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*Must read* The Untold Census Story

You do realize that Quit India was another name for Civil Disobedience, which was another of Gandhiji's brainchild, right?
lol....quit india was in 1941-42
civil disobedience was in 1930...

And I'm still waiting for a good reason to side with you on why him getting shot was a good thing.
I gave you the reason....its upon u to find whether its good for u or not....
They are the poorest segments of Indian society, they are thrown a bone every time elections come along in order to gain their votes and Hindus call it appeasement, I tend to agree it is appeasement. What Indian Muslims needs is equal opportunity not handouts. Like fine they send their children to madarsa but Indian government could ask the standard of said madarsas to be maintained at a certain level or for the curriculum to include certain things. Also it is true there is outright discrimination against them too the point that if possible employers find out they are Muslim they will not hire them, in some places they cannot rent because they are Muslim either.

The Indian Government isn't advocating for Muslims to send their children to Madrasas. It's the muslims themselves who send their kids to Madrasas. Besides, Muslims come in all shapes, sizes and from all economic strata of India. One cannot brand 200 million+ folks into one well.
It's another of those freedom that the State has granted. One is free to have as many babies as they want. In spite of Nation-wide campaigns on birth control and wide proliferation of media and mobiles, if our Minorities fail to understand simple economics and dynamics of birth control, is it for poverty or religious rigidity?

It has to do with poverty trust me when you got nothing else to do as you cannot leave your home you will have sex lol.
The Indian Government isn't advocating for Muslims to send their children to Madrasas. It's the muslims themselves who send their kids to Madrasas. Besides, Muslims come in all shapes, sizes and from all economic strata of India. One cannot brand 200 million+ folks into one well.

I know but my point was GOI does not want them to be unproductive either right? So they should at least make sure educational institutions are maintaining some type of standard, many Muslims send their kids to madarsas because they are the only form of institutions that are both free and available.
It has to do with poverty trust me when you got nothing else to do as you cannot leave your home you will have sex lol.

You didn't get the point. There are more than 200 million equally poor Hindus in India too. Yet, they don't seem to have as many kids.

One of our neighbours is a Muslim family. We all come from similar strata of society in our colony, the middle class. Yet, they have 5 kids, as compared to 2-3 in Hindu families. I am not telling this to belittle them, as they're good friends with us, but just to give you an idea that mere economics is not at work here.
It has to do with poverty trust me when you got nothing else to do as you cannot leave your home you will have sex lol.
Not at all. Some of the richest and most influential Muslim families have huuuuge families. Besides that's not a good excuse either.

I know but my point was GOI does not want them to be unproductive either right? So they should at least make sure educational institutions are maintaining some type of standard, many Muslims send their kids to madarsas because they are the only form of institutions that are both free and available.
Again not a fair point mate - Government schools are also free. And unlike Madrasas, they teach a curricula that is more compatible with the job market. Facts are facts. :coffee:

It's another of those freedom that the State has granted. One is free to have as many babies as they want. In spite of Nation-wide campaigns on birth control and wide proliferation of media and mobiles, if our Minorities fail to understand simple economics and dynamics of birth control, is it for poverty or religious rigidity?
Clubbing all Minorities is unfair. It is politically incorrect - true, but ONLY the Muslim population has a higher(considerably) birth rate.
Muslims breed like cockroaches.

Said the hindu? :lol: Remember according to hindutva Muslim kingdoms butchered millions of hindus yet there are still 1 billion Hindus in the world till date so how did you maintain your numbers? With a near non existent conversion rate pray tell me how exactly? Pot calling the kettle black.
Nonviolent Civil Disobedience was the essence of Gandhiji's Political strategy. Read what the Quit India Movement is characterized as here.
Quit India Movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I know what quit india movement was...
and non-violence civil disobedience moment was not the gadhiji political strategy ..but the strategy of extremist congress...which they applied in swadeshi movement in 1908.......
gandhi adopted the same strategy started by them.....:)
Not at all. Some of the richest and most influential Muslim families have huuuuge families. Besides that's not a good excuse either.

The majority of muslims lie in less developed areas , their population growth rate in those areas is identical to the hindus etc living in the very same areas.
Not at all. Some of the richest and most influential Muslim families have huuuuge families. Besides that's not a good excuse either.

Again not a fair point mate - Government schools are also free. And unlike Madrasas, they teach a curricula that is more compatible with the job market. Facts are facts. :coffee:

I cannot speak for the rich Muslims but most Muslims in India are not of privilege. Yeah but I am willing to bet there are more available madrasas in areas where there are Muslims than government sponsored schools. Also some Muslims who are educated have to pretend to be non Muslims to get jobs as well yes or no?
The majority of muslims lie in less developed areas , their population growth rate in those areas is identical to the hindus etc living in the very same areas.
Not true. I can give you Census specific details, as well as Sachar Committee report. But that is something that's in the public domain. You can search it online as well :tup: IT is cool :)
I know but my point was GOI does not want them to be unproductive either right? So they should at least make sure educational institutions are maintaining some type of standard, many Muslims send their kids to madarsas because they are the only form of institutions that are both free and available.

Government schools are also very very affordable, actually. And the Religious Institutions don't fall under one roof that they can be monitored for quality. Prescription of syllabi is out of the question too.
I cannot speak for the rich Muslims but most Muslims in India are not of privilege. Yeah but I am willing to bet there are more available madrasas in areas where there are Muslims than government sponsored schools. Also some Muslims who are educated have to pretend to be non Muslims to get jobs as well yes or no?
Well, if they claim themselves as Muslim, they get better benefits. Now you be the judge. Depends on the profession actually. In many places being a cook of a vegetarian restaurant for example. A Muslim will have a hard time getting a job there. Similarly, in a Iftar Managament Service a Hindu or a Sikh will be impossible to recruit. It's not black and white. :disagree:
You didn't get the point. There are more than 200 million equally poor Hindus in India too. Yet, they don't seem to have as many kids.

One of our neighbours is a Muslim family. We all come from similar strata of society in our colony, the middle class. Yet, they have 5 kids, as compared to 2-3 in Hindu families. I am not telling this to belittle them, as they're good friends with us, but just to give you an idea that mere economics is not at work here.

No doubt contraceptives does play a factor, Muslims will probably be way less likely to abort an unwanted child as well. Not to mention Muslims are less likely to "get rid of" little girls as well.

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