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My hometown Parachinar was attacked and I'm heartbroken by your silence

Border with Afghanistan needs to be sealed until we can scan the vehicles and goods properly. Terrorists are originating from Afghanistan with Indian, Afghan and foreign funding.
Aren't these Parachinaris adding to the sorrows of innocent Syrian Muslims who have been butchered by Takfiri Iranians along with their Alawite brethren with the help of Russia?

Government need to crack down Parachinar, and treat these traitors like TTP terrorists as they are using our resources but showing loyalty to the mischievous Iran. They need to be kicked out to Iran, let them live there and serve the devils.

500,000 Muslims have been wiped out in Syria because of the satanic acts of these hate mongering Takfiris.

Last night, when I came to know about this evil contribution of Parachinaris to this evil mission of Takfiris (in Syria), I have not much sympathy for these Iranian mercenaries at Parachinar.

Let the terrorists and their patrons burn in this world and in the next.
Aren't these Parachinaris adding to the sorrows of innocent Syrian Muslims who have been butchered by Takfiri Iranians along with their Alawite brethren with the help of Russia?

Government need to crack down Parachinar, and treat these traitors like TTP terrorists as they are using our resources but showing loyalty to the mischievous Iran. They need to be kicked out to Iran, let them live there and serve the devils.

500,000 Muslims have been wiped out in Syria because of the satanic acts of these hate mongering Takfiris.

Last night, when I came to know about this evil contribution of Parachinaris to this evil mission of Takfiris (in Syria), I have not much sympathy for these Iranian mercenaries at Parachinar.

Let the terrorists and their patrons burn in this world and in the next.

A pathetic excuse for a human being you are, Jhangvi fanboy.
Sad to admit that most sectarian terrorists are home grown. I was told that a huge crowd attended Riaz Basra’s funeral. Even though most Sunnis are not anti-Shia but many would have ‘If & buts’ when it comes to condemnation of the sectarian outfits.

Banned organizations such as SSP are allowed to work by simply changing their name. No Jamaat Islami member will admit to be sectarian but their ex Amir Munnawr Hassan calls Taliban commander killed by the drone ‘shaheed’. Imran Khan would not say any thing against the Shia and has many Karachi Shia in PTI but KPK gov’t donates Rs 30-billion to the sectarian Sami ul Haq's Madrasah. Some ISI Chiefs such as Hamid Gul were out right sympathisers of the sectarian outfits.

It is an unpalatable fact is that majority always exploits minority. This treatment is true even in countries like UK where a Roman Catholic cannot become the Monarch and until recently Catholics & Protestants were killing each other in Ireland. Even an officially secular regime like India treats her Muslim minority as second class citizens

Shia population is no more than 20 % in Pakistan. Ground reality is that Hazara of Quetta & Shia of Parachinar should expect more of the same as long as the proxy war between Saudi Arabia & Iran goes on and Pakistan continues in the Saudi camp. The best they can hope is that we get a liberal COAS who has the will to take a truly tough line against sectarian outfits. Neither PML-N nor PTI or PPP leadership is capable of doing so.

However, I am a liberal and would probably be shot as a heretic by the same people who are target killing the Shia, hence my views are not worth much.
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A pathetic excuse for a human being you are, Jhangvi fanboy.
Pakistan arrests 97 Al Qaeda and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi militants
lol ,, his leader , look this ugly sob.




Before slaughtering two innocent citizen of Baluchistan.

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Shia population is no more than 20 % in Pakistan. Ground reality is that Hazara of Quetta & Shia of Parachinar should expect more of the same as long as the proxy war between Pakistan & Iran goes on and Pakistan continues in the Saudi camp. The best they can hope is that we get a liberal COAS who has the will to take a truly tough line against sectarian outfits. Neither PML-N nor PTI or PPP leadership is capable of doing so.

However, I am a liberal and would probably be shot as a heretic by the same people who are target killing the Shia, hence my views are not worth much.

You say that because you're a shia. I haven't met a single shia on this forum who has ever admitted that they also have filthy terrorists in their ranks like we sunnis have in our lines. You're from the same lot.

You're also playing the victimisation card for one community ignoring the majority lives lost in this country who belonged to sunnis and not shias.

Hizbullat swines are butchering Muslims of Syria along with Infidel Assad, but the Takfiris in Pakistan still take Hizbullat as their heroes. And then they expect us to stand on their side? Why would we stand by oppressors?

Your cronies have massacred 500,000 Syrian Muslims; yet it's not genocide. They died because they deserved it? They were killed because they were against Assad and Iranian Takfiris?

It's a shame you never admit that you also have these terrorists:

Iran recruits Pakistani Shias for combat in Syria
By Reuters
Published: December 11, 2015

Shias in Pakistan are helping to defend the government of Tehran’s ally, President Bashar al-Assad, who is also supported by Russian air strikes and fighters from Lebanon’s Hezbollah militia, against an array of Sunni rebels backed by Turkey and Arab states.


They are only the latest Shias recruited by Iran to fight in Syria, after Hezbollah fighters from Lebanon, members of Iraq’s Shia majority and members of Afghanistan’s ethnic Hazara Shia minority. All have been deployed to support Assad, whose own Alawite sect is an offshoot of Shia Islam.

Videos and pictures posted on social media sites say Zeinabiyoun fighters have been active around Aleppo as well as at the shrine near Damascus in the last month.


We are not surprised over the criminal silence of your people that you are showing on the loss of lives in Syria (Genocide of Syrian Muslims) at the hands of your cronies and we are also not surprised when you don't care when non-Shias are massacred in Pakistan, and that you don't admit that you also have criminal terrorists in your lines who are causing troubles in our country and are being trained in your holy republic of Iran.

Compared to that, you will see people left and right on this forum who condemn the terrorist acts of LeJ, SSP, TTP, ISIS and the rest despite their 'apparently' belonging to our own creed.

Stop barking at our forces

And I'm warning you; stop barking at our forces. Pakistan Army is for all Pakistanis regardless of their race, colour and creed. Don't label our Chief and army officers taking sides, simply because your Iranian masters are not happy with our forces.

If you keep maligning our forces, we will forget you're living in Pakistan and will treat you the way traitors and enemies are treated.

Vast majority of shia community is peaceful; and is true Pakistani like the vast majority of sunni and any other community. It's only a handful of agents working for Iran/India etc among shias, and working for India and others among sunnis and the rest who are promoting the enemy agenda against the sovereignty and integrity of our country. They need to be identified and hit very hard on their bottoms for a good lesson.
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Stupid article. Since the attacks every channel was blaring parachinar, social media had parachinar, the chief went to parachinar but these idiots cant seem to see it.

Planned dramatrics and theater with support from both false flaggers in the east and cronies supported by the immediate west.

Now the sectarianism will rise and the terrorists from Jhangvi and ssp will hit back.
Looks like the way to split Pakistan on the same lines as Iraq is in play
Stupid article. Since the attacks every channel was blaring parachinar, social media had parachinar, the chief went to parachinar but these idiots cant seem to see it.

Planned dramatrics and theater with support from both false flaggers in the east and cronies supported by the immediate west.

Now the sectarianism will rise and the terrorists from Jhangvi and ssp will hit back.
Looks like the way to split Pakistan on the same lines as Iraq is in play

Use iron fists for these Indian/Iranian agents who are operating on social media.

لاتوں کے بھوت باتوں سے نہیں مانتے۔

Keep strong vigilance on activities of these enemies, pick them up and throw in dungeons for at least 10 years.

It's only the religious fascists among all sects who need a good dose on their bottoms.
Use iron fists for these Indian/Iranian agents who are operating on social media.

لاتوں کے بھوت باتوں سے نہیں مانتے۔

Keep strong vigilance on activities of these enemies, pick them up and throw in dungeons for at least 10 years.
Some of these are agents, others are dramatic attention seekers(Jibran Nasir is one of em). They'll pick up any perceived victim cause and get their idiotic overly secular or "liberal" fanboys to follow them.

Let this be clear and I support this narrative to be pushed.

Shia ARE being targeted in Pakistan for the last ten years by terror groups. This isnt some homegrown thing but carefully pushed by the likes of Yadav and others.
Just as with a LOT of other places, he government has failed to protect them; not as Shias but as Pakistanis(no more no less).

At no point has anyone in majority expressed less sorrow at Shia specific attacks than at any other- to most people these were not Shia but Pakistanis and Human beings. So lets get this Shia label thrown out vociferously.

Finally, there are sick bastards online and in real life who do hold sectarian views on both sides and actively promote them. The government cannot and realistically will be unable to, it is the responsibility of morally and ethically responsible people from all walks of life to support each other in these times (and we do) . We must avoid the temptation to take any side and any sectarian angle; focus specifically on dividing forces as acting in the interests of anti-Pakistan forces.
They demand to be armed to tackle terrorism and army to move out. Those days are long gone, how are you going to take on people who blow up in middle of market? By shooting random sunni tribals who they perceive as supporting shia killing and turn in to tribal warfare just like 5 years ago? Unless their demand is just PM to visit which will not actually archive anything.

TV channels are corporate entities so the seths are there to earn trillions. TV screens do not differentiate between intensity of pain be it that of a Sunni or Shia or a Muslim or a non Muslim simple as that hence Channels will go on broadcasting their normal tele run composed of shows and songs and dramas and movies. So it is not about singling out any sect but about Money.

As far as Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif not visiting Parachinar well he also did not visit many other areas of KPK when massive bombs killed hundreds of Pakistanis died irrespective of sects. His visit to Punjab area has vote bank factor after all Punjab is their power bank.

BUT yes I agree his visit to Parachinar would have sent a strong message to terrorists. I wish if PM has some brain left to use

And be sure we do not ignore you our brothers in Parachinar. We are pained to an extent at least in KPK that many of us including my family, have not celebrated Eid. We prayed for the departed souls.

Someone on social media was falsely propagating that protests for Parachinar victims has been blacked out and this blatant lie and conspiracy has pained me more because this is not the case. We here in Peshawar at Peshawar Press club road organized a protest for Parachinar victims and also the images and news of sit in were also duly spread and broadcast.

There is lot of coverage still on Parachinar, I'm talking about talk shows. Also attacks even now are common enough that peole forget it after few days but Parachinar is still trending in twitter because it has been given sectarian angle along with ethnic by some nationalists. While quetta is no longer there and bahawalpur trend died after few days.
Shia ARE being targeted in Pakistan for the last ten years by terror groups. This isnt some homegrown thing but carefully pushed by the likes of Yadav and others.

Shia are being targeted in Pakistan for the last 50 years. Our internal sectarian fault line was significantly widened during 1980's when the Pakistani Establishment, for geopolitical reasons, created and patronized anti-Shia sectarian outfits. "The Enemy" is promoting social unrest by capitalizing on our internal fissures and already existing sectarian and ethnic fault lines. Instead of blaming outsiders, we shall seek to bridge Shia-Sunni fault lines. The first step in solving a problem is recognizing there is one. Denial won't help.

At no point has anyone in majority expressed less sorrow at Shia specific attacks than at any other- to most people these were not Shia but Pakistanis and Human beings. So lets get this Shia label thrown out vociferously.

Wish it were true.....

It precisely is the inaction by the government as well as apathy and silence of Sunni majority (and not the violence itself) that is alienating the country's Shia community.
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Stupid article. Since the attacks every channel was blaring parachinar, social media had parachinar, the chief went to parachinar but these idiots cant seem to see it.

Planned dramatrics and theater with support from both false flaggers in the east and cronies supported by the immediate west.

Now the sectarianism will rise and the terrorists from Jhangvi and ssp will hit back.
Looks like the way to split Pakistan on the same lines as Iraq is in play
Similar mesg by IK in yesterday press talk. We need to stay away from sectarian and ethnic divisions.
Sad to admit that most sectarian terrorists are home grown. I was told that a huge crowd attended Riaz Basra’s funeral. Even though most Sunnis are not anti-Shia but many would have ‘If & buts’ when it comes to condemnation of the sectarian outfits.

Banned organizations such as SSP are allowed to work by simply changing their name. No Jamaat Islami member will admit to be sectarian but their ex Amir Munnawr Hassan calls Taliban commander killed by the drone ‘shaheed’. Imran Khan would not say any thing against the Shia and has many Karachi Shia in PTI but KPK gov’t donates Rs 30-billion to the sectarian Sami ul Haq's Madrasah. Some ISI Chiefs such as Hamid Gul were out right sympathisers of the sectarian outfits.

It is an unpalatable fact is that majority always exploits minority. This treatment is true even in countries like UK where a Roman Catholic cannot become the Monarch and until recently Catholics & Protestants were killing each other in Ireland. Even an officially secular regime like India treats her Muslim minority as second class citizens

Shia population is no more than 20 % in Pakistan. Ground reality is that Hazara of Quetta & Shia of Parachinar should expect more of the same as long as the proxy war between Pakistan & Iran goes on and Pakistan continues in the Saudi camp. The best they can hope is that we get a liberal COAS who has the will to take a truly tough line against sectarian outfits. Neither PML-N nor PTI or PPP leadership is capable of doing so.

However, I am a liberal and would probably be shot as a heretic by the same people who are target killing the Shia, hence my views are not worth much.

I hope Pakistanis appreciate the pain the Europeans went through to get out of this madness
Stupid article. Since the attacks every channel was blaring parachinar, social media had parachinar, the chief went to parachinar but these idiots cant seem to see it.

Planned dramatrics and theater with support from both false flaggers in the east and cronies supported by the immediate west.

Now the sectarianism will rise and the terrorists from Jhangvi and ssp will hit back.
Looks like the way to split Pakistan on the same lines as Iraq is in play
I think you need to respect a victims feelings. Who is repeatedly victim of terrorism, an educated person express his feeling in local newspaper. That is the difference between terrorist and victim.
Do you think these terror outfit read newspaper or respect human life,before hitting innocent civilians . They will keep on hitting anyway. But, they should be exposed on all media platform. Remember today shia tomorrow will be sunni.
First order the house then look outside. Even though this Suadi funded madrassa has destroy the fabric of Pakistan. But I don't believe in holding responsible any country, because our people for sale. A suicide bomber start his journey from Afghanistan and end up blowing up in interior Sindh. Guess how many handlers ...... It's our countrymen who are responsible for terrorism. Stop blaming others and its easy way to get away from responsibility.

PS. @Oscar I was not expecting such unpleasant remarks from you.
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