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Muttahida to join Sindh govt?

NA-240 Sohail Mansoor Khawaja NA-241 Syed Akhterul Iqbal Qadri
NA-242 Mehboob Alam
NA-243 Abdul Waseem
NA-244 Sheikh Salahuddin
NA-245 Muhammad Rehan Hashmi
NA-247 Sufyan Yousuf
NA-249 Doctor Muhammad Farooq Sattar
NA-252 Adbul Rashid Godil
NA-257 Sajid Ahmed
NA-219 Dr. Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui
NA-220 Syed Waseem Hussain
NA-239 Mohammad Salman Khan Baloch
NA-251 Syed Ali Raza Abidi
NA-253 Muhammad Muzammil Qureshi
NA-255 Syed Asif Hasnain
NA-256 Iqbal Muhammad Ali Khan NA-246 Sardar Nabeel Ahmed Gabol.

Now you can see the influence of MQM and still you are neglecting the ownership then you're blind.. :disagree:

un fucking believable, you are dumber than i thought u would be, do you know the authority MNA has?

MNA is a guy who makes laws in the assemblies, he doesn't have any control over the city, he represents the people's problems in the parliament, its the cabinet which runs the province and the the country not an MNA, how many MNAs PTI has in Punjab, do you blame imran khan for the failures of shehbaz shareef in Punjab?
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un fucking believable, you are dumber than i thought u would be, do you know the authority MNA has?

MNA is a guy who makes laws in the assemblies, he doesn't have any control over the city, he represents the people's problems in the parliament, its the cabinet which runs the province and the the country not an MNA, how many MNAs PTI has in Punjab, do lame imran khan for the failures of shehbaz shareef in Punjab?

Mind your language while quoting me or else no need to quote me again.. You duffer use your brain,open your eyes I clearly mentioned the word INFLUENCE,which means I was trying to show the influence or political control over there. The definition you have pasted here,I am well aware of it..

Ainda mujhe quote mat karna.
u r too dumb not to relate it? TUQ did long march to reform election process thats where MQM was with him, its immy now standing with TUQ after he got slapped in the elections
hoiw were the standing with TuQ ... they decided they will come .. they used it as bargaining chip but when rehman malik convinced Bhie ... they ditched to join them on the last day .. but for face saving they said they will politically support them but not phyically .. btw election reform is somethng which scare mqm ..

MQM is the most professional and well organised party in pakistan

MQM joined PPP in 2008 so that the PPP and MQM whose relations had been strained in the 90s should get back on track and remembering the blood shed which happened in the 90s the step was taken, since MQM took the decision to form an alliance with PPP, it maintained the alliance for five years

now since MQM is not satisfied with PPP and in its referendum when MQM workers decided that MQM should not join the government again and should do opposition MQM will keep it at least for next five years, this is the decision MQM has taken and im sure MQM will maintain till next elections

the meetings are only happening to discuss the governance issues in Sind and how can they both improve the governance in SInd by mutual cooperation, any opposition becomes meaningless when its done less for the people and more or political point scoring, i mean for serious politics, the interests of Sindis is discussed and not party's interest

people who are not satisfied with PPP should keep this in their mind that PPP holds the mandate now, there is no other way to improve the situation other than dialoguing with them and resolving matters on the table
profdession and oraganized for killing and extortion .. ??? they way they killed 46 officers involved in operation against them, they way they killed Imran farooq, they way they killed people when cheif justice was coming to karachi, the way they killed wali babar .. yes they are organized and proffesional ..they kill all itness and blackmail judges as well
Sharjeel ignorant about MQM joining Sindh Govt
Several meetings between the MQM and the PPP were held during the last week.

KARACHI (Dunya News) - Sindh Information Minister Sharjeel Memon has said he is unaware about the latest news over Muttahida Qaumi Movement's (MQM) inclusion in the provincial government, adding that he can neither confirm nor reject the reports.
Addressing the media outside Sindh Assembly, Sharjeel Memon said that the news over PPP-MQM alliance were floated on the media so far, saying that he was ignorant about any formula of including MQM in government.
Referring to the law and order, he said that the targeted operation will continue till peace was restored. Memon said a large number of terrorists have been arrested during raids.
He termed the murder of JSQM leader Mansoor Qureshi a conspiracy to disturb the peace of Karachi.
Earlier, Opposition Leader in National Assembly Khursheed Shah said that Pakistan Peoples Party will not include MQM in the Sindh government until their chief Altaf Hussain takes his statement back about army’s interference in political matters.
According to sources, several meetings between the MQM and PPP were held in the last week.
hoiw were the standing with TuQ ... they decided they will come .. they used it as bargaining chip but when rehman malik convinced Bhie ... they ditched to join them on the last day .. but for face saving they said they will politically support them but not phyically .. btw election reform is somethng which scare mqm ..

profdession and oraganized for killing and extortion .. ??? they way they killed 46 officers involved in operation against them, they way they killed Imran farooq, they way they killed people when cheif justice was coming to karachi, the way they killed wali babar .. yes they are organized and proffesional ..they kill all itness and blackmail judges as well

@Jzaib do you that MQM had collected money from shopkeepers for long march but they never participated in in,neither they had return that money. And I guess you know their tactics for collecting money.
@Jzaib do you that MQM had collected money from shopkeepers for long march but they never participated in in,neither they had return that money. And I guess you know their tactics for collecting money.

do you know that even though MQM didn't participate in the long march, it dispatched relief goods consisting of 3 trucks through PIA cargo for the long march participants in islamabad?







@darkinsky As I have asked you not to quote me so please don't.
I oppose views not person but you are little different so please argue with people like you. :coffee:

stop ranting about MQM, stop ur saas bahu talks MQM and your typical gossip bullshit
The same rule applied on you "UNCLE" ..
i m really trying to hold my horses, but if you cant understand the politics, then plz dont start jst sided POV, of things which arent much understandable for you?
in todays pakistan, where is opposition?
how many of really taking govt, by the horns?
its allmost non existant, PPP dont hve the power to ask any questions to NAWAZ, cause past 5 years NAWAZ hasnt ask any to them?
PTI ist standing with NAWAZ , cause IMRAN thinks that he is still the next man in?
& wanted to let nawaz rule this country for full years, so next time he will get his BARI?
only opposition is comming from MQM, its ant/TTp alqaeda stance, its open support to PAKARMY, its good output on anti terror policy in NA, are just the right steps in the right direction.
but its not enough against the AXIS OF EVIL, elite power structure?
MQM needs to be powerfull enough to bring out the real opposition, but be waiting & passing the time like others for its BARI?
till MQM not become a power partner , in sindh its a difficult job to even think!
if MQM is joining sindh govt, just for the sake of power & bieng the part of elite structure then yes, you hve all the rights to oppose it, but if they are doing it to make sindh the real opposition base camp, then we should support them?
with all the understandings still ZARDARI is trying to start some sort of opposition, but he also cant walk alone?
stop ranting about MQM, stop ur saas bahu talks MQM and your typical gossip bullshit

Stop personal attacks and cussing when specifically being told over and over again. You are promoting MQM on this forum just the way they promote themselves in real life.
Stop personal attacks and cussing when specifically being told over and over again. You are promoting MQM on this forum just the way they promote themselves in real life.
then promtion of the parties should be stopped on the forum?
un fucking believable, you are dumber than i thought u would be, do you know the authority MNA has?

MNA is a guy who makes laws in the assemblies, he doesn't have any control over the city, he represents the people's problems in the parliament, its the cabinet which runs the province and the the country not an MNA, how many MNAs PTI has in Punjab, do you blame imran khan for the failures of shehbaz shareef in Punjab?

And then you guys ask in other threads about what PTI's lone MNA from Karachi has done in his constituency? :lol:
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