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Muslims Serving In The Israeli Army!

A soldier has no religion....all he has to do is to protect the civilians and national interest....nothing to be surprised

in Tunisia soldier follow the law and if he do something against the religion like drinking alcoholic beverage he will end-up in jail for 30 day
Every muslim should hate israel and every israeli

We must remember strength comes and goesso powerfull nations and empires fall.and weak people become empires its just the way of things

They are now 1.7 billion muslims and growing spread across the world power and strength is and will return

In a similar weak position in the holy lands muslims were over run in the first crusade for over 100 years palestine was occupied

Did we give up
Did we call the crusader state legitimate

SOME DID, some muslims even worked for the damned crusaderss, they are burning in hell now, we call them hypocrites

However most muslims didnt and after refusing to give up and after refusing to stop harrissing the crusader state we CRUSHED THEM AND GOT PALESTINE BACK

so never give up
No that muslim supporters of israel are hypocrites
And hang a 1.7 billion weight around the necks of israelis,

They wanted peace after the holocaust they are not getting it, we need to harass and hiund them until we can get back palestine

Fill israel, gaza and the west bank with more and more muslims
I have always wondered about jews, when I was young I never understood why people hated them

The holocaust was brutal 6 million jews were murdered

Thats not the end the jews have been murdered like this for centuries pograms in russia, france, eastern europe, england

I never got why, my heart used to break watching pictures of the holocaust. I once saw a picture of some Nazi captain or something ans he had this stick thing pressed under the chin of this old jewish woman, sitting on a cart and the old woman was just sitting their accepting her fate. I thought to myelf how I would love to shoot that nazi in the head

It was only later, only once I grew up, only after I learned of the situation in palestine did I realise

That the jews deserved it, they have been hounded through out history becauae they are evil, if they did in other countries and germany what they are doing in palestine they deserved the holocaust

I am ashamed of the pity I felt for holocaust jews, knowing what the survivors have done in palestine

No jews, no

You are not going to get away with this, free palestine now, do not wait for the muslim world to grow
I have always wondered about jews, when I was young I never understood why people hated them

The holocaust was brutal 6 million jews were murdered

Thats not the end the jews have been murdered like this for centuries pograms in russia, france, eastern europe, england

I never got why, my heart used to break watching pictures of the holocaust. I once saw a picture of some Nazi captain or something ans he had this stick thing pressed under the chin of this old jewish woman, sitting on a cart and the old woman was just sitting their accepting her fate. I thought to myelf how I would love to shoot that nazi in the head

It was only later, only once I grew up, only after I learned of the situation in palestine did I realise

That the jews deserved it, they have been hounded through out history becauae they are evil, if they did in other countries and germany what they are doing in palestine they deserved the holocaust

I am ashamed of the pity I felt for holocaust jews, knowing what the survivors have done in palestine

No jews, no

You are not going to get away with this, free palestine now, do not wait for the muslim world to grow
if they wait 50 to 100 year Europe will become Muslim majority and they will feel the heat of war that time
and they are scared from a home made rockets that don't have accuracy
What is wrong if the Israeli soldiers are Muslims , they are Israelies at the second place
Power takes time,

Chos is a symptom of drastic change

Muslim lands are going through drastic change hence the chos

The chos is neccersary, it may remain like this for many years, decades, even centuries but THIS IS HOW IT WORKS

Europe may never be a muslim majority state, but muslims will increase its our responsibility to become politicins, police officers, busnesmen etc

Getting palestine back will be a slow gradual process, the pressure on israel and individual jews must come from across the board

What is wrong if the Israeli soldiers are Muslims , they are Israelies at the second place

Thats like saying what is wrong with muslims fighting for the quresh against prophet muhammed pbuh, they are qureshi ti begin with

I think its a basic, that muslims should not fight for rat bastard country like israel who is oppressing muslims
I have always wondered about jews, when I was young I never understood why people hated them

The holocaust was brutal 6 million jews were murdered

Thats not the end the jews have been murdered like this for centuries pograms in russia, france, eastern europe, england

I never got why, my heart used to break watching pictures of the holocaust. I once saw a picture of some Nazi captain or something ans he had this stick thing pressed under the chin of this old jewish woman, sitting on a cart and the old woman was just sitting their accepting her fate. I thought to myelf how I would love to shoot that nazi in the head

It was only later, only once I grew up, only after I learned of the situation in palestine did I realise

That the jews deserved it, they have been hounded through out history becauae they are evil, if they did in other countries and germany what they are doing in palestine they deserved the holocaust

I am ashamed of the pity I felt for holocaust jews, knowing what the survivors have done in palestine

No jews, no

You are not going to get away with this, free palestine now, do not wait for the muslim world to grow

This nonsense of utter degree coming from someone with double British flags is just hilarious..

if they wait 50 to 100 year Europe will become Muslim majority and they will feel the heat of war that time
and they are scared from a home made rockets that don't have accuracy

Clerics have been selling that dream for 50 years now. Take my word for it before that happens we will see massive allied invasion of ME and all of these fundos will be deported back to where they came from..mark my words europe is much more smarter..
muslims are exempt from serving in the Israelis army , cause duh , you really expect a muslim to be handed a gun and fight beside a jew? or you really think Israel is a tiny USA?
All, minorities in Pakistan join up Armed forces as per their personal choice, Pakistan doesn't have conscription and we ended NCC two decades ago.

Yara one thing I always wanted to ask..

Was our NCC same as Israelis going to the Army for one or three year service? I think NCC didn't train civilians upto THAT level....I mean, if you are gonna live/serve with Army for 3 years, you are pretty much a soldier...right or wrong? What you say?
Muslims are converted from Jews and Hinduism.. Whats wrong if some of them try to go towartds there root..?

I have high hope one day all Indian Subcomtinent Muslims will revert to there original culture..

"High hope" is that some new brand of weed?
If any Muslims god-forbidding lose their faith, the obvious choice would be either the money filled zchristianity or atheism, but never in history has a non-smoker ever become hindu
Does one fight for his country or for his religion? That's the question I want to ask to all our Muslim brethren. (Please don't say both! Fighting for you country doesn't mean you are fighting for your religion and vice versa).

either if not both
Yara one thing I always wanted to ask..

Was our NCC same as Israelis going to the Army for one or three year service? I think NCC didn't train civilians upto THAT level....I mean, if you are gonna live/serve with Army for 3 years, you are pretty much a soldier...right or wrong? What you say?

back in my father's days, college students went to a firing range to practise with shotguns i think(maybe rifles not sure)
So there wasnt any proper training
I have always wondered about jews, when I was young I never understood why people hated them

The holocaust was brutal 6 million jews were murdered

Thats not the end the jews have been murdered like this for centuries pograms in russia, france, eastern europe, england

I never got why, my heart used to break watching pictures of the holocaust. I once saw a picture of some Nazi captain or something ans he had this stick thing pressed under the chin of this old jewish woman, sitting on a cart and the old woman was just sitting their accepting her fate. I thought to myelf how I would love to shoot that nazi in the head

It was only later, only once I grew up, only after I learned of the situation in palestine did I realise

That the jews deserved it, they have been hounded through out history becauae they are evil, if they did in other countries and germany what they are doing in palestine they deserved the holocaust

I am ashamed of the pity I felt for holocaust jews, knowing what the survivors have done in palestine

No jews, no

You are not going to get away with this, free palestine now, do not wait for the muslim world to grow

Have you sacrificed any goats recently?
Every muslim should hate israel and every israeli

We must remember strength comes and goesso powerfull nations and empires fall.and weak people become empires its just the way of things

They are now 1.7 billion muslims and growing spread across the world power and strength is and will return

In a similar weak position in the holy lands muslims were over run in the first crusade for over 100 years palestine was occupied

Did we give up
Did we call the crusader state legitimate

SOME DID, some muslims even worked for the damned crusaderss, they are burning in hell now, we call them hypocrites

However most muslims didnt and after refusing to give up and after refusing to stop harrissing the crusader state we CRUSHED THEM AND GOT PALESTINE BACK

so never give up
No that muslim supporters of israel are hypocrites
And hang a 1.7 billion weight around the necks of israelis,

They wanted peace after the holocaust they are not getting it, we need to harass and hiund them until we can get back palestine

Fill israel, gaza and the west bank with more and more muslims


You are a bigot in any way one slices it. No one should hate Israel or Jews for that matter.

I ceratinly don't agree to the oppressive expansionist policies of the present leaders, the collective punishment of millions of Palestanian, but I don't hate Jewish people.

I have worked for Jewish people, I had one working for me, worked with them, and also been doing business with some for at least 15 years or so.

I have never found any reason to hate'em.

You are a bigot in any way one slices it. No one should hate Israel or Jews for that matter.

I ceratinly don't agree to the oppressive expansionist policies of the present leaders, the collective punishment of millions of Palestanian, but I don't hate Jewish people.

I have worked for Jewish people, I had one working for me, worked with them, and also been doing business with some for at least 15 years or so.

I have never found any reason to hate'em.

You are gaining help from them so why should u hate.
But think of those men who suffered long.
We as Muslims should hate them.
You are US citizen so u are talking all these.
Muslims had no problems with any Jews living any other country.
But as they started problems with Palestinians, we all not as Muslim but also as human hate them.
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