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My Name Is Nabilah Islam. It’s an American Name.

I definitely consider turkey to be extreme. And there are many reasons behind. First and foremost, Erdogans support for Isis terrorists. Erdogan and MIT had been funding and backing Jabhat al Nusra For many many years before the syrian armed forces finaly started to turn the tables. These terrorists had control of Aleppo and Erdogan lost his Terror lord status after Aleppo was lost. At the time of the syrian armies incursion into aleppo Erdogan passed along threats and made alot of statements that only a terrorist backer would. But then he went quiet after the terrorists were blasted out of aleppo.

I consider the man to be a dreamer. A dreamer with a lack of knowledge. His inner desire is the establish an Islamic Bloc but a dillusional man like wud him wud perhaps end up derailing it even further. I hold erdogan and Co responsible more than anyone for the chaos that ensued in Syrian. We know hundreds of thousands of Jihadis came to syria from Europe Via Turkey, and His regime and MIT let them through the borders. It is a very well known fact that Erdogan and his son made business deals with isis for Syrian oil.

Isis would procure illegal oil from Syria and pass it on to Erdogan who wud then transit them to Europe at a cheaper price. And not to forget what Putin called erdogan before he switched sides, like a man of his character is expected to do "Accomplice of Terrorists". As soon as the Syrian government started to turn the tables on the terrorists, erdogan switched and went on a defensive stance. But its not really hard to realise who sponsors the so called moderate rebels in Syria. Turkey represents them, negotiates with syria on their behalf, takes part in cease fire negotiations on their behalf. Why? Cuz they sponsor them and these forces are under turkish command. Turkey to me is the most confused country with sum of the most confused policy and it can all go away in the wind with 1 election. 1 election is all it takes for that government to lose power and this whole Dream of conquest to become nothing. But i hope they stay in power and erdogan gets enlightened sumhow about the realities of his own region. NOT TO FORGET THEY ARE A NATO MEMEBER. A NATO MEMBER. SO ALL THIS NOTION THAT THEY ARE THE FUTURE OF MUSLIMS IS ABSURD. THEY NEED TO PULL OUT OF IT. THEY CANT RIDE BOTH SIDES.

Well you are in the minority brother. Turkey has a prominient place among Sunni nations due to being the last Khalifah.

Daesh is actually a Mossad and CIA project. I can give your proof of their activities in Afghanistan to prove what I am saying, but it seems you have already made up your mind.

Everything else you have said are mere insinuations at best. I know you have your firm beliefs, but please be respectful and fair to Turkey (even in criticism.)
they like him, check this:


A cafe in Dhaka named after Donald Trump has been attracting Bangladeshis undeterred by his controversial politics and more interested in snapping selfies with a life-size cutout of the US president.

The cafe was opened in January by a self-professed fan of Mr Trump who rejects the notion that the US president is "anti Islam", saying diners at his cafe in the heart of Muslim-majority Bangladesh agree.

"If he were anti-Muslim, he would not have visited Saudi Arabia and had a good time there," said cafe owner Shafiul Islam, adding that none of Mr Trump's decisions had affected Bangladesh's 144 million-odd Muslims.

Politics appears to be last thing on many diners' minds as they pose for photos with a cardboard cutout of the US president, placed strategically at the entrance by its 29-year-old businessman owner.

"Girls are his bigger fans. They come to take selfies with the Trump picture. Children love him too," he said, adding that more visitors snapped photos than ordered food.

The cafe serves Thai, Chinese and Indian dishes, with specials given names like the "Trump burger".

CNN is broadcast to give an extra American flavour, while the wi-fi password is "Ivanka Trump".

But it's the pull power of the man himself that is bringing in curious customers.

Nuzhat Sultana said the cafe - which Islam says will soon include wallpapered images of the Oval Office and Mr Trump's family - was "very fascinating".

"The best part is the sudden illusion when you enter the cafe and see the US president welcoming you at the door!" she said.

slave mentality of stoclkhom syndrome
Well you are in the minority brother. Turkey has a prominient place among Sunni nations due to being the last Khalifah.

Daesh is actually a Mossad and CIA project. I can give your proof of their activities in Afghanistan to prove what I am saying, but it seems you have already made up your mind.

Everything else you have said are mere insinuations at best. I know you have your firm beliefs, but please be respectful and fair to Turkey (even in criticism.)

Ofcourse Daesh is a Mossad CIA project. And Turkey is the first player who must understand this. Also the saudis hate turkey. Turkey has to act in co operation with those that are resisting the empire of evil in the region. Good thing they did with Hagia Sofia. All i want is for the empire of evil and fat bellied traitor arab kings to be routed and kicked out of the middle east. The focus of all muslim country shud be on israel. And Turkey must understand that the only reason syria got attacked was cuz it was Anti Zionist. Infact, Syria been anti zio since the day of Hafez al assad. So if anybody wants to do sumthing good about the muslim world they must help syria and not the rebels.
Ofcourse Daesh is a Mossad CIA project. And Turkey is the first player who must understand this. Also the saudis hate turkey. Turkey has to act in co operation with those that are resisting the empire of evil in the region. Good thing they did with Hagia Sofia. All i want is for the empire of evil and fat bellied traitor arab kings to be routed and kicked out of the middle east. The focus of all muslim country shud be on israel. And Turkey must understand that the only reason syria got attacked was cuz it was Anti Zionist. Infact, Syria been anti zio since the day of Hafez al assad. So if anybody wants to do sumthing good about the muslim world they must help syria and not the rebels.

World is not black and white, neither Iran nor KSA are working on behalf of Muslims but their own selfish goals. All the oppression and loss of life is a result of power plays by the two.

Turkey represents a third, non-sectarian alternative to the two extremes.

I also have my fair share of criticism for Assad regime. I am also acquainted with many leaders of Syrian Sunni community, so I do listen to their concerns about their own country.

I will share my thoughts in the relevant thread at an appropriate time.

Let us not derail this thread further.
yeah it could be after all muslims are 1.2 billion every type of humans in society .
let individuals decide for themselves

if you are white, you don't have to be for Trump

if you are Hindu, don't have to be Hindutva-vadi

if muslim, people should be free to support who they want.

not that difficult to understand.
slave mentality of stoclkhom syndrome

I had been to the place brother. Its called Trump Cafe. its funny sumone in Bangladesh opened up a cafe in his name. I am against the New world Order, nd trump is their number 1 enemy. Hence, I support Trump.
Seems like Sr. Nabilah Islam is in the same group of LGBT promoters İlhan Omar, Rashida Thlaib, Linda Sarsour, and CAIR.

If u do just an hour long research on these so called leftist politicians you will realise how sickening their agenda is. That goes for even these so called Muslim Lawmakers. they cant be labelled as muslim lawmakers when all their initiatives are anti religious to say the very least. Yes they may be sympathetic to the muslim population but the ideologies they promote and introduce is a disaster for humanity, let alone muslims.
If u do just an hour long research on these so called leftist politicians you will realise how sickening their agenda is. That goes for even these so called Muslim Lawmakers. they cant be labelled as muslim lawmakers when all their initiatives are anti religious to say the very least. Yes they may be sympathetic to the muslim population but the ideologies they promote and introduce is a disaster for humanity, let alone muslims.

yes, brother exactly. They are just to placate us and make us feel like we have a voice, when we do not.
Guys let's not hijack the thread discussing off topic subjects, we're here to discuss this young woman's bid for Congress. If you disagree with her politics, that's fine. But please don't de-rail the thread.

I firmly believe that the values and initiatives this young woman is running on represents American Muslims. Healthcare for all is NOT debatable. That is a fundamental human right.

What works as far as politics in conservative Muslim countries does not work in the US.

If she did - no matter.

I don't think she is one to give up so easily. She will be around for a while, as young as she is - and she needs our support as Bangladeshi Americans.

I am guessing she will be positively profiled on Hassan Minhaj at some point.
Keep an eye on Donna Imam, Texas 31 congressional district, she is the only Bangladesh origin candidate to win a primary I think
If she did - no matter.

I don't think she is one to give up so easily. She will be around for a while, as young as she is - and she needs our support as Bangladeshi Americans.

I am guessing she will be positively profiled on Hassan Minhaj at some point.

Hassan Mihaj's show has been cancelled.
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