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My definition of secularism is simple, India first, Narendra Modi tells ove

Oh come on young man, Communism got latched on to by a corrupt to the core Politburo, otherwise its a pretty darn good ideology ! :agree:

Waisee any alternatives for a Deadlfit - My lower back is killing me right now ! :cray:

On the first highlighted - thanks for the compliment but not sure I deserve that. :) - As for the second, point to me a successful communist regime in different countries throughout its history - so what it lacks is the practicality - Not just that, communism has created some of the world's extreme mass murderers - Stalin with his gulags, Mao with his Cultural revolution, Polpol with his Year one concept - so read that ideology as some bedtime story and throw it away.
@KRAIT - they tried hard but history shows that communism was a wrong one. But for BJP or Modi, they were yet to be proved wrong. BJP, in its previous rule was projecting a economic growth picture and Modi is standing on developmental plank and not on some evil agenda as these pseudosecular forces are projecting.
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Divisionless, everybody-is-equal egalitarianism may sound good on paper but is not practically achievable in this world. There will be some kind of stratification existing. That is what Communism failed. You just cannot make a perfectly equal society. Not with human beings.

Social Evolution will take care of that; one might even argue that we'd me more ripe for Communism in the next 50 years than in the previous 50 ! :tup:
Lets not limit that to Modi.

As and when Indian population gets more educated and more money starts coming in, they generally start seeing through the Congress gameplan. That is why Congress wants to keep the nation poor and indulge in superficial doling out subsidies after subsidies. They want to give fish everyday, but they dont want to teach the population how to fish. Because that would mean them loosing relevance.

That is why I believe, even if it takes time, if Congress persists on this same path, then it is bound for extinction. May take time, but it will definitely happen.

That is why I was careful to state BJP and Modi as two separate entities everywhere.
Can a Brahmin or any other caste take advantage of this government scheme?
Answer: no; it is reserved for dalits.
I thought you cared for Dalits more than Brahmins. Brahmins and other castes are not considered as untouchables and oppressed as much as they .

Hunger, Poverty, Illiteracy, Corruption, Crimes against women, Child labor, Human trafficking, Oppression of Dalits, flawed Caste Based Reservation, Terrorism, Suicide and Selling of organs by Farmers, Selling of children etc, are few of the major problems of India.

But 1.2 billion people vote on Basis of religion.

Why blame Politicians and Media for Vote bank politics and discussion if people themselves are communal and have misplaced Priorities.

You get what you want.
Social Evolution will take care of that; one might even argue that we'd me more ripe for Communism in the next 50 years than in the previous 50 ! :tup:

Such an egalitarian perfect scoeiity has not happened in the last 5000 years of recorded history. I dont see why the next 50 years would be any different.

Differences would always be there because of our sixth sense. What seems correct to me , looks wrong to you. What look may scare me, might thrill you and so on. Each human being processes the same external happenings in his own and mostly different ways.


The government will reserve a certain number of jobs for dalits.

No I dont consider it that way.

The Govt will ensure that Dalits are also among the pool of candidates who are available for employment - a chance that was not available to them till now. That is the exact purpose of this scheme. That is why I keep saying you dont know about Indian politics or social conditions.

And can you remind me,what exactly are you trying to prove here except derailing the thread ?
BTW, the main accused, the bus driver Ram Singh, accused of most talked about Delhi rape case dies of suicide:

Almost three months after the infamous Delhi gangrape, Ram Singh, the main accused was found hanging using his clothes inside jail number 3 in Tihar jail at 5 am on Monday morning. Singh was the driver of the bus in which a 23-year-old paramedical student was brutally raped. He was also the first to rape her.
Many people who support Modi seem to forget that India has a parliamentary form of governance, not a Presidential one. Modi as PM will still need to get bills passed in parliament & will still need states to give their consent on other matters (like GST, NCTC etc). Does anyone think that after the way the BJP has blindly opposed everything that the UPA proposes, that the Congress will play ball? Or the Samajvadi party? The Communists? Parties in Kashmir? One can certainly be sure that the Congress will do its best to repay the BJP in its own coin. Modi supporters will quickly realise that running a national government is very different from running a state one with a complete majority. How will Modi get things done? Wave a magic wand? The BJP by its behaviour in the last five years has guaranteed a destructive cycle if & when they come to power. The BJP Has opposed the creation of the NCTC (National Counter Terrorism Center) which should normally have been something they appreciate, they have held up important reforms on GST, have opposed FDI in retail, opposed the nuclear deal, opposed fuel hikes.....what do they think will happen if they come to power? That the Congress will forget all of that & play nice? Won't happen.

The governance in reality won't change much. The politics will make sure of that.
Many people who support Modi seem to forget that India has a parliamentary form of governance, not a Presidential one. Modi as PM will still need to get bills passed in parliament & will still need states to give their consent on other matters (like GST, NCTC etc). Does anyone think that after the way the BJP has blindly opposed everything that the UPA proposes, that the Congress will play ball? Or the Samajvadi party? The Communists? Parties in Kashmir? One can certainly be sure that the Congress will do its best to repay the BJP in its own coin. Modi supporters will quickly realise that running a national government is very different from running a state one with a complete majority. How will Modi get things done? Wave a magic wand? The BJP by its behaviour in the last five years has guaranteed a destructive cycle if & when they come to power. The BJP Has opposed the creation of the NCTC (National Counter Terrorism Center) which should normally have been something they appreciate, they have held up important reforms on GST, have opposed FDI in retail, opposed the nuclear deal, opposed fuel hikes.....what do they think will happen if they come to power? That the Congress will forget all of that & play nice? Won't happen..

Looks pretty much an argument against the parliamentary form of governance than against Modi..:azn:
Does anyone think that after the way the BJP has blindly opposed everything that the UPA proposes, that the Congress will play ball? Or the Samajvadi party? The Communists? Parties in Kashmir? One can certainly be sure that the Congress will do its best to repay the BJP in its own coin.

So what is your solution? Congress again? But if that happened, it will be BJP that would be the opposition. So same alleged shik, as per your fundamentals.......
@Bang Galore - I am not supporting Modi or BJP hoping for them to succeed. I am all for a chance for BJP and Modi and oppose the concerted propaganda the pseudo-secular forces has been carrying on.
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There is no point debating about Modi with Pakistanis or trying to convince the ones who have taken rigid positions.. Modi's current stance is about Development and that is the plank I would like people to vote for him. No more Ram Temple issue, no more rigid Hindutva stance any more.. Modi is doing good and he needs to play some inclusive politics now. Muslims in Gujarat has given him support he should build on it and work for every section of society.. He has some wonderful ideas and the nation need to see them in implementation so people who can please support him..
No more Ram Temple issue, no more rigid Hindutva stance any more

Knowing that he (Modi) demolished abt 100 Temples in Gujarat, why would you come with above type of Shik?
There is no point debating about Modi with Pakistanis or trying to convince the ones who have taken rigid positions.. Modi's current stance is about Development and that is the plank I would like people to vote for him. No more Ram Temple issue, no more rigid Hindutva stance any more.. Modi is doing good and he needs to play some inclusive politics now. Muslims in Gujarat has given him support he should build on it and work for every section of society.. He has some wonderful ideas and I would like to see them in implementation so people who can please support him..

yaar truth be told the Modi vs anti-modi 'debate' is one of the most meaningless exercise that is undertaken.

because both of them are so convinced in their opinion that no matter how many gbps of bandwidth is spent on that, the positions will be the same as it was in the start.

Its only upto the cat-on-the-walls to see both arguments and pick a side.
Knowing that he (Modi) demolished abt 100 Temples in Gujarat, why would you come with above type of Shik?

Modi is not the only person in BJP or is his words the final one in the party?? Not quite so, I think... You may disagree though!!
Modi is not the only person in BJP or is his words the final one in the party?? Not quite so, I think... You may disagree though!!

My (custom made) post was for another poster who has unnecessary doubts on Modi about Ram Temple isssue.
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