I definitely consider turkey to be extreme. And there are many reasons behind. First and foremost, Erdogans support for Isis terrorists. Erdogan and MIT had been funding and backing Jabhat al Nusra For many many years before the syrian armed forces finaly started to turn the tables. These terrorists had control of Aleppo and Erdogan lost his Terror lord status after Aleppo was lost. At the time of the syrian armies incursion into aleppo Erdogan passed along threats and made alot of statements that only a terrorist backer would. But then he went quiet after the terrorists were blasted out of aleppo.

I consider the man to be a dreamer. A dreamer with a lack of knowledge. His inner desire is the establish an Islamic Bloc but a dillusional man like wud him wud perhaps end up derailing it even further. I hold erdogan and Co responsible more than anyone for the chaos that ensued in Syrian. We know hundreds of thousands of Jihadis came to syria from Europe Via Turkey, and His regime and MIT let them through the borders. It is a very well known fact that Erdogan and his son made business deals with isis for Syrian oil.

Isis would procure illegal oil from Syria and pass it on to Erdogan who wud then transit them to Europe at a cheaper price. And not to forget what Putin called erdogan before he switched sides, like a man of his character is expected to do "Accomplice of Terrorists". As soon as the Syrian government started to turn the tables on the terrorists, erdogan switched and went on a defensive stance. But its not really hard to realise who sponsors the so called moderate rebels in Syria. Turkey represents them, negotiates with syria on their behalf, takes part in cease fire negotiations on their behalf. Why? Cuz they sponsor them and these forces are under turkish command. Turkey to me is the most confused country with sum of the most confused policy and it can all go away in the wind with 1 election. 1 election is all it takes for that government to lose power and this whole Dream of conquest to become nothing. But i hope they stay in power and erdogan gets enlightened sumhow about the realities of his own region. NOT TO FORGET THEY ARE A NATO MEMEBER. A NATO MEMBER. SO ALL THIS NOTION THAT THEY ARE THE FUTURE OF MUSLIMS IS ABSURD. THEY NEED TO PULL OUT OF IT. THEY CANT RIDE BOTH SIDES.
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