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My definition of secularism is simple, India first, Narendra Modi tells ove

Move on man. you have nothing constructive to say. Go play with someone else. LoL yourself.

People have seen the BJP do just that over the last 8 years. Any conclusions? nuclear deal? FDI? Nobody cares like you want to believe they do or the BJP wouldn't have your support in the first place. Everyone wants the other party to play by the rules, nobody cares about the party they support not doing the same.

Btw, today's election results in Karnataka are ominous for the BJP. They came in 3rd. They got 19 of the 28 seats last time in the LS elections.


ROME: The two Italian naval guards charged in India with killing two fishermen while on anti-piracy duty will not return from a special home visit granted to allow them to vote in last month's general election, the Italian foreign ministry said on Monday.

The ministry said that India had not responded to Italian requests to seek a diplomatic solution to the case and there was now a formal dispute between the two countries over the terms of the United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea.

"Italy has informed the Indian government that, given the formal initiation of an international dispute between the two states, the naval guards Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone will not return to India at the end of their home leave."

We r just a weak kneed, chickened out, corrupt, pussyfooting, moral less, gutless failed state. PERIOD. This was planned a whille ago. Its a slap to our face. Kick this Italian ***** out. If anyone still votes for Sonia and Congress in the next election, they should start wearing a badge: "WE ARE TRAITORS"... What a travesty of justice!!!

You see the support of the Italian govt for 2 naval cadets. Compare this to Indian govt's reaction to kidnapped sailors by Somali pirates or the response of the govt to the ship which sank near chennai beach in which 5 sailors drowned while swimming ashore. In fact the parents of one of the sailors committed suicide because they did not receive the compensation from the ship owner. This is the shining india that we vote for. Congress ka haath apke saath.
We knew it, Sonia has a quid pro quo with Italian government.
You dont give indians Westlandagusta probe papers.
I give you two italians.
^^^What an excellent move by the government ! All the time they wanted to free those morons but were not able to do so because of public pressure, They came up with this formula, in which they will not be blamed and their work will also get done. Only they have to shed some crocodile tears.

Shi...tless gutless GOI!!!After the behading of the indian soldier at the hand of the ***** ,innumerable transgresions of indian territory by the chinese and *****,killing out our coutnrymen in Indian waters,and the reported loss of 29 high end fighters of the IAF without a shot being fired in anger,,,what is the GOI doing?If they do not take any strong steps vis a vis foreign nations who trnasgress indias,soverignity and its citizens India will no longer be respeoted in the world what to make of its ambition of being a regional power or a UN security member,,,The current govt has failed on every count expect one that it makes its own richer,, and loots the nation and its resources

This was expected and there was no doubt about it. In the first instance why they were given home leave. They were killers and should have been treated like other killers. Indian government deserve it right. This is a big slap on Indian judiciary.

Quattrochi gone and these two offenders are also gone! Who are the Next ones to be gone? How great The Indian Legal System Is!

Here is another example of how our Judiciary thinks it is supreme and not answerable to anyone. They tend to do what is beyond common man's comprehension be it leaving hardcore criminals scot free or granting permission to Italian Naval Guards to visit Italy for voting. Supreme Court Bench headed by Chief Justice Altamas Kabir permitted Italian Naval Guards accused of shooting Indian Fishermen to visit Italy to cast their Vote. And now Italy has refused to send them back. Will Justice Kabir and the bench be held responsible for this? Afterall judges consider themselves the only people with prudence in this country.

We knew it, Sonia has a quid pro quo with Italian government.
You dont give indians Westlandagusta probe papers.
I give you two italians.

i would give you a Thanks if I could!!!!!!
For India brothers & sisters.........FOR INDIA! The elections voting machines are rigged thats why our govt tried to arrest the Computer Scientist who exposed the flaw in the system. If there was ever a time to wake the f-k up,,,now it has come.

For ppl like Bangalore who point out the cons, let me ask you what happened to the money parked in foreign banks? Why hasn;t our govt acted on that yet? They never acted on rape till we all protested in Delhi and the world media got involved. The point is if we elect Modi and he does the same crap, then there is unfortunately only one tough solution left.
Altamas Kabir (Minority man) has a daughter in London, when he visited her, he spoke about Gujarat riots.
He is to retire in this April.
But the damage has been done.

I Is India sovereign country, or a banana republic. Why did the court allow the killer to leave 2nd time. This is a blatant deliberate act under the black mail of the western and the biggest slap on the face how this country is run. Again this has proved the utter corrupt system and judiciary.

Actually this is ransom to keep the political names of Indian politicians under raps for the finmeccanica deal.Bravo to the Indian government.
OUTRAGEOUS is the only way to describe the situation. Stop all diplomatic and commercial dealings with Italy for the next 5 years - it will hurt only Sonia Gandhi, no one else. Expel their ambassador and other diplomatic staff - seize Italian assets and pay the victims' families. Manmohan Singh, please show some spine at least once in your life - you have been a doormat for the Maino family for so long that you now stoop to the next generation (Rahul and Priyanka). China executed 4 Burmese who attacked and killed Chinese fishermen - here, spineless India is letting this happen, along with no response for the Tamil fishermen getting routinely slaughtered by Sri Lankans - no wonder we are looking to Modi to come and bring some spine and resolve to the Indian leadership

Who has heard of a person accused of murder being paroled or furloughed to vote! If they wanted to vote, they could have done it by absentee mail ballot. This is complete hogwash and the person or persons responsible for the furlough should be brought to book immediately! How will the international dispute be resolved? This will be forgotten in a year's time.
Helicopter scam exposed for this purpose only. Indian defense ministry and defense personal taking bribe in almost all defense deals for past 60yrs. So helicopter bribe was not knew. They exposed Indian people name who took bribe. But they forget that even if u name, expose, show proof nothing happens in India. ITALIAN wanted to free their people by exposing Indian people in helicopter deal. ITALIAN was fool that they will free their naval by exposing bribe already 2G, Coal, Irrigation, CWG scams exposed and cabinet ministers name exposed and nothing happened. So how ITILIAN govt thought they will black mail indian govt through small helicopter deal.
For India brothers & sisters.........FOR INDIA! The elections voting machines are rigged thats why our govt tried to arrest the Computer Scientist who exposed the flaw in the system. If there was ever a time to wake the f-k up,,,now it has come.

For ppl like Bangalore who point out the cons, let me ask you what happened to the money parked in foreign banks? Why hasn;t our govt acted on that yet? They never acted on rape till we all protested in Delhi and the world media got involved. The point is if we elect Modi and he does the same crap, then there is unfortunately only one tough solution left.

Rigging brings change of few 2-3 thousand votes and this was way how chidambram won last time.
A case was filed against him for that.If typical computer systems can be hacked then what is EVM?
There are 150000 fake voters in delhi and god knows in whole india.
Running the central government is not the same as running a state government where you enjoy absolute majority. Without congress support, many bills will simply not pass, especially in the Rajya Sabha. You can say anything you want about leadership but you still need votes to run the government and you would need states supporting you on other matters. It is not about whether he knows how to deal with the opposition, the fact that the BJP has played anything but a constructive opposition these last 8 years will come back to haunt them. They will not get Congress support & Modi being Modi will have it even more difficult. The parliamentary affairs minister can't do much in that situation. In any case, I think you are misconstruing my point. it isn't whether Modi can govern, it is whether he can do it in the decisive style that his supporters expect. The mandate at the centre will be a different one , thereby guaranteeing that he cannot. Would like to see anyone explain around that simple truth. Modi supporters imagine a dreamland where Modi can do at the centre what he does in Gujarat whereas the reality of the fractured mandate is completely different. His hands will be tied in the same manner as other coalition leaders have their hands tied.

lol.........you first speculate what Modi can do and cannot do, and then draw a conclusion based on your speculation and declare Modi will be another lame duck PM (...like MMS).

I am not interested in debating your opinions, if you have any facts to tell us its useful, otherwise its a waste of time. It would be like debating which is a better color ...Red or Blue ....:lol:

Congress has managed to pass all its budget bills with BJP in the opposition, I see no reason to assume BJP cannot do the same with congress in the opposition. :disagree: ..........you of-course is free to assume anything ...even that the earth is flat...that is your prerogative.
Adding context and meaning through interpretation of a given statement, especially those made by political leaders, is not an "ability" or skill but a daily and rather mundane task performed on a daily basis. To understand, or rather to try and understand, the true intent - we all associate a statement with perceptions, opinions, facts for adding context. We add context to statements made by girlfriends, mothers, bosses, friends, clients, landlords, and of course politicians.

Most statements are taken at face value and people are held accountable for what they say. You on the other hand want to hold people accountable for your interpretation of what they say :lol: ....have your every tried that in real life ? If a pretty girl says hi, you may interpret it as a invitation for sex :P For most people, that 'hi' is just a 'hi' ..maybe a 'hello'

The "unsaid" needn't be, and is certainly not, as outlandish as you have tried to make it out to be. To be naive or callow, prompted by fantasy induced admiration of a slightly above average leader, and to disregard the possibility of layering of messages (leave alone exploring the potential and likely context), casts a shadow over the objectivity and nature of your claims and speaks ill of your ability to welcome multiplicity of opinions.

The measure of your interpretation of what is 'unsaid' is only limited by your paranoia and imagination. I am certainly not interested in debating your conjecture. It would be a pointless exercise :lol:....If there are any 'facts' you want to discuss there there is scope for debate.

I am open to listening to opinions when they are backed with facts ....... not opinions based on speculation or 'interpretation of the unsaid'.....to do so would be to suffer fools gladly and to encourage schizophrenic thoughts and conspiracy theories.

If you want to read between the lines and insists other do the same, it has to be backed by some collaborative facts, otherwise it casts a shadow on your objectivity not mine. :angel:

The refusal to acknowledge even the potential of depth in a statement by a crafty politician, and to insist on and to demand asininity from one and all to take the message at face value - all because it doesn't sit too well with your fanciful narrative - is nothing short of cowardly. And for this alone, many would deem your other claims unworthy of reasonable discussion or debate.

So far you have insinuated Modi's "Indian First" statement is an attack on minorities because its your opinion that certain minorities put "Religion First". This is your "fanciful narrative" not mine .......I dont deal with narratives ....only with facts. So far all your outlandish claim have been debunked. You are left to debate on your conjectures ....and you want to drag me down to that level.

But I will, however, oblige with respect to my take on "hindu supremacists". Firstly, I did not call anyone a "hindu supremacist" but rather had observed how some people border being termed as hindu supremacists. With that out of the way, my definition is quite simple - the emasculated few, who feel empowered by the charade of strong-man politics, which is often confused with a license to loose control over one's ability to exercise control over one's testosterone induced ugly rage fits, which more often than not are directed at minorities - with the minorities ranging from religious minorities to regional to minority by choice of lifestyle or opinion, etc.

So based on your new clarification you have earlier claimed that Modi championed the cause of "the emasculated few, who feel empowered by the charade of strong-man politics, which is often confused with a license to loose control over one's ability to exercise control over one's testosterone induced ugly rage fits, which more often than not are directed at minorities - with the minorities ranging from religious minorities to regional to minority by choice of lifestyle or opinion, etc."

In short you are calling the people of Gujarat, who's cause he has been championing for the last 10 years as "emasculated people, who feel empowered by the charade of strong-man politics, which they confused with a license to loose control over their ability to exercise control over their testosterone induced ugly rage fits, which more often than not are directed at minorities in Gujarat - with the minorities ranging from religious minorities to regional to minority by choice of lifestyle or opinion, etc." ...........what was that advice about Not wrestling with the Pig ? ..sound like good advice to me :sick:
The government will reserve a certain number of training slots for dalits.
The government will ensure employment for people in this program.


The government will reserve a certain number of jobs for dalits.

Nice one...
lol.........you first speculate what Modi can do and cannot do, and then draw a conclusion based on your speculation and declare Modi will be another lame duck PM (...like MMS).

I am not interested in debating your opinions,
if you have any facts to tell us its useful, otherwise its a waste of time. It would be like debating which is a better color ...Red or Blue ....:lol:

Congress has managed to pass all its budget bills with BJP in the opposition, I see no reason to assume BJP cannot do the same with congress in the opposition. :disagree: ..........you of-course is free to assume anything ...even that the earth is flat...that is your prerogative.

The feeling is mutual, has been across all your identities:). Move on. Thanks for your time.
Let me make a arguement about the riots in Gujurat that certain ppl and media love to bring up. Look at the riots in the Northeast. Look at the pictures I posted of Indian Hindu women hacked to pieces. How come you ugys don;t bring that up and complain of the Chief Minister? Is it because he is a Congress ally? Double standards and lack of action speaks volumes.
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