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My Name Is Nabilah Islam. It’s an American Name.

Even then, what makes you think their children would be religious, if anything, they might identify with their parents religion but not strictly follow it. There’s no place for religion in a modern society anymore.

Nah disagree. I've met engineering students, comp sci students, pharma science students all observing their faith or have a certain degree of respect for Islam and when it comes to exam season it becomes high time for Namaz lol. Islam is more practiced in Western Europe than some so called Muslim countries.
Nah disagree. I've met engineering students, comp sci students, pharma science students all observing their faith or have a certain degree of respect for Islam and when it comes to exam season it becomes high time for Namaz lol. Islam is more practiced in Western Europe than some so called Muslim countries.
Your limited experience is not a fact for everyone else
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