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My hometown Parachinar was attacked and I'm heartbroken by your silence

Sorry dude, we all felt it that way, u were never alone, i never bought new clothes on an Eid and offered my prayers in old clothes, never felt overwhelmed trust me, u were never a lone, we Pakistanis are extremely resilient Nation and we have proven over the course of 7 decades.
Stupid article. Since the attacks every channel was blaring parachinar, social media had parachinar, the chief went to parachinar but these idiots cant seem to see it.

Planned dramatrics and theater with support from both false flaggers in the east and cronies supported by the immediate west.

Now the sectarianism will rise and the terrorists from Jhangvi and ssp will hit back.
Looks like the way to split Pakistan on the same lines as Iraq is in play
its their right to protest after repeated loss of life
I do wonder also about the real author of the article but thats besides the point
i COAS has no doubt spoke in their favour openly but they never complained to army . they are demanding the politicians to come ofver (I dont know what good would that do for them though).
to date no politician has visited them and they are still doing the sit in. Indians would definitely exploit the situation
why wont they? we sometimes provide them such opportunities. whoever speaks for them is branded unpatriotic or Iranian supporter
on the other hand our own young zealots are posting unfounded stories against them with misplaced patriotism demands.
our irritation is nothing compared to what the real victims and their families are going through

Border with Afghanistan needs to be sealed until we can scan the vehicles and goods properly. Terrorists are originating from Afghanistan with Indian, Afghan and foreign funding.
that is correct and secondly we must not snub the families of the victims. instead of addressing their problems we are telling them to be quiet in the name of patriotism
its their right to protest after repeated loss of life
I do wonder also about the real author of the article but thats besides the point
i COAS has no doubt spoke in their favour openly but they never complained to army . they are demanding the politicians to come ofver (I dont know what good would that do for them though).
to date no politician has visited them and they are still doing the sit in. Indians would definitely exploit the situation
why wont they? we sometimes provide them such opportunities. whoever speaks for them is branded unpatriotic or Iranian supporter
on the other hand our own young zealots are posting unfounded stories against them with misplaced patriotism demands.
our irritation is nothing compared to what the real victims and their families are going through

that is correct and secondly we must not snub the families of the victims. instead of addressing their problems we are telling them to be quiet in the name of patriotism
The right to protest versus the right to paint a picture of widespread oppression is what ruins the merits of the article

I think you need to respect a victims feelings. Who is repeatedly victim of terrorism, an educated person express his feeling in local newspaper. That is the difference between terrorist and victim.
Do you think these terror outfit read newspaper or respect human life,before hitting innocent civilians . They will keep on hitting anyway. But, they should be exposed on all media platform. Remember today shia tomorrow will be sunni.
First order the house then look outside. Even though this Suadi funded madrassa has destroy the fabric of Pakistan. But I don't believe in holding responsible any country, because our people for sale. A suicide bomber start his journey from Afghanistan and end up blowing up in interior Sindh. Guess how many handlers ...... It's our countrymen who are responsible for terrorism. Stop blaming others and its easy way to get away from responsibility.

PS. @Oscar I was not expecting such unpleasant remarks from you.
What is unpleasant about stating the ground reality?

Were you pelted on your way to work because you are a Shia?
There is a need to differentiate between actions of terrorist groups and inaction of government versus attitude of the majority
The right to protest versus the right to paint a picture of widespread oppression is what ruins the merits of the article

What is unpleasant about stating the ground reality?

Were you pelted on your way to work because you are a Shia?
There is a need to differentiate between actions of terrorist groups and inaction of government versus attitude of the majority
How would you like to address this repeated terrorism ? . Isn't it single place been victim of repeated terrorism since early 1980s.A single victim losing his family member one by one, due to terrorist attack( the writer). Am I allowed to raise the voice for innocent victims ?. If they happened to be shia. Aren't we allowed to raise the voice against nation wide terrorism. Can we change our perception and look the issue deep down, instead of looking at the messenger .
Shia are being targeted in Pakistan for the last 50 years. Our internal sectarian fault line was significantly widened during 1980's when the Pakistani Establishment, for geopolitical reasons, created and patronized anti-Shia sectarian outfits. "The Enemy" is promoting social unrest by capitalizing on our internal fissures and already existing sectarian and ethnic fault lines. Instead of blaming outsiders, we shall seek to bridge Shia-Sunni fault lines. The first step in solving a problem is recognizing there is one. Denial won't help.

Wish it were true.....

It precisely is the inaction by the government as well as apathy and silence of Sunni majority (and not the violence itself) that is alienating the country's Shia community.

Everything wrong is with Sunnis, with Pakistan Army, with Gen. Zia and with Sunni religious seminaries... you lot are sinless angels, you never did anything wrong to anyone.

Have some shame, fear God if you believe in any God.

You never blame the Satanic Iranian Revolution of 1979 which puked its venom all around the Satanic Republic.

How would you like to address this repeated terrorism ? . Isn't it single place been victim of repeated terrorism since early 1980s.A single victim losing his family member one by one, due to terrorist attack( the writer). Am I allowed to raise the voice for innocent victims ?. If they happened to be shia. Aren't we allowed to raise the voice against nation wide terrorism. Can we change our perception and look the issue deep down, instead of looking at the messenger .

One simple answer.

Do some clean up in Parachinar.

There's something wrong with Parachinar, admit it.

Your Sipah terrorists caught in Karachi, trained in Iran, were also from Parachinar.

Your Allama Arif-ul-Hussain Al-Hussaini, the Khomeini's satanic agent was from Parachinar.

Why don't you send your zakirs, allamas and ayatollas to Parachinar to make them calm down, to stop them from going to Syria and elsewhere for a sectarian war?

Why don't you remind these Parachinaris that they are on the soil of Pakistan, and it's not Iran. If they have to answer their sectarian religious call of a Crusade, then they are on the wrong side of border. Better to move into Afghanistan or Iran.

As for our law enforcement agencies, they are continuously chasing the terrorists (from any community) who have attacked innocent people (from any community).

Our government, our Army are not racist, religious fascists like Iranians; they will provide justice and security to all Pakistanis with no discrimination.
Everything wrong is with Sunnis, with Pakistan Army, with Gen. Zia and with Sunni religious seminaries... you lot are sinless angels, you never did anything wrong to anyone.

Have some shame, fear God if you believe in any God.

You never blame the Satanic Iranian Revolution of 1979 which puked its venom all around the Satanic Republic.

One simple answer.

Do some clean up in Parachinar.

There's something wrong with Parachinar, admit it.

Your Sipah terrorists caught in Karachi, trained in Iran, were also from Parachinar.

Your Allama Arif-ul-Hussain Al-Hussaini, the Khomeini's satanic agent was from Parachinar.

Why don't you send your zakirs, allamas and ayatollas to Parachinar to make them calm down, to stop them from going to Syria and elsewhere for a sectarian war?

Why don't you remind these Parachinaris that they are on the soil of Pakistan, and it's not Iran. If they have to answer their sectarian religious call of a Crusade, then they are on the wrong side of border. Better to move into Afghanistan or Iran.

As for our law enforcement agencies, they are continuously chasing the terrorists (from any community) who have attacked innocent people (from any community).

Our government, our Army are not racist, religious fascists like Iranians; they will provide justice and security to all Pakistanis with no discrimination.
According to you FC has many layers of security and MI all around. Should i believe you or govt ? . If you never travel to this region then you know nothing. You don't even know geography of that region and regional issue, they been facing for last many decades. And I am not in mood to write down. May allah protect Pervaz Musharraf , he is the fist and last one who gave them life line or Agha Khan foundation did lot of work.
I think you need to respect a victims feelings. Who is repeatedly victim of terrorism, an educated person express his feeling in local newspaper. That is the difference between terrorist and victim.

My dear innocent 'victim', why don't you clear the mess in your house first before complaining about litter in the street?

There's no need to act like a Drama Queen.
How would you like to address this repeated terrorism ? . Isn't it single place been victim of repeated terrorism since early 1980s.A single victim losing his family member one by one, due to terrorist attack( the writer). Am I allowed to raise the voice for innocent victims ?. If they happened to be shia. Aren't we allowed to raise the voice against nation wide terrorism. Can we change our perception and look the issue deep down, instead of looking at the messenger .
Again you are confused, there is no objection..rather encouraged to raise a voice for the victims who were clearly targeted for their differences in denomination.
There is apathy by the government in taking action, as it is for many issues. However, I oppose thr mass hysteria currently being created under this guise as if there is massive oppression of Shia by the Sunni majority because that is a lie and nothing less.

Yes, I ask too why the government is silent on these issues and why it has failed to curb extremism and groups that act specific against any sect and any who disagree with them.
But if the suggestion as it is being made currently in this article and on social media that somehow the general apathetic condition of the government translates to a disdain of Shias by the Sunnis or otherwise; then its just rabble rousing by liars and those that like to exploit division.
Again you are confused, there is no objection..rather encouraged to raise a voice for the victims who were clearly targeted for their differences in denomination.
There is apathy by the government in taking action, as it is for many issues. However, I oppose thr mass hysteria currently being created under this guise as if there is massive oppression of Shia by the Sunni majority because that is a lie and nothing less.

Yes, I ask too why the government is silent on these issues and why it has failed to curb extremism and groups that act specific against any sect and any who disagree with them.
But if the suggestion as it is being made currently in this article and on social media that somehow the general apathetic condition of the government translates to a disdain of Shias by the Sunnis or otherwise; then its just rabble rousing by liars and those that like to exploit division.
No one is blaming Sunni here.I am totally anti generalization. If Sunni won't come forward then who will provide moral or social support to these people.
Some of these are agents, others are dramatic attention seekers(Jibran Nasir is one of em). They'll pick up any perceived victim cause and get their idiotic overly secular or "liberal" fanboys to follow them.

Let this be clear and I support this narrative to be pushed.

Shia ARE being targeted in Pakistan for the last ten years by terror groups. This isnt some homegrown thing but carefully pushed by the likes of Yadav and others.
Just as with a LOT of other places, he government has failed to protect them; not as Shias but as Pakistanis(no more no less).

At no point has anyone in majority expressed less sorrow at Shia specific attacks than at any other- to most people these were not Shia but Pakistanis and Human beings. So lets get this Shia label thrown out vociferously.

Finally, there are sick bastards online and in real life who do hold sectarian views on both sides and actively promote them. The government cannot and realistically will be unable to, it is the responsibility of morally and ethically responsible people from all walks of life to support each other in these times (and we do) . We must avoid the temptation to take any side and any sectarian angle; focus specifically on dividing forces as acting in the interests of anti-Pakistan forces.
I always respect your views and almost agreed on but this post of your appealed me to disagree a little. The problem laying in our routes and we all know which sect is most out Lawed in behavior as well actions.
They killing Shias Christians Hindus Ahmdis and even Sunni. Once that sect fully under Zia's regime spread it's all wings and devil leash out on peak during Afghan war.
That sect not even supported by state but fully funded by Al Saud groups.
Are you agree what above I mentioned or do you need some proves to back up my claims?

Compared to Christns Ahmdis and Hindus the Shia community is much in majority who only can resist and apply same farmula as other violent sect doing coz govt miserably failed to protect them from Hazara to Parachinar and dozens terror attcks of all around Pakistan. There is no doubt that might Iran backing them up morraly or financialy but it's not happens all in sudden. There is a long bloody history of killing miniorites which might make them to get some oxygen from outside as State failed to protect and was in bed with LeJ and Sheikhs were finding them.

From couple of years state cracking down LeJ like Ishaq and group but it's little to late as Monster sitting in our system and still have great influence in almost every insititue.

Parachinar incident didn't covered up neither any leadership went there ( a lot of excuses )
Media was busy to dig Panama JIT circus than all went normal as Eid was celebrated across the country.
The whole responsibility goes on state whatever the results we seeing now. Peace
My dear innocent 'victim', why don't you clear the mess in your house first before complaining about litter in the street?

There's no need to act like a Drama Queen.
My mess is in Pakistan. Not on mars sweety. Remember while ago you been cursing MQM and PPP for injustice in Karachi.
its their right to protest after repeated loss of life
I do wonder also about the real author of the article but thats besides the point
i COAS has no doubt spoke in their favour openly but they never complained to army . they are demanding the politicians to come ofver (I dont know what good would that do for them though).
to date no politician has visited them and they are still doing the sit in.

Why are they expecting the politicians to meet them and for what? They don't vote for these politicians, they are in FATA. And FATA means they are not governed by the Constitution of Pakistan 'solely0 but they are governed by the British rules of 1901. They are not covered by any High Court and the Supreme Court. They don't even fall under KP government.

If someone has to go and meet them, it should be the Governor of KP and less importantly the President of Pakistan.

Now this is the Constitutional binding on these two persons.

And if other politicians do not visit Parachinar for condolence, that's at their disposal.

Parachinaris and their elders also don't go for condolence in any part of Pakistan when they suffer from terrorist attacks or any calamity. You get what you give!

Sorry for being rude, but since yesterday when I came to know these Parachinaris are part of the criminal armies which are shedding blood of Syrian children, I have hated them. I haven't forgotten what they did in Aleppo.
when a wolf attack you the only way to stop it is by using fire you can't stop the wolf with talks.

So the Pakistani regime needs to understand that when you can't protect your own people then those people will either seek protection or help from outside and that outsider is waiting for the moment

Or the people them selves will do something about it.

Unfortunately the Pakistani regime either not competent or sold the blood of the Pakistanis for dirty money.
No one is blaming Sunni here.I am totally anti generalization. If Sunni won't come forward then who will provide moral or social support to these people.

Stop lying. I've been watching since yesterday, you're finding all faults with us. All terrorist groups are hiding in our lines; you lot are sinless pretty angels. And the country that you revere as the most sacred place on earth is also perfect.

There's nothing but generalisation that you and your cronies in this forum have been doing. And I swear to God, I've never met a single person from your community who ever admitted that they also have some faults, they also have terrorists who are on the payroll of Iranian government and are involved in target killing of sunnis.

In Karachi where I live, Muharram is the month which comes with tensions and stress. There are no go areas with armed 'Hussaini comrades' at Soldier Bazar, Jafar Tayar Society, Incholi and many many others. It seems Karachi has been taken over by some Iranian Army. Now why the hell you create such scenes in a country which doesn't have your 'democratic majority'? Why do you instigate others with your fiery songs and speeches over the loud speakers during days and nights? Why do you give the Indian/Iranian sponsored terrorists excuse to launch an attack and spread chaos in the country? Is there anything called peace and calm in your holy book?

when a wolf attack you the only way to stop it is by using fire you can't stop the wolf with talks.

So the Pakistani regime needs to understand that when you can't protect your own people then those people will either seek protection or help from outside and that outsider is waiting for the moment

Or the people them selves will do something about it.

Unfortunately the Pakistani regime either not competent or sold the blood of the Pakistanis for dirty money.

Why is an Iraqi rat intervening in our affairs? Go wash American underwears and get some dollars to ruin your life.

Mods, please take action against this wannabe terrorist called @Malik Alashter

This troll is perhaps working for Iran or India; he is instigating a community to rebel against the state.

And it's my earnest request to please close all such threads which are based on sectarian conflicts. Let them solve their psychological problems with their fascist mullahs who have filled their zombified brains with monkey poop.
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