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*Must read* The Untold Census Story

Government schools are also very very affordable, actually. And the Religious Institutions don't fall under one roof that they can be monitored for quality. Prescription of syllabi is out of the question too.

I think that is up to your government, you are not a Muslim nation so you could monitor such things if you so wish but honestly the government in the center namely congress does benefit from the status quo and raising vote bank.
Well, if they claim themselves as Muslim, they get better benefits. Now you be the judge. Depends on the profession actually. In many places being a cook of a vegetarian restaurant for example. A Muslim will have a hard time getting a job there. Similarly, in a Iftar Managament Service a Hindu or a Sikh will be impossible to recruit. It's not black and white. :disagree:

You are telling me non-Muslims claim to be Muslim for benefits ? That is first time I am hearing of this. I have heard of Muslim dalit, Christian dalit etc and I consider that a failing on your governments part for allowing such things to occur lol.
I think that is up to your government, you are not a Muslim nation so you could monitor such things if you so wish but honestly the government in the center namely congress does benefit from the status quo and raising vote bank.
Try that. Forget implementing, just give out your 'opinion' that Madrasas can be regulated by the Government and their curricula monitored. There HAS and WILL be riots. :coffee:
True - there is greater tendency to kill the girls after 15 years over some case of honour etc. Unfortunate that unlike the universal condemnation and shame that the Sikhs and Hindus get for killing girl child face, there is deafening silence with regards to killings to protect a Muslim family's honour. :(
It's an unfair world. :cray:

LOL do not make up BS honor killing is a part of hindu, sikh, and Muslim communities but only Hindus have female infanticide problems.
Benefits pile on benefits. Like say 10% + 15% discounts that you get. It's political football. We are not a Secular nation - at least I don't consider it so. We are an officially hypocritical State. :tup:

I have mentioned them as well. Read again. The reaction is evokes is different.

My point was Muslims will also have bigger families because they will keep all the girls, later on they may not be able to marry them off because of dowry menace but that is a different issue that is common to Muslims.
Try that. Forget implementing, just give out your 'opinion' that Madrasas can be regulated by the Government and their curricula monitored. There HAS and WILL be riots. :coffee:

So then it has to be suggested by a Muslim leader in government, but do you have any such leader who will defy his party vote bank policies for the sake of the greater prosperity of India?
Bingo :tup: - that is why I believe that the Indian experiment of having a Muslim(Sunni) and non Muslim(including Shia and Ahmedi) has failed. Thank God, most Indians don't share my view. Time will tell. :)

What do you mean shia and Ahmadi non Muslim? I thought in India you do not differentiate between Muslim sects... I don't get what you are trying to say.
What do you mean shia and Ahmadi non Muslim? I thought in India you do not differentiate between Muslim sects... I don't get what you are trying to say.
Just trying not to paint all Muslims with the same paint. The anti Indian sentiment among Indian Sunnis is far stronger than others. Of course all Sunnis are not anti Indians either. The numbers are more, that's all. :)

@KingMamba - I have mentioned what I have observed from my life, my field trips etc. Don't worry it won't affect you. It will affect us.
Just trying not to paint all Muslims with the same paint. The anti Indian sentiment among Indian Sunnis is far stronger than others. Of course all Sunnis are not anti Indians either. The numbers are more, that's all. :)

You are trying to create a sectarian based argument here. Nice try. :disagree:
Lol at the comments here. When I see indian members arguing against Pakistanis, the evidence of India being all tolerant etc that they present is that the muslims are equal citizens and such, yet if you are to read some comments from Indian members, you would think they were being made by an intolerant Pakistani. Guess the air is polluted on both sides.
Said the hindu? :lol: Remember according to hindutva Muslim kingdoms butchered millions of hindus yet there are still 1 billion Hindus in the world till date so how did you maintain your numbers? With a near non existent conversion rate pray tell me how exactly? Pot calling the kettle black.

Pulling this figure out from your rear end ? you forgot to mention millions of you got converted because of fear also :P
Pulling this figure out from your rear end ? you forgot to mention millions of you got converted because of fear also :P

Are there not 1 billion hindus? Millions my butt go bring facts, fact is there are 1 Billion Hindus and it is because of births.
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